How does hemorrhoids worry, what are the sensations, what to do, if it tortures how to treat, if it tortures?

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Hemorrhoids, like other diseases of the anus, cause the patient a strong feeling of discomfort. Pain, bleeding, itching and burning in the anus - all these symptoms of hemorrhoids are extremely unpleasant and painful. But a sick person experiences not only physical suffering, but also psychological ones. The fact is that some people are embarrassed with this problem to see a doctor, so they suffer until the last, until the hemorrhoids completely torment them. They start to worry when the disease is already started.

Many people, faced with a sense of discomfort in the rectal area, begin to suspect this disease, so they are interested in knowing what other sensations are with hemorrhoids. Symptoms depend on the stage of the disease, in advanced cases all signs are pronounced. Consider the main manifestations of this ailment that concern patients:

  • Bleeding. The patient begins to worry about hemorrhoids when there are frightening symptoms of the disease, for example, bleeding from the anus. Small spotting can be seen on feces or they can be seen on toilet paper. But it is important to remember that such a sign can disturb not only with this disease, but also with other more dangerous diseases, for example, such as a malignant tumor.
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  • Discomfort in the rectal area. If the disease is not started, the patient with hemorrhoids usually has a feeling of slight burning or tingling after bowel movement. In the absence of treatment, the discomfort grows with each passing year, besides this there is a feeling of a foreign body in the intestines - all this is a serious cause for concern.
  • Hemorrhoids. They become visible and begin to fall out after a bowel movement or when a person lifts weights. At this stage of the disease people usually start complaining that they have been tortured with hemorrhoids, because to lead a normal life becomes unbearable because of constant pain and discomfort.
  • Constipation. They are most often the main cause of this disease, so when they appear, you should be worried. They can also be a sign of this disease. Increased hemorrhoids create an obstacle to calves and make it difficult to move. In addition, a person can be afraid of the pain that occurs during defecation, so he can deliberately delay this process, which eventually leads to complications.

If hemorrhoids began to bother with pronounced symptoms, then one can not wait to see a doctor. Any disease, including this, is easier to cure at an early stage. In advanced cases, conservative therapy may not help, and you will have to have surgery.

What should I do if I have hemorrhoids?

If a person who has fallen ill has asked for help in a timely manner, then conservative therapy should help. First of all, a special diet is prescribed, fatty, fried, smoked and very spicy dishes are excluded. Under the ban are products that can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa and discomfort.

In order not to disturb hemorrhoids, doctors recommend to diversify their diet with dishes that will prevent the occurrence of constipation. For example, vegetables and fruits are useful, they contain fiber, cereals, lean meat and fish, and also dairy products are allowed.

If the hemorrhoids are tortured, the doctor can prescribe various ointments and suppositories that will relieve unpleasant symptoms. They are usually made from plant components. Well help candles from sea buckthorn or propolis. Some suppositories in addition to having an anti-inflammatory effect, also reduce pain.

For the solution of problems with defecation, laxative preparations may be prescribed, they need to be more careful, some are addictive. In the complex therapy, after consultation with the doctor, you can use a variety of folk recipes. No need to worry if the disease was found at an early stage, the prognosis is usually favorable.

Hemorrhoids can torment a person for a long time to avoid this, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations. It is very important in this matter hygiene, after defecation it is necessary to wash away with soap. Toilet paper should not be rigid, if possible it can be replaced with wet napkins, so as not to disturb the already inflamed rectal area.

Hemorrhoids are a common disease that worries many people. But this problem is considered delicate, it is not customary to talk about it, so many people try to solve it on their own, thereby only exacerbating the unpleasant sensations of the disease. You do not need to be shy, at the first manifestations you need to immediately go through the examination and when you confirm the diagnosis, immediately begin to be treated. Otherwise, the symptoms and unpleasant sensations of this ailment will worsen more and more every year, as a result, the disease will turn into a real punishment, from which it will be possible to get rid only with the help of an operation.

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