Disease of enterocolitis of the intestine - intestinal disease, code for ICD 10, consequences and complications in pregnancy

Enterocolitis is a fairly common disease of various types, developing in the digestive tract, which is characterized by the onset of inflammatory processes in the mucosa of both the thick and small intestine. As symptoms of the disease are pain in the abdomen, digestive disorders, in particular, nausea, flatulence, diarrhea and constipation and so on. Diagnosis of enterocolitis takes place in the laboratory and with the help of special equipment. Treatment is possible through diet, medication and physical therapy.

Acute enterocolitis disease mainly develops in conjunction with gastritis in acute form, and can be in an infectious and non-infectious form. In some cases, the etiology is explained by the fact that an allergic reaction has been caused, poisoning with poisons or medicamentous agents. With this form, the inflammatory processes will be limited to spreading over the mucous membrane, while not affecting the deeper layer than in the chronic type.

An enterocolitis of a chronic type predominantly acts as a result of poor clinical procedures in colitis. It will take a long time, periodically you can observe exacerbations and remissions, with the course of time developing a destructive change in the mucosa with the capture of submucous layers of intestinal walls. Enterocolitis with prolonged course can lead to persistent disruption of functioning intestinal characteristics, as well as to digestive disorders.

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Symptoms of Enterocolitis

The acute form of the disease has its symptoms, and can begin suddenly. First of all, there are painful sensations in the abdomen, flatulence, nausea and vomiting, and rumbling in the abdomen. The tongue is put on a plaque, and with palpation it is possible to reveal the soreness of the abdomen. Mostly the disease will be accompanied by diarrhea. If enterocolitis is of an infectious nature, mucus can be detected in the feces, in some cases with an admixture of blood. In addition, the symptomatology of enterocolitis can be attributed to an increase in the body temperature and signs of general intoxication.

Enterocolitis in chronic form has less pronounced symptomatology, but if you do not take up the treatment in time, complications are possible. Symptoms include: pain in the abdomen, defecation disorders, dyspeptic syndromes, flatulence, asthenic-vegetative signs, weight loss.

Diagnosis of enterocolitis

Diagnosis of intestinal enterocolitis is possible when conducting a patient interview, physical examination, as well as collection of analyzes in the laboratory and using equipment. Colonoscopy is the most effective technique for diagnosing enterocolitis. In the process of conducting this survey, it is possible to identify affected areas of inflammatory processes, erosion, expression, destruction of the mucosa, and if necessary sampling of bioptagics is required. This is especially important in pregnancy. Thanks to the X-ray study, it is possible to detect changes in lumens of the intestine, the characteristics of folded structures and wall defects.

Treatment of enterocolitis

Treatment of enterocolitis of the intestine occurs with the help of medicament and folk remedies. However, the basic appointment of a doctor is strict adherence to a diet. This is necessary in order to normalize the regime and characteristics of nutrition, and also, so that you can later refuse to take medications, especially if enterocolitis appeared during pregnancy. Treatment of the disease is aimed at getting rid of bacterial or parasitic infections.

In the drug therapy with this type of colitis is the use of antibacterial agents to suppress pathological flora, enzyme content of the drug in order to restore normal digestion, pro-, prebiotics, and also agents that can normalize intestinal peristalsis.

In the conduct of active lifestyles, there is an opportunity for enterocolitis to normalize digestion and improve the psychological status, which is especially important in pregnancy. Exercises should be directed to strengthen the animal muscles, which strengthens the abdominal wall and regulates the pressure in the peritoneal cavity.

As prevention of enterocolitis, it is necessary to avoid all factors that can contribute to the development of inflammatory processes. In time to treat infections and parasitic processes, adherence to the norms of a balanced diet, the use of medications according to medical prescriptions, and adequate medical manipulations will help to prevent or quickly cure the disease.

Classification of enterocolitis by ICD 10

Classification by ICD codes is a simplified, systematized list of all possible inflammatory processes known to science. This is very convenient, since every inflammation or malaise has a description, and you do not need to paint all the symptoms of the classical scheme constantly.

The classification according to ICD 10 is divided into several paragraphs. So, with enterocolitis of this type in acute form, the designation K51.8 is put. But with chronic enterocolitis K51.0.There is another classification of the disease, each of which corresponds to its own code. In this case, everything will depend on the root cause of the disease:

  • Bacterial. This can include a specific type, when infection occurs due to the penetration of bacteria that cause infections in the intestinal cavity, as well as nonspecific, which occurs after the bacterial infection has been suppressed. According to the international codes of diseases, it is customary to refer the disease of the first type to the K50.8 group, the second type to K50.9.
  • Parasitic. In this case, the appearance of the disease appears due to the colonization of the intestinal cavity of the non-bacterial type by parasites, designated K52.9.
  • Toxic. With this type of enterocolitis, the mucosa is damaged by the action of toxic agents having a different nature. In the ICD 10 it is customary to designate the code K52.1.
  • Alimentary enterocolitis develops due to malnutrition. In accordance with the ICD it is customary to designate K52.2.This also includes diseases caused by allergic reactions.
  • Mechanical enterocolitis will develop due to the occurrence of frequent and prolonged constipation. In accordance with the ICD it is customary to designate K52.8.
  • Secondary. Inflammatory processes will develop as a complication of another type of disease of the digestive organs. In accordance with ICD 10 it is customary to designate K51.9.
  • Radiation. Inflammatory processes are caused by the influence of radiation radiation. In the ICD is designated code K52.0.

Consequences and complications of enterocolitis

On the background of occurrence of enterocolitis, such complications can arise:

  • Gangrenous pyoderma.
  • Episcleritis.
  • Nodal erythema.
  • Hepatomegaly.

Such consequences can seriously affect the overall health status of the patient. That is why timely diagnosis and therapeutic manipulations, a direction to eliminate the underlying inflammatory processes, should always be carried out.

If you bring an enterocolitis to a severe form, then a very wide variety of various kinds of disappointing forecasts is provided. As one of the complications of enterocolitis, the formation of sores on the legs may occur. Such a process is evidence that there is a severe form of the underlying inflammatory process. Also, cases were noted when the visual system was disturbed.

As a frequent consequence of enterocolitis, inflammatory processes occur in the rectal cavity. Paraproctitis will lead to rapid and immediate surgical intervention with a severe form of inflammatory process. The prognosis is the possibility that fistula will form and spread infection outside the rectal cavity. In the future, it is unlikely that the inflammatory process can be completely cured.

Enterocolitis is characterized by the occurrence of quite a large number of consequences, so due to timely diagnosis and treatment they can be avoided.

If in time and adequately the treatment procedures were carried out, the enterocolitis will be completely cured. After a month and a half, after the inflammatory process was transferred, the intestine can fully restore its activity. The course of the inflammatory process will depend on how quickly it was detected, how quickly the root causes for which it originated were eliminated, and also on the extent to which the patient follows measures to normalize nutrition and the general way of life.

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