Whether it is possible to drink milk from a hang-over and whether it helps: responses of doctors, interaction with ethanol

On the eve of any protracted holidays, our man thinks not only about the topic of buying gifts, but also about what it will be the next day after the feast accompanied by an alcoholic libation. The reserves of aspirin and activated carbon will undoubtedly find their application in a severe hangover, but, strange as it may seem, ordinary cow milk can help.

Milk and alcohol

Alcohol, getting into the blood, is neutralized by two enzymes, forming an intermediate substance - acetaldehyde, which is a strong toxin. It is acetaldehyde guilty of poor health after alcohol abuse. Accumulating in large quantities in the body after a major binge, acetaldehyde and is the culprit of a significant deterioration in well-being.

Everyone knows that it is possible to alleviate the state of a hangover with painkillers and sorbents of various kinds, someone with pleasure drinks a glass of cold cucumber pickle, but little is known about the medicinal properties of milk. But it is milk that is not only a natural, but also a popular means of treating a hangover. It can be purchased around the clock in any supermarket.

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Mechanism of action of milk in a state of a hangover

What do we know about a hangover? Dry mouth, headache and dizziness nausea, hand tremors and gastrointestinal disorders - these symptoms lovers take on the chest are often felt the next morning after drinking. But this is nothing more than an ordinary poisoning. In the role of toxin is the above-mentioned acetaldehyde.

Milk and sour-milk products are very beneficial for the poisoned organism. Binding toxins, dairy products contribute to the rapid removal of toxic substances from the liver and kidneys. No wonder earlier in harmful industries all workers were given free milk, it has long established itself as an excellent detoxification drug.

Milk contains a large number of vitamins A and B, which are washed away from the body with frequent use of alcohol. Milk is the source of an indispensable amino acid - tryptophan, which helps in the rapid cleavage of acetic aldehyde.

Some people prefer to drink a glass of natural cow milk before a feast, believing that this method will help to stay on your feet longer and easier to carry the subsequent malaise. This is not entirely true. The molecule of ethanol is very small and easily passes any barriers, and that milk film, which is formed on the gastric mucosa is not at all an obstacle to the absorption of alcohol microparticles into the blood. Another thing is a rapid sobering up. Experiments have shown that milk, drunk before taking alcohol, increases the metabolic rate in the liver, so the person who drank milk needs less time to complete sobering than the rest.

Ways of using

In a hangover state, you want to drink something cold. It's better if it's a brine, but not milk. Milk in case of a hangover syndrome is used in a warm form and necessarily before a meal. For better absorption, it can be diluted with warm water. It's enough to drink just one glass of milk to feel a little relief.


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A good detoxification effect is the addition of a small amount of turmeric in a glass of warm milk, which cleanses the intestines from the pathogenic microorganisms accumulated in it.

Do not drink too much dairy products after a hangover. It is enough to drink half a glass of warm drink every hour and a half until the condition improves enough that you can safely abandon the additional therapeutic methods.


Any folk remedy is good if it does not bring subsequent complications. Can I drink milk with a hangover and does it help? Here, the opinions of doctors differ. Doctors-narcologists only approve this method of removing the symptoms of alcohol intoxication. However, gastroenterologists do not quite agree with them. This group of doctors considers whole milk to be too heavy for the pancreas, and the most useful tryptophan is the ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, which will complicate the process of recovery.

Doctors, of course, are in many ways right. But do not discount the huge number of people who help the milk to cope with a painful condition the next morning after drinking. At specialized forums, you can meet an impressive number of tips on how to use dairy products to remove hangover syndrome. Of course, it is better not to bring your body to a state of severe indisposition, but since this has happened, it is not necessary to be treated with medications, or worse, to take another dose of alcohol to ease it, just drink milk.

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