How neuralgia of the sciatic nerve manifests itself and therapeutic actions

1 Description of the pathology of

Unfortunately, a lot of information about this disease does not give an answer to the question of what to do if signs of a similar ailment were discovered. Naturally, the first and main recommendation will be to contact an experienced doctor who can objectively assess the patient's condition and make a correct diagnosis.

Usually, you should first visit a neurologist. He will conduct an examination, check the reflexes and sensitivity of the skin, as well as direct all necessary research and tell about how to proceed. A visit to a doctor is extremely important, because sometimes a person can mistakenly interpret their feelings and, without consulting a specialist, proceed to ill-considered actions aimed at combating the disease. It is good, if at least it does not harm the health, but can accurately postpone qualitative and professional treatment.

The sciatic nerve is the thickest and largest in the entire body. It is formed by the roots of the sacral plexus in the pelvic region, passes through the gluteal aperture and is covered by the muscle, then descends the back of the thigh, tending to the flexor flexors and then descending to the foot. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is also called "sciatica".This word in Greek means "seat".With this disease, the roots of the lumbar-cervical spinal cord are affected. The main manifestation of sciatica is pain, which focuses on the lower back, as well as on the back of the thigh.

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2 Symptoms and course of the disease

In general, the course of this disease is gradual, the soreness of the sensations with each new attack increases. In the beginning, it can be just pulling back pain, which, unfortunately, very few people pay attention, trying to match the rabid pace of today's life. A gradual increase in inflammation can be facilitated by excessively heavy physical work associated with sudden movements and lifting of weights or, conversely, a sedentary lifestyle that leads to the muscles atrophying and becoming unable to keep the muscle corset. But it also happens that the person seems to be twisting completely unexpectedly. Such a symptom warns of a possible trauma to the spine or hidden pathology. The danger of this disease is that it can carefully mask for fatigue or not to be aware of a sufficiently long time. In some cases, a person for years does not notice anxious bells.

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3 Medical measures

The first thing to do if you suspect a sciatic nerve neuralgia is to minimize all the physical strain on the spine, check the mattress on which you sleep. Quality bed positively affects the health of the spine, and bad, on the contrary, can lead to the appearance or exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

Do not rub the lower back in the hope of relieving the pain, as this can lead to the opposite effect. Usually, doctors prescribe a course of anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy, intake of B vitamins, external pharmaceutical products. In addition to the above, for complex treatment is applied:

  • physiotherapy;
  • exercise therapy( exercise therapy);
  • reflexotherapy;
  • manual technique.

In very severe cases, the neurologist passes the patient to a neurosurgeon who is already performing surgical intervention. Surgery is performed to remove the intervertebral hernia, if it causes sciatica nerve inflammation. Surgical intervention is necessary only if the size of the formation exceeds 8 mm.

In an acute period, all without exception, bed rest is recommended. Muscles simply need relaxation, and any overexertion can only worsen the situation. Fortunately, nature has provided a protective mechanism: a person just crouches and often he can not even straighten up. Therefore, if suddenly there was an attack in the middle of a clear sky, do not be afraid and make sudden movements. In this case, it is necessary to take a comfortable position lying on the bed or on the floor and try to relax as much as possible. The legs can be placed on the cushions so that a right angle is obtained. We especially emphasize that the patient needs maximum comfort and peace. Such a sedentary and painful condition passes after a couple of days, and then you should immediately consult a doctor.


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However, drug treatment is often not enough. A person suffering from this disease must support his spine with therapeutic gymnastics. This will help strengthen the muscular corset. There are many exercises that are very effective in treating the pinch of the sciatic nerve. Usually exercises LFK( therapeutic gymnastics) are appointed by the attending physician.

You can start the healing exercise only if the acute period is over and the person no longer feels stiffness in the movements.

All exercises are performed very smoothly, without tearing movements and only on a firm and level surface. The main goal is to restore the symmetry of the body and eliminate pain. Very useful in the treatment and prevention of swimming and aqua aerobics. In the water, the muscles feel less tension, so the possibility of injury is minimized. But the effect on the muscle tissues and spine water, on the contrary, has the most positive.

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4 Prescriptions of Alternative Medicine

There are also folk remedies for sciatica that have already proven themselves as effective measures. But before starting treatment of the disease with folk remedies, it is necessary in this regard to consult with a doctor.

Stir 2 tbsp.l.turpentine and 3 tbsp.l.warm water. Drizzle with this solution a piece of rye bread measuring 2-3 cm. Attach to the waist on the naked body and carefully fix it. It is necessary to press the compress to the body. In this position, you should sit for 5-8 minutes. Do not overstay, a burn is possible. It is advisable to make a compress for the night, since after it is necessary to lie down in bed, it is good to wrap up and fall asleep. In a day, compress again.

Brew a glass of dill seeds, strained with infusion pour into a bath with warm water. Next time you can apply half of the same glass, adding it with fresh seeds. Bath is taken 20 minutes. Duration of treatment is individual - from 8-15 baths.

Fill the dishes with rosemary leaves, pour vodka and let it brew in a dark place for 21 days. The agent should be shaken periodically. At the end of the period, strain and rub the painful places.

Compression treatment. A glass of bile is pharmacy, for the same amount of kerosene and salt mixed. The substance should be wetted with a cotton rag and make a compress. Wrap a woolen scarf for an hour. The course of treatment - 3 compresses for 3 days. Mix before each use.

Treatment with cabbage mustards. It is good to do it on the weekends, when the patient is at home and there is no need to go somewhere. Take 5-6 cabbage leaves, remove the cuttings from them and place them in boiling water for 3 minutes. Attach to the places that are bothering. Carefully fasten, and on top lay a paper for a compress or a film and tie a scarf. After 10-15 minutes, the pain begins to go away, and after 30-40 the cabbage leaves will warm up like real mustard plasters. Keep as much as you can. Better a day or two.

In conclusion, we should note that it is not necessary to completely shift responsibility for the treatment of sciatic nerve neuralgia to doctors, since very much depends on the lifestyle that the person leads. Healthy eating, moderate exercise, intake of vitamins and properly selected therapeutic gymnastics can completely change the life and do not give the disease to catch a person by surprise. Take care of your health!

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