Signs of the disease and features of treatment of otitis in children at home

1 A little about the disease

According to statistics, with the inflammatory process in the ear of the child is facing at least 80% of young mothers. This is due to the susceptible organism of the crumb, whose immunity has not yet been formed in relation to the aggressive manifestations of the external environment. Depending on the localization of the inflammation focus, the otitis is divided into the outer, middle and labyrinthitis( inflammation of the inner ear).Any form of the disease is dangerous for the child, as it can lead to serious complications.

The causes of otitis may be different. Basically, this is hypothermia, trauma or penetration of bacterial pathogens in infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

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  1. Severe pain in the ear. Often the pain intensifies in the evening. Little children who can not express anxiety with words, can pull and pull at the sore ear.
  2. Minor hearing loss, which is the result of congestion. Perhaps the appearance of noise in the patient's ear, not associated with external sounds.
  3. Elevated body temperature, which signals an inflammatory process in the body. May be accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting.
  4. Swelling in the ear. Possible an increase in lymph nodes. Pain can irradiate into the teeth, neck, and temporal zone. Also characteristic of otitis is the presence of itching. Purulent discharge indicates an acute form of otitis, they can be accompanied by dizziness, impaired coordination of movement.
  5. Common signs of malaise, such as decreased activity, irritability, refusal to eat.

An accurate diagnosis can be made and only the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. Usually this is a set of procedures aimed at removing inflammation, eliminating infection and alleviating the symptoms. It is important to take into account the causes of the disease for their subsequent elimination.

It is therefore necessary at the earliest opportunity to consult a specialist. Except in rare cases, otitis is treated at home.

Any form of the disease must be treated under the strict guidance of an otolaryngologist. Doing self-medication, you risk not only the hearing of the child, but his life. The advice given here is ancillary and in no way can be the only method of treatment.

It is better to refrain from bathing a baby until it is fully recovered, it is better to replace it by wiping. Treatment should be accompanied by the intake of vitamins that increase immunity.

To reduce the inflammatory process, the child is recommended a plentiful drink in the form of tea with raspberries, honey, lime or lemon.

Often an infection in the ear comes from the nasopharynx. If necessary, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which prevent additional infection. Preliminary, you should clear the nasal sinuses from the mucus, using flagella or a special suction. It is contraindicated in otitis media, as this can create additional pressure in the ear canal and provoke complications.

2 Outer type of pathology

Often, external otitis is the result of mechanical damage to foreign objects and, as a consequence, infection. Sometimes inflammation affects the eardrum. Take care that the child does not stuff anything into his ears, as severe damage can lead to deafness.

Treatment of external otitis media at home includes warming up.

Direct instillation of any medication at home is undesirable. Instead, it is better to use compresses and tampons, which are applied no more than 1-2 hours.

Ear heating is possible only in the absence of purulent discharge from the ear. The procedures are as follows:

  1. Onions have a good warming and disinfecting property. To do this, it must be crushed to the consistency of gruel, squeeze through the gauze juice, which must be moistened with a tampon and inserted into a sore ear.
  2. Medical alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, then moistened with a tampon. The same solution can be used for compress. To do this, moisten a folded several times gauze, squeeze well and attach to the ear. Top with a compress paper and wrap your head with a woolen shawl.
  3. Tampon, soaked in a decoction of chamomile or plantain, will have an antiseptic effect, reduce inflammation and reduce puffiness. From such a decoction you can make a compress. For the same purposes, a decoction of thyme, oak, calendula, St. John's wort and yarrow is suitable.
  4. Warm the salt in the frying pan, fill it in a cotton bag and apply it to a sick ear.
  5. In the treatment of external otitis, a blue lamp( the Minin reflector) has proved to be very useful, which has been used at home for many decades. Known for its warming and analgesic effect. The session should last 15-25 minutes, no more than 3 times a day.


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3 Treatment of otitis media

Otitis media is the result of complications of acute viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, in the first place, it is necessary to treat the causes of inflammation. At this stage of the disease should be followed by bed rest.

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Treatment of otitis media should be accompanied by antibiotics. In no case can you decide for yourself what antibiotics your kid needs. All medications should be appointed by an otolaryngologist, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the general condition of the child's body.

The ear canal should be cleaned regularly using a cotton swab dipped in a decoction of chamomile, hydrogen peroxide or furacilin. You do not need to scrape your ears to avoid damage and secondary infection.

As an auxiliary at home, you can use the following:

  1. Garlic clove bake, cool and warmly put in the ear canal. This will help relieve inflammation and reduce pain syndrome.
  2. Tampons moistened with onion or alcohol solution, also suitable for otitis media. You can use an alcohol tincture of chamomile or calendula.
  3. To reduce the inflammatory process will help house plants. A slice of a Kalanchoe or aloe leaf is wrapped in cheesecloth and inserted into the ear canal. Remove the pain syndrome will help a sheet of geranium, which is folded into a tube and also placed in the ear.
  4. Bay leaves will help with purulent inflammation. For this, the crushed leaves are poured with boiling water and insist for half an hour, after which the infusion is filtered and moistened with a tampon, which is placed in the diseased ear.

4 Internal form therapy

Labyrinthitis is a purulent form of otitis media, treatment of which requires immediate hospitalization of the child. Treatment consists of taking antibiotics, antiseptic and diuretics, adherence to a diet. Also, drugs aimed at improving blood circulation and normalizing trophic disorders in ear tissues are prescribed. Sometimes surgery is required to relieve the loss of pus.

If, for any reason, the treatment of otitis occurred without medical supervision, it is still necessary to show the child to the otolaryngologist at the first opportunity. In some cases, the disease can acquire a latent nature, which is fraught with various complications and the transition to a chronic form.

Be attentive to yourself and your children! Stay healthy for many, many years!

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