Causes and treatment of severe and persistent ringing in the ears and head

1 Structure of the hearing organ

Only with proper functioning of the hearing organ( ear) can you hear well the surrounding sounds and maintain balance. To avoid various failures, you should closely monitor the work of this body and, with the slightest suspicion, urgently seek professional medical care.

The ear consists of three parts.

External ear. This part is the only visible appearance. It contains the auricle, auditory canal( external) and tympanic membrane.

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The activity of the auricle is limited to the collection of sounds and their direction to the outer passage.

Then, in this auditory passage, sound oscillations from the auricle into the middle ear drum are carried out. The size of this passage is approximately 2.6 cm. By the way, the entire surface of the external auditory meatus has sebaceous glands, they secrete sulfur, protecting the ear from microbes.

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The function of the tympanic membrane is limited by the separation of the outer ear from the middle ear.

Middle ear. This name was given to the cavity located immediately behind the eardrum. It is filled with air and is associated with the nasopharynx due to the Eustachian tube( equalizing the pressure in the area behind the eardrum).Therefore, when there is a pawning of the ears, the reflex reaction is yawning or swallowing movements. An important feature of this part of the hearing organ is the presence in it of the smallest bones of the human skeleton.

The inner ear is considered to be the most complex department, also known as the labyrinth. It contains the vestibules and semicircular canals, which are responsible for the balance and correct position of the body. The inner ear snails are completely filled with liquid. It is here that sound vibrations come through with the help of vibrations. By the way, the corti's organ, located in this part of the ear, contains a huge number of hair cells( about 30 thousand).And every such cell plays an important role for normal hearing. They react to different sound frequencies, so when these cells die, there is a violation of the human hearing.

Sometimes due to serious disorders, such as clogging the ear canal with a stopper, hearing may decrease, a feeling of pressure in the head area occurs and tinnitus periodically appears. This phenomenon was called tinnitus.

2 Symptoms of the disease

Probably, everyone has ever faced such a phenomenon. If the ringing in your head appears once or very rarely, you should not be alert before the time. This is quite a normal state. Another thing is when unpleasant manifestations often arise or are constantly present, interfering with normal life.

Possible symptoms of tinnitus:

  1. Sometimes ringing in the head causes unpleasant feelings of burning, noise and buzz. These feelings can be disturbed individually or in a complex way. By the way, often there is an unexpected appearance of such symptoms, and then the same sudden termination of them. The pulsating ringing in my head happens to be so strong that a person is disturbed by hearing impairment. Sometimes the painful area is the two organs of hearing.
  2. The audibility of a person decreases. This is a rare but painful phenomenon.
  3. If a patient complains of discomfort and pain that appears due to any sounds, you can safely talk about increased sensitivity. Very loud noise or squeaking responds with strong pain.
  4. Ringing in the head arises from internal pressure in the hearing organ, accompanied by dizziness, sometimes the coordination of a person is disturbed.
  5. There are times when unusual sensations cause a malfunction of the digestive system, which causes nausea and sometimes vomiting.
  6. Externally, on the auricle, swelling and redness of the
  7. are noticeable. If pain occurs when pressing on a tragus( a cartilaginous protrusion located in the auricle), this can indicate serious diseases. Accordingly, the noise in the head is a concomitant symptom.
  8. Another sign of an unpleasant condition is the presence of headaches. And severe pain can be localized in different parts of the body. And this is another reason for the deterioration of the general condition.


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3 Pathological manifestations of

The presence of unpleasant manifestations obliges every person suffering from them to think about the causes of the disease state. Why does it ring in my ears and how to get rid of this problem?

  1. Vessel diseases, in particular any changes in their normal state, cause noise and squeaking. If a person suffers from atherosclerosis, cholesterol plaques appear on the walls of the vessels. These growths complicate the normal blood circulation, resulting in disturbances in the work of the hearing organs.
  2. Diseases in which the correct cerebral circulation is impaired( stroke, aneurysm, thrombosis).With such serious diseases, the ringing in the head manifests itself in a complex and lasts constantly. If these signs are seen, you should immediately seek medical advice to get a checkup.
  3. Hypertension and hypotension also provoke ringing in the ears and head. When the patient's blood pressure rises, his vessels are in a tonus, that is, movement on them becomes difficult. And if blood pressure is lowered, there is a violation of cerebral circulation, which leads to a deterioration of the work of the organs of hearing.
  4. Because of serious damage to the inner ear.
  5. It happens that concussions of the brain cause a violation of normal circulation, and in most cases tinnitus arises.
  6. Sometimes ringing in the head causes serious inflammatory diseases. Moreover, the disease can spread to all parts of the auditory organ. If the patient has otitis or labyrinthitis( when in addition to the usual inflammations there are problems with the orientation around and balance), noise or other unpleasant manifestations only increase. Often such a process occurs after a person has suffered a cold.
  7. Presence of foreign bodies in the passage, as well as the presence of various injuries in the inner or middle ear.
  8. A dangerous cause is the presence of a brain tumor. Moreover, this pathology has the property of increasing and even squeezing separate parts of the auditory organ. As a result, the normal process of blood circulation is disrupted.
  9. With Minier's disease, a certain amount of fluid accumulates inside the ear and symptoms of tinnitus appear.
  10. Sometimes ringing in the ears appears after taking some medications( as a side effect), with age-related changes in the body or otosclerosis( when there are abnormalities in the middle ear).
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4 Diagnosis of tinnitus

Before the treatment, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of this condition. This requires professional medical advice. Sometimes a survey of one specialist is not enough, and a cardiologist, an otolaryngologist( ENT) or a neurologist will be required.

In order to find out why the ringing in the head is disturbing, and to correctly diagnose, it is recommended to conduct the examination using specially adapted devices. The procedure is carried out using an endoscope or tuning fork. By the way, there are cases when even a doctor hears a noise disturbing the patient.

Sometimes computer or magnetic resonance imaging is required. This allows us to establish the problems associated with cerebral circulation.

To see if there are changes in the spine( cervical spine), an X-ray photograph can be assigned.

There are cases when it is necessary to conduct a study of blood vessels( angiography).Such diagnostics can detect their expansion or constriction.

Thanks to CTG( cardiotocography), it is possible to diagnose diseases related to the cardiovascular system in time.

5 Therapy of the disease

After a thorough examination and an accurate diagnosis is made, the attending physician prescribes the necessary therapy, eliminating noise in the ears and head.

Medications use nootropics( powerful drugs that stimulate the brain), antihistamines and drugs that exclude hypoxia( oxygen starvation of body tissues).

The use of calcium channel blockers( calcium antagonists) helps to cure the ringing in the head, sometimes the use of psychotropic and anticonvulsant drugs is required.

If physiotherapy methods of therapy are required, laser therapy, electrophonophoresis( electrotherapy method), and the use of air massage of the tympanic membrane are recommended.

In order to forever forget about ringing in the ears, do not neglect and folk medicine. After all, often thanks to complex therapy it is possible to get rid of the problem. However, the use of traditional methods of treatment should be agreed with the attending physician.

Here are some useful tips:

  1. Self-prepared drops in the ears of the bow have a good effect. It will take a small stuffed with caraway seeds baked bulb, from which squeeze the juice. It is the warm juice that should be instilled in the painful zones.
  2. At night, it is recommended to put turunda, impregnated with a drug, in the auricle. Impregnation is done in a ratio of 1: 4 from the tincture of propolis( alcohol) and olive oil.
  3. It's good to put the healing mass in your ears. Spread a gauze of a small amount of honey, which should be mixed with potatoes( it should be raw and grated).Apply best at night.
  4. Inside it is good to take special drops of which the main component is garlic. Finely chopped medical product( about two hundred grams) pour a glass of vodka. To insist this mixture follows two weeks. After filtering into it add 1-2 tbsp.spoons of honey. Take half an hour before meals, 15-20 drops every day, for a month.
  5. From liquid ammonia, you can make a compress, dissolving in a glass of water ammonia( 2 tablespoons).Apply a compress to the temples for 60 minutes.
  6. Favorable effect is provided by special gymnastics. The palms are pressed to the ears and clockwise they perform circular motions.

6 Preventative measures

It is important to understand that noise and ringing in the organs of hearing is difficult to cure. We will have to undergo an in-depth treatment course, this violation was provoked by a serious illness. Therefore, it is easier to prevent the development of such unpleasant manifestations. To do this, do not forget to avoid too loud sounds( a strong noise from concerts, construction works, fireworks and other irritants).During bathing it is better to use earplugs to prevent water from entering the inner part of the ear. Avoid stress and strengthen the general condition of the body. Doing sports well help in this.

Abandon the use of alcohol, caffeine and smoking.

In food, add less salt, which is one of the factors that increase the pressure. Do not forget about increased immunity.

But most importantly - to closely monitor your health and on time to seek professional medical help.

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