Purpurotic dermatitis: diagnosis, treatment with folk remedies, disease prevention

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Inflammation of the skin due to an organism's response to certain factors is diagnosed as dermatitis. On specific manifestations of the problem, its clinical picture, specialists identify the type of pathology corresponding to these characteristics. We'll talk today with you about the symptoms of skin disease, the causes, types and preparations for treating purpurea dermatitis in adults and children, show photos of patients, give recommendations.

Features of the disease

Eruption on the skin, accompanied by pigmentation spots, gives a tip that it is dermatitis purpurea. It manifests itself in the pathological change of the capillaries of the skin and the deposition in the tissues that surround them, the pigment substance.

There are such manifestations on the skin surface:

  • telangiectasia,
  • purple papules,
  • mesh pigmentation,
  • petechiae.

Formations in the form of rashes in adults usually appear on the lower limbs. Pathology is localized in the buttocks, shins, thighs. In the future, lesions of skin surfaces can spread further: on the body, can appear on the face, and also cover the upper limbs.

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If this kind of dermatitis appears in childhood, then rashes in the form of plaques or spotted-nodular formations appear on the hands, often on the face and continue to spread to the lower regions.

Classification of purpurea dermatitis

Purulose dermatitis has different manifestations of hemosiderosis.

  • Shamberg pigmentary dermatosis manifests itself in the form of enlarged vessels of the skin with noticeable pinpoint hemorrhages. Then plaques appear first yellowish in color, over time their tone becomes brownish. With the further development of pathology at the edges of the plaques, rashes of characteristic red color appear. Gradually the plaque undergoes atrophy in its central part.
  • Purple Mayokki ( ring-shaped telangiectatic) - lesions are markedly divided into central and peripheral parts. The central part is a pigmented spot of brown color. And on the periphery there are small red spots. Foci are annular in shape and expanded capillaries of the skin are present on them.
  • Angiodermit Guzero-Bluma ( purpurea and pigmentosa) - this species is characterized by the fact that the pigmented spots are grouped together. They can have a patchy-nodular rash. Old spots are colored in brown color, and younger hemorrhagic spots look bright red.

All these variants of hemosiderosis differ in morphological nuances and are united in a single nosological group - pigment-purpurea dermatosis.

Causes of occurrence of

Exact factors, whose action is initiated by dermatitis purpurea, have not been identified. It is noted that the disease appears in the presence of such causes:

  • allergic reaction,
  • metabolic disturbances,
  • stress situations,
  • hypothermia,
  • intoxication,
  • chronic diseases.


The disease manifests itself through such signs:

  • visualizes characteristic pigmentation spots and rashes,
  • minor itching,
  • skin problems do not affect the functioning of body systems and overall well-being.


Specialist examines the appearance of the rashes. To confirm the diagnosis, studies can be assigned:

  • allergic tests( cutaneous),
  • blood test,
  • histological examination of scrapings,
  • immunogram,
  • bacteriological examination.

On how to treat skin dermatitis, read below.

Treatment of

To provide therapeutic effect, first of all, it is necessary to remove all disease-provoking factors. Patient prescribed compliance with the diet.

Exclude irritating products that can cause allergies from the diet:

  • spicy dishes,
  • chocolate,
  • fried dishes,
  • citrus,
  • spirits,
  • coffee and strong tea.

Therapeutic procedures include:
  • measures to strengthen immunity,
  • curing foci with inflammatory processes, including infectious nature:
    • sinusitis,
    • otitis,
    • dental caries,
    • tonsillitis,
    • and other diseases.

For ointments, creams and other medicines for dermatitis of purpurea type, see below.

How to treat dermatitis of different types, this video will tell:

By medicamentous method

  • To strengthen immunity, a vitamin complex is prescribed for reception, aimed at strengthening the vessels.
  • To reduce itching, a specialist may prescribe corticosteroids.
  • For the blocking of the inflammatory process, the use of nonsteroidal drugs is possible.

For treatment of dermal purpurea dermatitis folk remedies read below.

Folk methods

In the treatment of dermatitis, folk medicine recipes are used. You should consult a specialist before starting the course.

Many herbs have a beneficial effect on the general health of the skin and are capable of removing inflammatory processes. This:

  • periwinkle,
  • celandine,
  • Japanese,
  • alternate.

Plants are brewed as tea and used for lotions with the help moistened in the infusion of napkins.

Of oils - the therapeutic effect of tea tree oil. Its antiseptic antimicrobial action helps to remove the inflammatory process. How to use: a few drops of oil are applied to the affected area and lightly rubbed into the surface of the skin.

Prevention of

The main condition for the prevention of disease is the desire to prevent smoldering foci of inflammatory processes, especially those associated with infectious problems. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, improve the body's immunity.

Should be avoided:

  • hypothermia,
  • stress situations,
  • prolonged standing,
  • -allergen products,
  • bruises,
  • long sun exposure,
  • long walk.


  • hardening,
  • balneotherapy,
  • to be supervised by a specialist.

Complications of

If you do not take any measures, there can be an uncontrolled increase in skin rashes. It is possible to resume symptoms of the disease some time after the treatment procedures.


Pathology is chronic. There may be a cure for several years. At best, the disease recedes within a few months. The positive result comes gradually.

On diets for dermatitis in adults, the video will be described below:

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