Causes and treatment of headache, weakness and temperature 37-38 degrees

1 Etiology of the disease

The temperature can increase due to the acceleration of metabolism, because the body is trying to allocate additional resources to the specific body to fight the disease. Headaches develop due to a sharp increase in pressure increases intracranial pressure.

A headache attack can occur with a variety of diseases, ranging from acute respiratory disease to tumorous. In each specific situation, some treatment is required. The most common diseases that are accompanied by headache and fever - flu, ARVI, pneumonia, poisoning, nerve inflammation.

One of the most common situations in which the body temperature in women increases is the course of inflammatory processes in the genitals. First of all, the woman begins to feel chills, pain in the lower abdomen, deterioration of general well-being. Body temperature directly depends on the degree of inflammation. In this case, it can increase and decrease during the day.

Very often, headache and high fever are observed with the flu. At the same time, the body temperature rises sharply within one day, and all other symptoms manifest within a day. A person can feel nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. It is necessary to consult with a doctor, since the same symptoms are characterized by meningitis or gastric flu.

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High fever and headache may also occur with encephalitis. In this case, in parallel with the rise in temperature, epileptic seizures begin in a person. If there is a suspicion of infection with tick-borne encephalitis virus, an ambulance should be called immediately. Untimely treatment of this disease can lead to very negative consequences.

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In addition, there are many diseases in which the body temperature rises and a person experiences a headache. One of them is thermoneurosis. With this disease, there is a disruption in the operation of certain areas of the brain, which are responsible for the temperature regime. With thermoneurosis, body temperature usually does not increase more than 38º and lasts about 2 weeks.

The onset of a tumor in the body is almost always accompanied by an increase in temperature. In parallel, a person can feel lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss. The same symptoms also occur with leukemia, kidney, liver and lung diseases.

2 Treatment measures

If you feel a weakness, a headache, you should always measure the temperature. If the temperature is high, then immediately put off the case and take care of your body.

Headache and fever can occur on a background of fatigue, stress.

If you let the body rest, then it is possible that weakness and all other unpleasant symptoms will soon disappear.

Ventilate the room well, lie down on the bed and try to relax. Ask family members not to bother you. In this situation, a good sleep and rest is the best medicine. If you are tense, you can drink calming tea from linden and chamomile flowers. On the forehead area, put a cabbage leaf - this folk remedy well helps to eliminate the headache.


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When you have a severe headache and a temperature of 37º, then it should not be knocked down. You can take a familiar remedy for a headache. If the next day the weakness does not pass and the head continues to hurt and is shivering, you should carefully look at your body and establish the reasons for this condition.

Persecution in the throat and the appearance of the common cold is a sign of ARVI.If in addition to all there is a high temperature( above 38º), then perhaps you have the flu. With a cold, plenty of drinking and bed rest are recommended. Provide your body with sufficient amounts of vitamin C. Correctly to establish the reasons for this condition will help you doctor.

When the temperature of 37º is kept for several weeks, and there are no other symptoms - this is a serious reason to conduct a comprehensive examination of the entire body. The reasons can consist both in hormonal reorganization of an organism, and in development of serious disease, for example, a tuberculosis.

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3 Symptoms in a child

Headache and fever are often seen in children. As in adults, the reasons for this can be very different. Most often, this condition in children occurs during the growth of milk teeth, with respiratory diseases. However, these symptoms may also indicate a serious pathology.

The system of thermoregulation in children and adolescents very quickly reacts to the presence in the body:

  • of the waste products of various harmful viruses, bacteria, etc.;
  • immune cells;
  • of the child's own tissue decay products;
  • various toxins and poisons;
  • malignant cells.

The main causes of fever may be the development of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, mononucleosis, adenovirus, salmonellosis, intestinal infections, helminthic invasions, dysentery, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, HIV, etc.

The reasons can also be the pathology of ENT organs: in otitis( various clinical forms), sinusitis, frontitis, tonsillitis, etc.; with inflammatory diseases of the brain of different etiology( meningitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis).

The temperature of the child can rise and with the development of diseases of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis. The cause may be acute inflammatory diseases of the internal organs: appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, etc.

The doctor should be consulted immediately if painful symptoms do not go away within 2-3 days, and medications do not relieve the child's condition. The cause for concern should be if the child begins to complain of abdominal pain, upset of the chair, nausea, vomiting. If there are seizures, rashes appear, the frequency of urination and the quality of urine changes, prompt medical attention should be called forth immediately.

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