Meningioma of the frontal lobe of the brain: treatment with folk remedies, prognosis, consequences, symptoms and causes

Severe diseases can be trapped at every step of the way. Cancer can cause a state of shock even in morally strong people. His insidiousness lies in the fact that at the initial stage he can not make himself felt. Symptoms often appear at the last stage of the meningioma of the brain, when treatment is almost impossible.

Characteristics of the disease

Meningioma is a brain tumor, mainly benign in nature. The share of meningiomas accounts for about 15% of all brain tumors. This tumor consists of the arachnoid shell of the brain. Most benign meningiomas have a slow growth and reach large sizes, remaining unnoticed. Growth is possible in several parts of the brain.

Meningioma is located along the base of the skull and venous sinus sheath. Very often it occurs in the parasagittal sinus, the occipital foramen, in the region of the cerebral hemispheres and the bridge of the brain.

Causes of

The most common meningioma occurs in women and in elderly people. The exacerbation of the disease occurs in the interval from 50 to 70 years. Long-term studies have shown that the causes of the formation of meningiomas of the brain in women are often associated with hormonal failures during the menopause.

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The tumor can seize blood vessels and nerve endings, complicating the healing process.

This mainly occurs if the meningioma is located at the base of the skull, where the arteries and nerves are located.

Risk Factors for

The following factors can affect cerebral meningeurs:

  1. Gender .Twice more often, the tumor is found in women, but men are more prone to malignant neoplasm.
  2. Age of the .The disease can be detected in children and adolescents. But in the area of ​​greatest risk are people aged 40 - 70 years.
  3. Radiation exposure to .Increases the risk of the disease, especially at high doses.
  4. Hormones .The risk of developing a brain meningioma is associated with the effects of estrogen, androgen and progesterone. To provoke the disease can hormonal failures during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and breast cancer.
  5. Genetic disorders of .An increased risk of developing meningitis may be neurofibromatosis. With such disorders, the appearance of a malignant tumor or multifocal meningioma.

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Symptoms and signs

The growth of the meningioma occurs most often slowly, so in the early stages there may be no symptoms.

The first manifestation of the disease is a headache of any kind( aching, blunt or bursting).Localized in the temporal and occipital areas.

Other symptoms of cerebral meningioma are:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • visual disorders( vision impairment, bifurcation of subjects, descent of the upper eyelid);
  • general weakness and decreased sensitivity;
  • hearing loss;
  • dizziness;
  • mental disorders;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • impaired coordination;
  • increased intraocular pressure.


The first stage in the diagnosis of cerebral meningioma is a complete neurological examination( vision, hearing, reflexes and coordination of movements).Based on these results, the doctor can prescribe such examinations:

  1. MRI .Magnetic resonance imaging is used in the diagnosis of brain cancer. The clearest visualization of the vessels supplying the tumor is through MR angiography. The exact dimensions are visible when using contrast.
  2. Computed tomography .This is a less common method of diagnosis, which allows you to detect most meningiomas.
  3. Biopsy of the .A part of the tumor is sampled for further study under a microscope. It is possible to use, both before the surgery and during it.
Determining the type of tumor will reveal the optimal correct treatment strategy.

The photo shows which part of the brain is affected by a meningioma:

Classification of the meningioma of the brain

Most often the meningioma of the frontal lobe of the brain is a benign formation, but malignant tumors take place. According to WHO, this disease is divided into 3 types:

  • I degree of meningioma .Benign tumor, characterized by slow growth and lack of infiltration of surrounding tissues. Favorable outlook. The possibility of relapse is low. In more than 94% of cases, this degree is diagnosed.
  • II degree of meningioma .It occurs in 4.7% of cases of diagnosing meningiomas of the brain. It is characterized by characteristic growth and a higher frequency of recurrence.
  • III degree of meningioma .Malignant tumor has rapid growth, metastasizes to other organs and infiltrates into surrounding tissues. It is diagnosed in 1% of cases of meningioma.

Treatment of

Tactics of treatment can depend on many factors: the size of the tumor, its type, location, and symptoms.

It is important to take into account the general condition and age of the patient( whether he can postpone the procedure).

Treatment can be:


Meningioma of the brain can cause swelling of surrounding tissues. And this is the main reason for the appearance of unwanted symptoms. To reduce edema, steroids are prescribed. These drugs have a quick effect, suppressing or reducing many of the symptoms. They do not act on the tumor itself.


Non-drug treatment includes:

  • Dynamic surveillance .Patients with a small or slowly growing tumor can avoid treatment. It will be necessary to constantly monitor the neurosurgeon and periodic magnetic resonance imaging. If the tumor grows, treatment will be required.
  • Operation .If the tumor does not affect vital structures, then it is removed completely. With close location, the maximum possible removal is possible, but in this case, relapses are possible. The very operation can end with bleeding or infection. To minimize the risk, surgery is performed under a special microscope and using an ultrasound aspirator.
  • Radiosurgery .A variety of radiation therapy, which is based on the use of a powerful beam of ionizing radiation on the tumor. Alternative surgery, when surgical intervention is impossible.

Folk remedies

Treatment of meningioma in the early stages has a favorable prognosis, so it's important to turn to a specialist in time. In a malignant tumor, folk medicine recommends:

  • use decoctions of calendula berries and infusions of calendula flowers;
  • to consume a large amount of onions;
  • drink a lot of sour-milk drinks( yogurt, kefir) and carrot juice;
  • before meals 2 times a day to drink infusion of potato flowers. For cooking, 2 and 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse 3 hours and use half a cup.
Regular medical examination and treatment will help prevent the degeneration of benign meningioma into malignant.

Complications of

The occurrence of complications depends on the location and size of the meningioma of the brain. They can be the following:

  • weakness of the legs( parezy);
  • epileptic seizures;
  • partial or total memory loss;
  • trouble concentrating;
  • personality change;
  • loss of vision.

Behavior tactics in the postoperative period

The consequences of the removal of the meningioma of the brain by surgery can be different. In the case of a benign or atypical neoplasm, in almost 100% of cases, complete recovery is achieved without recurrences and disorders from the body systems. If the tumor was malignant and affected deep tissue of the brain, it is possible during the operation important brain centers were damaged.

In the second case, a person may face:

  • loss of vision;
  • hearing loss;
  • deterioration of sensitivity;
  • paralysis of the limbs;
  • impaired coordination.

The occurrence of relapses is not excluded. There are two ways to minimize their likelihood of formation: the use of a laser or bone-plastic trepanation of the skull. More specific further actions are determined by the attending physician after an MRI.

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Consequences and prognosis

Recurrence in meningioma of the brain affects all three of its species. For benign tumors the possibility of recurrence is 3%, atypical - 38%, malignant - 78%.

Its location affects the 5-year recurrence index. The lowest index in neoplasms in the cranial vault( 3%), for the Turkish saddle area - 19%, the body of the sphenoid bone - 34%.The highest index factor in the occurrence of meningioma in wings of the sphenoid bone and cavernous sinus( 60-100%).

Tumor III degree with all accepted treatments increases life expectancy by 2-3 years. The younger the patient, the more favorable his prognosis.

The best result is achieved with complete removal of the tumor.

Prevention of

Preventive measures concerning meningiomas of the brain have not been revealed to date. Doctors recommend only adhere to a healthy lifestyle: eliminate bad habits, eat right and take care of one's health.

Meningioma can be benign and malignant. If small neoplasms do not have growth and symptoms, then treatment is not required. But there are also more dangerous cases - a malignant tumor. It carries a serious danger to humans. In this case, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist and further treatment.

The correct definition of a diagnosis and its timely treatment can save not only human health, but also its life.

Video, which reveals the main causes of a brain tumor:

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