What is maxillary sinusitis and how to treat the disease?

1 Causes of the development of the pathology of

Usually, sinusitis is caused by prolonged inflammatory processes in the acute form, which occur in the maxillary sinuses. If only one side of the sinuses is affected, the disease is considered one-sided. If the inflammation has passed and to the second side of the sinuses, then this is a two-sided sinusitis.

The cause of the appearance of this ailment is not always only a bacterial or viral infection of .Sometimes, ordinary bruises and trauma to the face can also cause inflammation, deformation of the nasal septum. In addition, foreign objects can enter into the sinuses. For example, sometimes it comes out with pieces of teeth or materials from seals. The object does not need to get into the sinuses. It simply can be located very close to its cavity, but this will be enough to show the first symptoms of the disease.

The chronic form of sinusitis is manifested only when the disease has a protracted character. Usually this happens when the disease is detected too late. The same applies to situations where the treatment is chosen incorrectly, so that it does not give any result.

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There are many factors that provoke bilateral sinusitis. A significant role is played by infections that enter the upper respiratory tract. In addition, pathological processes in this area can also affect. Sometimes the acute form of the maxillary sinusitis is caused just by the flu, measles, rhinitis, scarlet fever. There are other factors that predispose to the appearance of such a disease. This concerns various problems with breathing disorders. For example, the nasal can be enlarged or there is curvature in the nasal septum. Vasomotor rhinitis can also be involved in this. In childhood, problems can be associated with adenoids. An allergic reaction is also affected. Of great importance are violations in the work of the immune system. Very often they are associated with parasitosis, allergies or chronic illnesses. Foci of chronic infections can also provoke an ailment. For example, it concerns staphylococcal infection. Sometimes gum disease and teeth also cause sinusitis. In this case, the disease will have the name of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis.

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2 Symptoms of the disease

By localization of sinusitis isolated unilateral( when sinuses were affected only on one side) and bilateral. There is also a classification depending on the origin of the disease:

  1. Rhinogenic - at the same time the disease passes from the nasal cavity. Usually caused by scarlatina, rhinitis, respiratory diseases, measles, fungal lesions.
  2. Odontogenic - occurs due to the fact that the infection has passed because of sick teeth and gums. Usually the infection spreads from the root or canine. It is here that the roots are located close to the sinuses.
  3. Traumatic - the disease is the result of trauma to the skull.
  4. Allergic - the disease occurs as a response to contact with an allergen.
  5. Hematogenous - the infection has passed during blood circulation, and infectious foci are located in the distance.
  6. Vasomotor - the reason is the neurogenic dilatation of the blood vessels, which causes the mucous membranes to swell.

Regardless of the origin of the maxillary sinusitis can be both acute and chronic. Acute sinusitis occurs when the infection immediately penetrates into the maxillary sinuses, and then causes a large amount of purulent discharge in this cavity. But the chronic form appears usually gradually. It develops after the onset of acute sinusitis. The walls of the cavity can thin out, sometimes polyps are formed.


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To correctly choose a treatment, you need to establish a diagnosis.

And it is determined on the basis of laboratory and instrumental studies, as well as in the identification of individual symptoms. A person has a headache, and it is localized just in the frontal or temporal zone. Then you can see the mucous discharge from the nose, although this option may not always be observed. In addition, gradually, along with the mucus begins to go out and pus. Because of the development of the disease, the sense of smell begins to deteriorate. In addition, there are problems with breathing. This is caused by the appearance of swelling. Body temperature gradually begins to grow. All these symptoms are characteristic of the acute form of the disease.

Chronic maxillary sinusitis has slightly different manifestations. First, a person feels discomfort in the cheeks and in the nose. Then there are headaches. They are aching. This symptom can torment a person for a long time. He quickly gets tired and can not fully rest and gain strength. Feels apathy, weakness, drowsiness, but the dream is disturbed. The mucus will leave the nose.

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All these symptoms indicate that the person is sick, and he should definitely go to the hospital. The sooner he is provided with professional help, the less risk of complications and side effects.

3 Treatment measures

Sinusitis should be treated by an expert. First, drug therapy is used. If it did not help, then surgical intervention can not be avoided. And usually the second option is used in the case when the infection has got into the sinus from a sick tooth.

Medication should be comprehensive. He is selected for each patient individually. It is necessary to remove puffiness, restore patency in the canals, improve the mucous membranes in the affected sinuses and stabilize the temperature of the human body. In acute form, mainly medicines are prescribed, and for chronic - mostly physiotherapeutic procedures. You can use traditional medicine after permission of the doctor. For example, a rinse with broths of chamomile, calendula, sage will do.

It is necessary to take drugs that belong to the group of antibiotics. In addition, it is recommended to use vasoconstrictive drops. For example, suitable Nafazolin, Galazolin and Xylometazoline. Such drugs will help to remove puffiness, as well as withdraw the contents from the sinuses. In addition, Sinuphorte is suitable. From antibiotics, preparations of the group of cephalosporins, penicillins, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, carbapenems and tetracyclines are used. They can be used for internal reception and as injections.

If medication and physiotherapy did not help, a puncture is prescribed. In the sinuses, a puncture is made, and then their cavity is washed with a solution with antiseptic agents. Thanks to this method, pus and mucus leaves, and the cavity inside the maxillary sinus is disinfected.

Acute maxillary sinusitis is a common disease, which is also known as "sinusitis."With it, the maxillary sinuses become inflamed. As soon as the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. In no case can you do self-medication, becausewrong therapy will lead to the transition of the disease from acute to chronic, and also there will be various complications.

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