Triple cologne with opisthorchiasis, treatment of pike jelly, pumpkin seeds, cognac, kerosene, oats, soda, recipes with colostrum, black cumin oil, burdock root, does dry fasting help?

Opisthorchiasis - one of the most unpleasant diseases caused by infection of the body with helminths. The parasite penetrates the liver, thereby disrupting its efficiency. Currently, there is a huge amount of funds that can save a patient from opisthorchiasis. Pumpkin seeds from opisthorchiasis do not cause side effects. To proceed with the elimination of helminthic invasion, you should prepare the medicine:

  • A glass of pumpkin seeds to grind in a meat grinder;
  • Mix the crushed pumpkin seeds with 2 egg yolks, a little water and 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • Take medicine 30 minutes before meals;
  • Lie on the heating pad and lie in bed for 2 hours;
  • The procedure is performed daily for 10 days.

Adults can treat opisthorchiasis with cognac. To do this, prepare the next infusion:

  • 90 grams of castor oil is heated in a water bath;
  • When castor oil has a body temperature, pour 90 grams of cognac;
  • Thoroughly mix and drink in large sips;
  • The procedure is carried out for 3 days.
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Some folk doctors believe that it is possible to treat opisthorchias with kerosene. Immediately it should be noted that drinking it is strictly not recommended. A cotton swab should be soaked in kerosene, and then sniff it. Preliminary it is necessary to eat a sweet porridge and to drink an infusion from herbs of immortelle, a thousand-thousandge and tansy.

Also used against opisthorchiasis oats. To get rid of worms, you need to prepare a decoction:

  • Wash a glass of oat with running water;
  • Add 3 liters of cold water, it is desirable to pre-boil, and then cool it;
  • Heat the water to 80-85 degrees;
  • Put the medicine in the oven for at least 2 hours. The temperature in the oven should be 150 degrees;
  • When the broth is ready, it will need to be taken in the morning and evening before eating a half glass.

With such a disease as opisthorchias many toxins enter the body, they can be eliminated with soda and enema. For this it is necessary: ​​

  • Warm up 1 liter of water to a temperature of 45 degrees;
  • Add in warm water 30-35 grams of soda;
  • Enema is best done before bedtime;
  • Cleaning procedures are recommended for several days.

Some people believe that the most effective treatment for opisthorchiasis is colostrum. It is best if it is extracted directly from the cow. It is enough for a few days to drink one glass of this wonderful remedy. The organism will be cleared of harmful substances allocated by helminths.

You can get rid of the disease without taking any medicine or other means. Dry fasting helps with opisthorchiasis, and doctors advise to be careful, since severe dehydration of the body may occur. Such a procedure should not last more than 3 days. If the patient survives, most of the helminths will leave his body.

It should be noted that black cumin oil in opisthorchiasis can also be used. It should be taken according to the age category of the patient:

  • Children from 3 to 5 years old should take no more than 0.5 teaspoonful a day;
  • Children under 10 years are recommended to use only 1 teaspoon per day;
  • Adolescents and adults can drink 1.5 teaspoons a day.

It is best if a similar medicine is consumed 30 minutes before the meal. It is also recommended to drink a large amount of water.

To cope with opisthorchiasis, you can use a folk remedy like burdock root. The recipe is simple enough, besides it does not take much time to implement it:

  • It is best if the roots are excavated in the spring;
  • Wash the plant and squeeze out the juice from it;
  • Take a medicine for 1 tablespoon before breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • Total time for procedures takes 21 days. The medicine is used for 7 days, after which a week break is made. When the liver and the whole body rest, you can continue therapy, which will last 7 days.

Use of bile pike with opisthorchiasis

Herbs allow to cope with the disease for a sufficiently long period of time. Sometimes there are situations when the illness affects the work. That's why you should use another tool. According to the folk doctors, the bile pike will quickly cope with opisthorchiasis. It is best if the fish is caught in the early spring. At this time, the medicine will be more effective.

The recipe for getting rid of helminthic invasion is simple:

  • Three small fish will be needed;
  • It is best if bile is removed from live pike;
  • To make pike bile help from opisthorchiasis, you should swallow it and drink 50-70 milliliters of vodka;
  • For complete elimination of parasites, pike bile is best used for 3 days.

Treatment of opisthorchiasis with bile pike is quite effective. This is due to the fact that parasites do not tolerate pike enzymes. After getting them into the human body, the parasites themselves leave.

Patients who decide to use this prescription should remember that pike bile can cause some side effects, it all depends on the characteristics of the body. If this happens, the stomach should be washed and the patient will feel better.

Treating opisthorchosis with triple cologne

According to recipes from traditional medicine, triple cologne will allow patients to get rid of opisthorchiasis. Many people disapprove of such a drug. Despite this, it can save a person from parasites.

Treating opisthorchosis with triple cologne is as follows:

  • You can buy triple cologne, of course, you can replace it with medical alcohol, but the effectiveness will be much lower;
  • It is best to take the preparation before breakfast for 1 tablespoon;
  • To eliminate all parasites, about 2 bottles of triple cologne will be needed.

It should be noted that many doctors advise eliminating opisthorchia with triple cologne. Of course, this advice is unofficial, nevertheless, it is quite effective.

There are also those who believe that such therapy is unsafe. This is due to the fact that triple cologne can affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver. In most cases, residents of the north use this method in the same way, as they are more likely to face the problem of this helminthic invasion.

In any case, before you try this method of eliminating parasites, it is recommended to visit a doctor. The specialist will confirm or refute the diagnosis. Also it will be possible to understand, whether there will be side effects after the use of triple cologne.

If side effects occur during therapy, it is recommended that you stop using this remedy. With severe nausea and vomiting, you should rinse the stomach. Return to the fight with helminths will be possible only in a few days.

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