Disease of the eyes and upper eyelid

1 Eye structure

The main function of the eye is the transfer of information about the location of objects from the outside world into the cerebral cortex. This is a very difficult task, so the eye has a complex structure. It is necessary to obtain images, translate them into a language intelligible to the brain, and only then transmit.

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The eye is located in the orbit. It consists of the eyeball and its food system( arteries and veins), is innervated by the ophthalmic nerve. The apple is surrounded by a number of muscles, due to which it is fixed and can make rotational movements. Outside the eye is protected by moving eyelids, there are two of them: upper and lower.

The eyelids consist of their mucous layer, the muscular and external - the dermis. Each eyelash has eyelashes - short hard hairs, protecting the eye from foreign particles( dust particles, sand, drops of liquids).When there is a threat of exposure, an unconditioned reflex appears and the eye closes. In every century there is a large number of nerve endings, including painful ones, when exposed to which unpleasant sensations arise.

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2 Inflammation of meibomian glands

Maybomium glands are located on the upper and lower eyelids next to hair bulbs. Their task is to lubricate the eyelids to prevent drying and breaking the elasticity. In some cases, hypersecretion of gland products occurs. If they accumulate in an insignificant amount more than necessary, they become a favorable breeding ground for bacteria. Most often barley begins with itching in the outer or inner part of the upper eyelid.

Bacteria multiply rapidly enough and after a few hours there are signs of inflammation: redness, itching, swelling, local fever. In people, the inflammation of the meibomian glands is called barley, as in the first few days the disease resembles the barley grain that appeared on the century. It is necessary to carry out local treatment. In children, barley can pass for 3-4 days without treatment, adults need therapy. This is due to the fact that in childhood, cell replacement takes place at a higher rate.

Barley occurs when the person is undercooled, working in unfavorable conditions without glasses, with prolonged use of a PC, a microscope, observing poor image quality, working in dusty rooms. Can precede catarrhal diseases. This is a kind of signal from the body that not everything is favorable. With prolonged infection, a strong tumor and severe pain in the eyelid region may appear.

3 Furuncle of the century

More unfavorable is the formation of a furuncle on the eyelid. In this case, the focus of inflammation is located in the bag around the nose and is purulent-necrotic. Purulent exudate accumulates inside the eyelid and is not excreted, the body temperature can rise, there is a headache, swelling of the face on the side of the lesion.

The causative agent of inflammation is staphylococcus aureus. It penetrates into the bag around the hair and multiplies there, the lashes fall off. Then its amount in the bag increases, the immune defense of the body is activated and sends the cells phagocytes, neutrophils. In the hair bulb, white cells and bacteria accumulate, the canal is blocked and pus accumulates. Actively flowing inflammation gives symptoms of the disease.

Breakthrough of the boil after 8-14 days is possible, a scar is formed. With higher frequency, the upper eyelid is affected. Dissection of the boil may be performed only by a doctor under sterile conditions. Do not self-medicate - it is ineffective. Complication of the boil is phlegmon.

People with reduced immune defenses develop abscesses more often than others. Also, it is typical for people with diabetes, metabolic disorders, excessive weight. Women who use a large amount of cosmetics can also develop an abscess that affects the upper eyelid most often, since cosmetics are a favorable breeding ground for bacteria. In HIV-positive pathogens, when an abscess occurs, not only staphylococcus, but also chlamydia, mycoplasma, and fungal flora.


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4 Abscess of the century

The abscess of the century is more a complication of an already existing disease than the development of an independent one. It develops if you do not treat barley or severely current diseases of ENT organs( maxillary sinusitis, chronic rhinopharyngitis, blockage of the lacrimal canal), with an insect bite. Symptomatic develops gradually:

  1. Tumor of the century. The upper eyelid becomes enlarged, red, painful when touched, motionless, covers the entire eye. Do not notice that it is changed, it is impossible.
  2. Temperature rise. It develops both locally and throughout the body. A change in temperature can be noticed by touching a number of located areas.
  3. Pain. Wears growing character. Very intense, the patient resorts to taking analgesics, they work for several hours, and then the pain returns, painful, bursting, covering not only the eye, but the entire head.
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For treatment it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist or surgeon. Extrude the abscess alone can not, as this can lead to a further spread of purulent inflammation. Perhaps an autopsy abscess, in this case, after many days, with excruciating pain, under the influence of internal pressure there is a rupture of tissues in the region of the eyelid and an outpouring of pus. Then the patient's condition improves somewhat. Currently, there are a large number of drugs that facilitate the course of the abscess of the century. Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor!

5 Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the eye's mucous membrane - conjunctiva. It lays the front part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. The main function is the protective function, as well as the preservation of the moisture of rubbing surfaces.

With conjunctivitis it is painful to open and close the eye, with pressure on the eyelids the pain intensifies.

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of this disease: eye contamination, bacterial, viral infection, allergies, improper wearing of lenses, non-observance of personal hygiene, exposure to unfavorable factors.

Conjunctivitis may be acute or chronic. In acute disease, the reaction develops in a short time, with small capillaries of the eye bursting, eyelids swelling and turning red, a feeling of pain and sand in the eyes. There may be discharge from the eye, with a bacterial agent - purulent, in case of allergic or viral inflammation - mucous.

The disease can affect one eye, and then the second, the general condition may worsen, there is a headache, a feeling of shatter. Because of unpleasant sensations in the eye area, photophobia and lacrimation can be observed.

Conjunctivitis develops in both adults and children. In the treatment of the symptoms of the eye disappear in 3-4 days. If conjunctivitis is allergic, then it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen.

Another cause of damage to the upper eyelid, accompanied by pain, may be a bite of an insect with the subsequent laying of eggs in the eyelid. This is more common in African countries. Be especially careful with tourism, because, unlike locals, you do not have the necessary antibodies.

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