The names of worms, as they are called in humans scientifically( helminths), disease( disease), helminthiasis

Questions about parasitological diseases, which often inflict damage on people, are numerous, and this is not surprising. All people are interested in worms, scientific helminths, because the infection is not only unpleasant to humans, but in most cases it is very dangerous. Proper names are needed to find the information necessary for infecting the disease in case of invasion. This will help during the infection in a short time to develop an appropriate action plan and to avoid the occurrence of serious problems. The most common question is which medical name of worms exists. This name is "helminths".But due to the fact that they are allocated several classes, each has its own name. All parasites that have chosen the human body as their habitat are divided:

  • Trematodes( flukes), affecting the liver and lungs of the host;
  • Cestodes, so-called tapeworms, the longest( 12-20 m) and long-lived( up to 40 years) parasites
  • Nematodes, the scientific name of round helminths, most often affecting people.
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Having made a request with the correct name of the parasite diagnosed in the body, you can get all the information not only about possible ways of invasion, but also about what pathological effect they have on the body, and the manifestation of which symptomatology will indicate infection. But it should be borne in mind that methods of treating the disease can be prescribed only by a specialist.

Other names of diseases by worms

There are many varieties of parasitic worms that affect a person. Therefore, the most common diseases caused by this scourge should be considered:

  • Oyster infection is most common. These round worms from the class of nematodes cause the disease under the scientific name "enterobiosis".They live in the rectum of a person, and the products of their vital activity affect the nervous system and the patient's skin. Pinpointing pinworms in the body occurs contact-household way, through dirty hands;
  • Worms called ascarids cause ascariasis. This disease is characterized by impaired functioning of the digestive system and is accompanied by strong allergies. Consequences of it become intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, jaundice of mechanical type and pancreatitis. In addition, these helminths can affect the nervous system, contribute to loss of vision, the development of pleurisy, bronchospasm and pneumonia. They get into the body if the rules of personal hygiene are not respected;
  • Round worms, which are scientifically called Trichinella, cause trichinosis in a person. This ailment is manifested by violations of the functional activity of the lymphatic and circulatory systems, as well as severe fever. It is possible to infect these helminths by eating meat of wild or domestic animals that has not undergone the appropriate culinary processing. The same kind of worms also causes pathology, called "trichocephalosis", which is characterized by disorders of the nervous system, the activity of the digestive tract and blood composition. With it, there are symptoms such as facial swelling and muscle pain;
  • Helminthes called "opisthorchis" cause opisthorchiasis. Infection with these worms occurs from carp fish that have not undergone the appropriate heat treatment. In the absence of adequate treatment, there is damage to the ducts of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. According to the symptoms and clinical signs, this ailment is similar to oncology;
  • Because of infection with worms, which are called trematodes, urinary schistomatosis develops. This disease occurs in 2 forms - intestinal and genitourinary. Invasion can occur as a result of contact with contaminated water from contaminated reservoirs. The consequences of this pathology are the formation of fistulas or malignant tumors of the bladder.
  • Among people, a disease such as echinococcosis is common. It develops due to ingestion of echinococcus larvae carried by the animals of the dog family. The consequences of it are disorders in the brain, heart, kidneys and spleen;
  • Little known to patients worms called "strongyloidosis" cause strongyloidiasis. This ailment can last for decades without manifesting any symptoms, but in the event of a decrease in the patient's immunity, severe consequences for the body, often ending with a fatal outcome, occur. Invasion occurs from direct contact with the contaminated land.

Medical names of worms and diseases caused by them are used all over the world. Due to this it is much easier to understand both the classification of parasitic worms and the symptoms caused by one or another species. They are used by experts in setting the right diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment.

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