Purulent discharge during hemorrhoids and after the operation to remove, treatment, why stand out tart or whitish liquid?

Atypical discharge from the rectum, observed after removal of hemorrhoids, should alarm any person. To find out what's the matter, it's better to immediately contact the proctologist.

The appearance of secretions after the intervention is quite rare. In order not to admit complications, it is recommended to follow a diet for a long time, to take prescribed pharmacological preparations and not to allow intensive exercise( physical).Heaviness is strictly prohibited at this time! This is the only way to avoid problems.

A healthy human intestine should normally produce a very small amount of mucus. It helps to support the work of this body at the proper level. One of the most important functions of such mucous secretions is the prevention of clumping of the intestinal tissues, if inflammation develops in the body. Under such conditions, the mucous membrane will not change the structure.

It is not uncommon for cases when the production of mucus increases after removal of hemorrhoids. The patient experiences uncomfortable sensations when such a liquid is released from the rectal area. Thus the anus becomes irritated. The mucous membrane and the skin of the anus are covered by erosions due to constant moistening with whitish mucus. In addition, there is a constant itch, which does not allow the patient to live peacefully.

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Allocations after removal of hemorrhoids

Allocations after surgical intervention for hemorrhoids are not the only sign of unsuccessful treatment. In addition to it, there are a number of other symptoms:

  • Burns strongly and it itches in the rectum area.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Patient has difficulty with bowel movement.

In this case, you do not need to delay and wait for the discharge to be longer, but you should immediately make an appointment with the proctologist. In addition, such signs may appear not only when the patient has hemorrhoids. They can cause serious pathologies in organs in the pelvic area. After secretory secretions are the protection of the human body in response to inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, you may need to remove hemorrhoids.

An untreated hemorrhoids can affect the fact that the fluid starts to appear from the anus not only during defecation, but constantly. Over time, this process will only worsen, and the allocation will acquire a different consistency and color. For example, with an admixture of blood or a turbid liquid.

Types of excretions in hemorrhoids

The first complications may appear in some cases immediately after the nodes have been removed. But the patient can develop in a month, and even more. Most often, these are spotting( bleeding) and purulent discharge.

Bleeding from the gut appears due to microtraumas of the dilated veins, as well as if the hemorrhoidal nodes have moved beyond the anus. Very often, such discharge occurs during hygiene or defecation. In this case, hard feces affect the tender mucosa membrane in the area where the surgical intervention was performed. Another reason is the insufficient cauterization of the vessel, which nourished the hemorrhoids.

In general, bleeding is not abundant( one or two drops of blood), but sometimes a whole stream of blood can be released. Bloody discharge is dark red or scarlet. It all depends on how much the bleeding is intense. In any case, even at least one drop of blood on toilet paper should become an excuse for resorting to a proctologist.

If a patient has a blood discharge after a hemorrhoids removal operation, the doctor usually appoints candles or cotton swabs soaked in the formulations listed below. They serve to stop bleeding and anesthesia. Compositions can be on different bases:

  • on novocaine;
  • cocoa butter;
  • xeroform;
  • adrenaline solution;
  • extract of belladonna.

After the blood is stopped, the specialist conducts an examination with an anoscope of the affected area and flushes the vessels in the damaged area.

In the event that bleeding is accompanied by severe pain, a thrombus can form. In this situation, the doctor will remove the pathological formation through surgical intervention. In addition, the patient, who is worried about this problem, should not allow the appearance of constipation after surgical intervention. Therefore, it is usually recommended that a laxative diet, including many fruits and vegetables. The food should be a fraction. Also, great physical exertion should be avoided.

Purulent discharge in hemorrhoids

Pus in this disease after surgery is a sign that the process has become complicated. Post-surgical complications appear due to the penetration of pathogens from the feces into the wound. In this case, pus is very easily formed.

In such cases purulent discharge in hemorrhoids is accompanied by very strong painful sensations, hyperemia and edema of tissues, and the same high temperature. But such symptoms can appear and at other diseases:

  • The pararectal abscess has broken.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Malignant and other malignancies.
  • Pararectal fistula.

Purulent yellow discharge is treated by eliminating the consequences of untreated hemorrhoids. In addition, the patient is recommended to restore immunity and carry out a constant prevention of relapse. If the complications are extensive, the doctor performs a surgical procedure and drains the hemorrhoids affected areas. Antibacterial agents are also used. It should be remembered that once such a problem has arisen, you should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the consequences can be dangerous.

Treatment for discharge after operation of hemorrhoids

Post-surgical discharge may have a different character. The following methods are recommended for the patient:

  • exercise therapy;
  • is a mild laxative;
  • diet, including laxatives.

For surgical intervention for hemorrhoids to be successful( no complications), very careful attention should be paid to the hygiene of the anus. For this, you need to use hygiene products and moist tissues after defecation. In the event that the nodes drop out, blood flows from the anus after the operation to remove hemorrhoids, consultation and re-treatment in a hospital environment is necessary.

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