Peripheral cancer of the upper lobe of the right and left lung: symptoms, prognosis and treatment

Lung cancer can have a different nature depending on the histology and localization of the tumor process. In accordance with the localization, central and peripheral cancers are distinguished.

The latter is formed from the tissues of small bronchi and bronchioles. Symptomatic manifestations of this type of cancer occur only after the oncoprotein sprouts into the tissues of the large bronchi and pleura. Therefore, peripheral cancer is usually found in the late stages, which causes a high mortality rate in such a disease.

The concept of the disease

Timely detection of pathology is very difficult, because it is typical for a meager, and sometimes even an asymptomatic picture of development.

Often, the pulmonary tumor, without revealing itself, grows up to very large neoplasms with a diameter of about 7 cm.

Forms of the disease

There are several specific forms of peripheral lung cancer:

  • Cortico-pleural;
  • Cavity;
  • Nodal;
  • Cancer of the upper pulmonary lobe on the right;
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  • Pneumonia-like cancer;
  • Cancer of the lower and upper pulmonary lobe on the left;
  • Pulmonary cancer, complicated by Pancost syndrome.

Cortico-pleural form

A similar oncological form was identified as a separate subspecies of peripheral cancer as early as the middle of the last century.

It originates from the capillary pulmonary interlayer and is formed not by a nodular, but by a growing tumor, gradually growing into the breast tissue. Usually, the cortico-pleural tumor is an oval formation with a wide base, which grows toward the chest wall, closely adjoining it.

The surface that protrudes into the lung tissue is of a hummocky nature. The tumor in the form of thin rays grows into the adjacent pulmonary departments. Cortico-pleural pulmonary tumor, according to histological and morphological characteristics, refers to squamous cell carcinoma. Can sprout into the nearby vertebrae and ribs.


Cavity peripheral pulmonary oncology is a tumor with a cavity formation inside, which is formed as a result of processes of decay of the node center caused by malnutrition.

Cancerous cancers usually grow to a 10-centimeter diameter, so they are often mistaken for abscesses, tuberculous or cystic processes.

Similar similarity often becomes the reason of the erroneous diagnosis, as a result of which cancer processes progress, aggravating the picture of oncology. By virtue of the above-described factors, the cavitary peripheral pulmonary cancer is diagnosed mainly on neglected, irreversible stages.

Oncology of the left upper and lower lobe

In peripheral oncology of the upper pulmonary lymph nodes do not increase, and the tumor itself has an irregular shape and heterogeneous structural structure. The pulmonary roots are widened by the trunk of the vessels.

In the peripheral lesion of the lower pulmonary lobe, on the contrary, there is a natural increase in the lymph nodes, located in the supraclavicular, intrathoracic and prednal region.

Peripheral cancer of the upper lobe of the right lung

In peripheral cancers of the upper lobe, a similar picture is observed as with lesion of the left lung, with the only difference that the organ on the right side is most susceptible to cancerous processes due to anatomical features of the location of the organ.


Nodular variant of peripheral pulmonary cancer begins from bronchioles, and the first symptomatology manifests itself only after sprouting into pulmonary soft tissues.

On the roentgenogram, this form looks like a tuberous, clearly defined nodule formation.

If the tumor node includes a bronchus or a large vessel, then a characteristic burial will appear along its edge.

Pneumonia-like peripheral

A similar form of cancer is always distinguished by its glandular nature. Such a cancer usually appears in the tissues of the lower and middle pulmonary lobe.

Diagnostically significant manifestation of pneumonia-like peripheral pulmonary cancer is a sign of an "air bronchogram" when bronchial gleams are clearly seen at the X-ray in the background of a continuous dark spot.

On external manifestations, this form of peripheral lung cancer is similar to prolonged inflammation. It is characterized by a latent, slow onset with a gradual increase in symptoms.

Tops with Pancostic Syndrome

When lung cancer with Pancost syndrome is typical, the penetration of abnormal cells into the vascular and neural tissues of the shoulder girdle. A similar form of oncology is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Supraclavicular morbid sensations of increased intensity. First the pain worries periodically, but with the progression of cancer it acquires a permanent character;
  • At a pressure, the pain symptoms become more pronounced and can spread along the nerves that emanate from the plexus on the shoulder. Often on the limbs from the side of defeat muscle tissue is atrophied, fingers grow numb, movements due to paralysis of the arm are disturbed;
  • On the X-ray, you can see an edge destruction, deformation of skeletal bones.

Pancoast syndrome is often accompanied by Horner's syndrome, which is characterized by narrowing of the pupil, eyelid drooping, eyelid globus, various eye shadow and other disorders.

In addition, when combined Pankosta and Horner syndrome, there is hoarseness in the voice, sweating, redness of the skin on the face from the side of the affected lung.

Symptoms and signs

Peripheral pulmonary cancer lasts for a time does not manifest itself at all, and the first symptomatology arises only when the tumor grows into pleural tissues and large bronchi. Then the patient notes the appearance of symptoms such as:

  1. The pronounced dyspnea caused by the spread of metastases to the lymph nodes;
  2. An unreasonable, uncontrollable cough;
  3. Thoracic pain, varying intensity with activity;
  4. Enlarged lymph nodes;
  5. Abundant sputum;
  6. Neurological manifestations that occur when a tumor forms in the upper pulmonary lobe.

For peripheral oncology, the presence of signs of the general effect of formation on organic structures is typical. They are manifested by hyperthermia, reduced work capacity, weight loss and malaise, fast fatigue and refusal of food, lethargy and soreness in the joint and bone tissues.

Causes of development of

The main cause of peripheral and other types of pulmonary cancer is tobacco smoking.

Smoke from tobacco contains many substances that have a carcinogenic effect on organic structures, in particular, on the respiratory system.

Such factors may also provoke the onset of pulmonary peripheral oncological processes:

  • Heredity;
  • Aggressive environmental conditions associated with air pollution by industrial emissions, dust, exhaust fumes, etc.;
  • Chronic lung pathologies, often leading to inflammatory processes in the pulmonary system, which increases the risk of oncology;
  • Harmful production - work in dusty premises, in shahs, at construction sites( inhalation of asbestos), at chemical plants, etc.

Stages of

There are four stages of development of peripheral lung cancer:

  1. The initial stage is characterized by a small tumor diameter( up to 5 cm), which has not yet germinated into the lymph nodes;
  2. At the second stage of development, education grows to 5-7 cm, cancer cells have practically reached the lymph nodes;
  3. For stage 3 typical large dimensions of formation and its germination in the lymph nodes and adjacent tissues, by the end of the 3 stage of development tumor tumor cells penetrate the opposite half of the breast;
  4. In stage 4, the tumor begins to spread metastases, and around the heart and in the pleura fluid begins to accumulate.


Diagnostic processes are based on traditional laboratory research and radiology.

If the peripheral cancer is in a neglected stage, then an experienced specialist will have enough of a single image to detect it.

Treatment of peripheral lung cancer is similar to that of the rest of its varieties and is based on the use of a chemo-chemotherapy, multidrug therapy,ray and surgical techniques.

Complications of

If peripheral pulmonary oncology is in an advanced stage, then all sorts of complications associated with metastasis in the inorganic structures join the main clinical manifestations.

In addition, as a complication of cancer, bronchial obstruction, the processes of disintegration of the initial tumor focus, bleeding of the lungs, atelectasis, etc., often occur. Numerous metastases, pleurisy and pneumonia of cancer origin, severe depletion lead to death of the cancer patient.

Forecast of

In patients with the initial cancer stage of peripheral lung cancer, the probability of survival is 50%, only 30% survive with stage 2, 10% survive, and the final stage 4 is considered terminal and not positively predicted.

Preventive measures

Traditional anti-cancer prophylaxis in this situation is the timely treatment of pulmonary pathologies, the rejection of cigarettes, the use of specialized pulmonary protection when working in hazardous production and active life, the annual passage of fluorography and the exclusion of carcinogenic effects.

Video on endobronchial ultrasound in the diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer:

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