Ovarian cysts-what is it and what is different from cysts?

Among tumorous diseases, the second most common frequency is cystoma. It is benign, but has a high risk of degeneration into cancer. It is formed from the epithelium of the ovaries.

Inside also lined with epithelium, filled with liquid or gelatinous substance. It can consist of several cameras. The walls are formed from cells prone to rapid growth. Therefore, the cystoma in short time intervals increases in size.

Ovarian formation is associated with a leg consisting of their ovarian ligament, uterine artery, lymphatic, venous vessels and nerves. Due to this feature, the formation is very mobile, but with twisting, unpleasant consequences can arise - violation of blood supply and apoplexy of tissues.

According to the ICD-10, cystomas are number 83 and refer to non-inflammatory ovarian lesions.


By the form of cysts are benign, malignant, borderline.

There are differences in internal content. Serous appearance is filled with a straw-colored liquid. They are usually single-chambered, but their dimensions can be more than 30 cm in diameter.

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They are more often found in women over 40 years of age, 10-15% of them become malignant.

Diagnosed in women at any age, but more often in menopause. In 3-5% of cases become a prerequisite for the development of cancer.

Causes of development of

The exact causes are unknown, but it can cause the development of the disease:

  1. Breaking the hormonal sphere.
  2. Weighed down anamnesis.
  3. Chronic viral diseases.
  4. Herpes second type.
  5. of HPV.

Women at risk are those who have an artificially interrupted pregnancy, who underwent ovarian surgery, as well as those who had an ectopic pregnancy.

The development of the disease is typical for women after menarche and in preclimacteria.

Symptoms of formation

Small-sized bones do not cause symptoms. Usually found by chance at a gynecologist's appointment. A large tumor leads to severe painful sensations, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

If there is a twisting of the leg, then it adds:

  • nausea,
  • cutting pain,
  • arrhythmia,
  • rise in temperature.

With pseudomucinous large size cystoma, pain in the lower back is noted. There are frequent desires for defecation, urination or their difficulty occurs.

What is the difference between a cyst and an ovarian cyst?

Functional cyst may disappear on its own, but for cystoma this is not typical. The latter may stop growing, but the treatment is only surgical.

Kistoma has fuzzy, bumpy contours. The thickness of the walls can vary. Often, additional tissue inclusions are found. Other manifestations can not distinguish between these two diseases.


Diagnosis can be established based on ultrasound.additional computed tomography or MRI.

During the examination, the gynecologist determines the presence of education with an anatomical leg, which is located in the sacral cavity behind the uterus. Tumors of large size can go out into the peritoneum, have different locations.

To determine the nature of education, blood is surrendered to the oncoprotein CA 125. If the doctor suspects the oncological process, laparoscopy and biopsy are performed. If necessary, an endometrial biopsy is administered. For differentiation, the doctor prescribes a x-ray of the stomach, gastroscopy.

Methods of removing the cystoma

The cystoma is treated exclusively by a surgical method, regardless of the type, size. The volume is determined by the shape of the tumor and the age of the patient.

In some species, for example, mucidous, the tumor is removed along with the ovary. During the menopause, the uterus is removed more often along with the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

If the cystoma is small, has serous contents and a small risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor, the operation is performed laparoscopically with preservation of the ovarian tissue.

If during the manipulation it is found that the tumor has already become malignant, then a laparotomy is performed.

Video shows a laparoscopic operation to remove the dermoid cystoma of the right ovary:

Complications of

When the cystoma breaks, fluid escapes, therefore, an emergency surgical intervention is prescribed.

Sometimes it becomes the cause:

  • peritonitis,
  • disruption of neighboring organs,
  • appearance of infectious process,
  • development of metastasis.
  • magnification and the appearance of metastasis is the most serious consequence.

Prevention and prognosis

With preventive measures, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist twice a year, to do ultrasound on time, to treat acute and chronic diseases of the female sexual sphere.

It is mandatory to use rational contraception to prevent abortion and to correct hormonal disorders.

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