Secretory otitis is a disease characterized by congestion and stagnation of fluid in the middle ear. This liquid is produced by the mucous membrane and requires an outlet through the Eustachian tube.
The Eustachian tube has its function, which consists in removing liquid from the middle ear and balancing the atmospheric pressure. If the permeability of the Eustachian tube is impaired, due to adenoids, tumors or polyps, a person may be threatened with secretory otitis media.
Secretory otitis media and its causes
Secretory otitis refers to non-inflammatory processes accompanied by inflammation and hearing loss. With the progression of the disease and its spread to the Eustachian tube, it is possible to swollen the mucosa in the mouth area, blockage and further infection directly into the ear cavity, namely the tympanic membrane.
Otitis is divided into inner, middle and outer. Secretory otitis refers to the middle form. Most often it affects children aged 2-8 years.
The main causes of secretory otitis are:
- Adenoids, polyps and other formations in the nasopharynx;
- Infection of the nasal mucosa with infections;
- Allergic reactions.
It should be separately noted that a healthy robotic nasopharynx can also disrupt the curvature of the nasal septum. Thus, mucus without the possibility of a full outflow, accumulates and stagnates, leading to secretory middle otitis media.
Center for inflammation of otitis media
Symptoms of
Symptoms of this disease are quite diverse. Symptoms of the disease in children and adults are similar. Especially common are the following symptoms:
- Noise in one of the auricles;
- Hearing loss when the head is tilted;
- Feeling numbness of one or both ears.
There are some symptoms that are difficult to diagnose in children. One of them is autophony - strengthening the audibility of one's own voice with one ear. It is worth noting that the disease can occur and is asymptomatic.
So, the general state of health almost always remains unchanged, the temperature does not increase, a person does not experience pain.
Speaking of the clinical picture observed by the doctor, it is worth noting such symptoms of the disease that can not be diagnosed on their own:
- Thinning and stretching of the tympanic membrane to a state when it is practically invisible.
- Scarring of the tympanic membrane, the appearance of adhesions.
- Appearance of calcareous plaques translucent through the layers of the tympanic membrane.
How to recognize a child
In childhood, otitis occurs most often. Currently, the disease continues to grow, indicating a low degree of protection of the child's immune system.
The uncontrolled increase in the number of affected children is associated not only with the modification of infection and the virus, but also with the uncontrolled use of antibiotics.
The predisposition of children to otitis media determines their peculiarities in the anatomical structure of the hearing aid, as well as the imperfection of the immune defense.
For other reasons that can cause secretory otitis in children, include:
- lying position of the child, contributing to easier penetration of the infection in the ear;
- body weakness;
- appearance of a small protrusion behind the auricle.
Also, children with the disease behave restlessly, the temperature can remain within normal limits and only rarely slightly increase. Hearing loss may occur.
With the aggravated stage of secretory bilateral otitis, the child becomes frankly nervous and irritable. Appetite worsens, the temperature can rise to 39 degrees. At this stage there is a phenomenon of intoxication.
Treatment of
Treatment of secretory otitis media is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. In order for the treatment to yield its results, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that contributed to the onset of the disease.
Thus, each patient is selected strictly individual therapy, which can include special procedures and drugs to stabilize the general condition. If, after some time, no improvement occurs, the patient undergoes a second examination for infection.
Medications are the main part in the treatment of otitis media. They allow you to eliminate the focus of infection and restore the operation of the auditory tube in normal mode. So in the standard version, the doctor can prescribe a course of throat rinses. Additionally, prescribe vasodilator drops in the nose, as well as antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.
Physiotherapy, compresses, lotions and other
Modern medicine does not reject other methods of treatment of secretory otitis, besides medicamentous:
- Physiotherapy procedures are no less effective in the treatment of otitis media than medications. In most cases, they imply laser treatment with devices that infrared radiation affect the diseased region of the auricle.
- To eliminate accumulated pus, doctors recommend rinsing. There are several varieties. So, the patient can wash the accumulated pus independently with the help of a small amount of hydrogen peroxide( 1 ml), heated to a warm state. Filling the indicated amount of liquid to your ear, it is necessary to wait until the remedy completely pereshipit and exhale. This procedure must be repeated several times.
- Compresses made of warm vodka help well. They can remove inflammation and improve the outflow of pus due to the warming effect. But it is better not to abuse this method, as with an aggravated stage of otitis pus can spread and cause even more inflammation.
- Well help to remove the inflammatory process of lotion based on natural herbs. Thus, in equal parts it is necessary to mix chamomile, sweet clover and basil in equal proportions and pour the mixture with a glass of steep boiling water. All these components can be purchased at the pharmacy or in the market. After the broth has been infused, the patient is given a lotion in accordance with all the rules. The lotion is kept on the sick ear until it cools down completely.
Folk remedies
Folk medicine also has several worthy ways to fight otitis. Such recipes are also better used in combination with medications to achieve an effective and lasting cure. Also, folk methods have a good preventive effect.
Among the safest and most effective allocate such recipes that help in the fight against secretory otitis in both adults and children:
Product | Recipe |
Aloe | The aloe leaf should be kept for about 24 hours in the fridge, then squeeze the juice and wet it with a cotton swab. This lotion should be kept as much as you can bear. |
Kalanchoe | The plant leaf is crushed thoroughly, preferably in a blender. The resulting mixture is wrapped in a small piece of gauze and put into the ear. |
Honey | A small amount of honey is diluted with warm water in a proportion of 1 to 1. This means you need to bury your ears 1-2 drops 3 times a day. |
Propolis | In the pharmacy we buy 20% tincture of propolis, which impregnates the cotton swab and inject it into the sore ear. The head is tilted to the shoulder and keeps in this state for at least 5 minutes. |
Mint and Vodka | 2 tablespoons of mint are poured into half a glass of vodka. After the drug has been infused for a week, it is decanted and used for compresses. |
St. John's Wort | A tincture based on vodka is made and used for compress. |
Donnik( Grass) | By analogy, a tincture is made on 100 grams of vodka or alcohol. |
Medicinal herbal tea | Tea based on dog rose, raspberry, red rose and black currant fruit improves the general condition of the patient and normalizes his health. |
Bay Leaf | Grind several leaves of laurel, then insist on hot water. After cooling, the infusion is used to wash the auricle. |
Garlic | Helps with purulent otitis, if you put a small piece of garlic in a peeled ear. |
Onion | In onion juice, moisten a tampon and put in the auricle. |
Red beet | Juice made from red beets perfectly copes with inflammation. So, wiping a small beetroot on a grater, it is necessary to squeeze out the juice from it. With this juice soak the tampon and put 2-4 times a day for 2 weeks. |
Sorrel | It is necessary to make a decoction of sorrel from 2 tbsp.spoons of its roots and 2 cups of boiling water. The resulting greenish solution is washed with a diseased ear. |
Broth chistotela | The plant has an amazing antimicrobial effect. The most effective decoction of its leaves and roots used for compresses. |
Calendula tincture | Finished in the form of a pharmacy. Used for warming compresses and as an anti-inflammatory agent. |
Watch the video on how to treat an otitis media of the middle ear: