What is hypermetropia of the eyes of a weak, medium, high degree and how it manifests itself

1 Causes of hyperopia

There are several reasons why hypermetropia occurs. Light in hypermetropia( farsightedness) is focused very far, skipping the retina. In this case, the optical system can not refract light as needed, or the eye simply becomes too short. But most often, both occur and both. The hereditary form of hyperopia is most often transmitted from ancestors to descendants. Changes that occur with age and start on average from 45 to 50 years, can affect the ability of the lens to refract light rays. Deterioration of vision during this period is called "senile farsightedness".

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A person with hypermetropia often squints to focus the image. Such actions can cause complications in the form of ciliary muscle tension and the possible development of blepharitis. Hypermetropia or hyperopia is a very insidious disease due to the fact that the first symptoms of this illness in childhood seem insignificant and far from eye disease. The child in case of manifestation of the disease can quickly get tired, poorly learn, overly focus on a specific task and even badly sleep.

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Too much fatigue of the eye apparatus with hypermetropia is manifested most often asthenic complaints. With the help of diagnostics and corrective procedures, complications can be prevented. Progressive development of hyperopia can lead to disruption of the outflow of intraocular fluid, as a result of which such a serious and irreversible disease as glaucoma can develop.

2 Symptoms of pathology

The main symptom of hypermetropia is a poor vision near, but in advanced cases the eye may not focus a clear image and away.

The young lens adapts to different conditions to increase optical abilities. Boys and girls with weak or moderate hyperopia do not observe pronounced symptoms of hypermetropia and eye problems. Growing up, a person gradually begins to lose the important ability of accommodation. And then the symptoms of hypermetropia begin to progress.

Hypermetropia of both eyes can manifest and equally affect the state of vision of both the left and right eyes.

Symptoms most frequently observed with hypermetropia( farsightedness):

  • weak vision function near;
  • weak vision function in the distance;
  • frequent eye diseases;
  • increases eye fatigue during reading;
  • observed high eye strain during operation;
  • symptoms of strabismus and the function of "lazy" eyes, observed in children.

3 Hyperopia classification

Hypermetropia( hyperopia) as a phenomenon of abnormal visual refraction is divided according to the degrees of severity:

  1. Hyperopia of low degree of both eyes. In this case, there are practically no problems with visual impairment in the home. Some difficulties may arise in working with small objects near, for example, reading small letters or inserting a thread into a needle. Most complaints are due to headaches and poor concentration. Correction of vision in this case will be up to 2 or 3 diopters in plus.
  2. Hypermetropia of moderate severity. In this case, visual disturbances near are very vividly expressed, a person already pushes the object away from the outstretched arm to get a clear picture. Visual correction of hypermetropia in this case will be no more than 5 diopters per plus. By the way, vision in the distance well retains its function, so you can fully see in nature.
  3. Hypermetropia of high severity. In such a difficult case, the accommodation for compensation becomes completely exhaustive. The visual apparatus is no longer able to bend both the lens and the eye itself in order to improve the clarity of the image. The area of ​​clear recognition is strongly shifted, which makes it difficult to clearly discern the features of the object. There are difficulties during the stay without glasses outside the premises. With this degree of severity, the correction is more than 5 diopters per plus.


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4 Dangers of the disease

Often people are interested in the issues of hyperopia( farsightedness) of the weak degree of both eyes in children and adolescents. Ophthalmologists sometimes require mandatory wearing of glasses. But their opinions differ greatly, because some say that treatment is almost impossible, others, on the contrary, argue that without treatment there will be progressive development of the disease, and offer a variety of ways. Nevertheless, long-sightedness, with its untimely treatment, can lead to serious consequences in the form of complications such as conjunctivitis, strabismus and amblyopia. In case of suspicion of weak activity of the visual apparatus, it is necessary to conduct a survey with an ophthalmologist.

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Diagnosis is carried out in several ways. First, a visual acuity check is made using a special table. The second point the doctor conducts the examination of the bottom of the patient's eye with the help of mirror or ultrasound instruments. The third point is the use of a device called a phoropter, which is used to select those lenses that will be convenient for the patient and correct his vision correctly.

Complete complex of examinations includes:

  • refractometry;
  • with a ski;
  • perimeter;
  • ophthalmometry;
  • echography;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • Vision.

A routine check is rare when it can detect hypermetropia. It is a complete diagnostic test with a survey that can show the degree of development of hyperopia( hypermetropia).With diabetes, the development of eye diseases occurs several times more often. It is important to follow the recommended diet with the use of the necessary amount of liquid.

5 Treatment, methods of correction and prevention

For prophylaxis should:

  1. To carry out the load on the vision only in good light: you need to use not only a table lamp, but also the lighting from above. It should be remembered that the power of the lamps should be 60 - 100 W( fluorescent lamps perfectly contribute to a rapid and significant deterioration of vision!).
  2. It is necessary to observe a competently and reasonably built-up regime of active rest and visual work.
  3. No matter how many cases, you need to spend gymnastics eyes every 15-30 minutes.
  4. You need to go through a full examination with an ophthalmologist every six months, it is useful and self-checking your visual acuity on the table.
  5. It is necessary to observe the rules of vision correction with the help of optical lenses and glasses, which the doctor has picked up.
  6. It is necessary to carry out procedures for training accommodative muscles under the supervision of a doctor( laser stimulation, instillation of medications, video-computer vision correction, special courses for eye accommodation).

Every six months should be treated. In cases where there are no complications, except for hypermetropia in the weak degree of both eyes, a hardware treatment is prescribed( Ambliocor, Synoptophor).Also there are computer programs, such as Amblyotrener, designed for 5 - 10 sessions. Such programs are most often used on children of small ages. You can use vitamins and eye supplements for the eyes no more than 2 times a year.

It is recommended to watch TV at home in special punch glasses several times a day, start from 3 minutes and only after a while, gradually and carefully bring up to 30 minutes. Such exercises help relieve the tension of the visual tract.

6 Modern correction of hypermetropia

Currently, there are a huge number of modern and popular ways to eliminate hypermetropia, but only 2 of them are the most recognized from a medical point of view:

  1. Points. By its popularity, this way holds the palm of the championship in the whole world. Points correct the vision of not only adults but also children. Having many advantages, glasses at the same time deliver a lot of unpleasant moments to their carrier. They often get dirty, they can fog, they constantly fall down, they try to slip aggressively, they interfere with physically active activity. To this we need to add that the glasses do not give a full correction. During the wearing of glasses, the lateral vision is atrophied almost 100%, the spatial perception and the effect of stereoscopy are disturbed, and this is so important for those who sit at the wheel of the vehicle every day. Splinters of lenses made of glass cause serious injuries when they hit the eye during an accident. If the glasses are picked up incorrectly, there is often unfounded eye fatigue and progressive development of hypermetropia.
  2. Contact lenses. Often, with hypermetropia accompanied by amblyopia, corrective contact lenses are used that have a curative effect. Only creating an image of good clarity at the bottom of the eye is an incentive to improve vision. Contact lenses are often prescribed for children. As in the case of glasses, wearing a lens can cause a person some inconvenience. In particular, this is due to the fact that some people physiologically do not tolerate a foreign body in their eyes. Complications often occur with allergies caused by the wearing of lenses. Often even people who wear lenses for a number of years, face dangerous infections of an infectious nature, which can easily lead to a complete loss of vision. However, there is as yet no alternative method for eye correction. Lately, orthokeratology( night) lenses have become very popular, correcting their eyesight while wearing up to 3 diopters. They do not carry any side effects that arise from wearing contact lenses, do not cause any allergies, are more hygienic and at the same time exclude oxygen starvation of the cornea.

7 Laser correction

Method of modern surgery based on laser correction. If there are no changes in the course of the disease, then to people who have reached the age of 18, ophthalmology offers an operation that can correct the corrective power of vision. Several surgical methods for the treatment of hyperopia were developed, the most significant of which are:

  1. LASIK - a method for eliminating hypermetropia with an excimer laser. This operation will allow the patient to quickly return vision and forget about the problem of hypermetropia forever.
  2. Thermocaagulation - on the periphery of the cornea using a laser, dot coagulants are applied.
  3. Keratomy - deep incisions, implantation of autobiolinase under the surface of the cornea - hypermetropic autokeratoplasty, or lens replacement.
  4. Laser keratomilez - cutting small areas of the cornea.

Thus, science knows several ways to make correction by the operating method. Such an operation is able to solve the problem of poor vision in the patient. But the procedure is also connected with possible risks, which can make the consequences irreversible. In autoimmune processes, pregnancy and breastfeeding, laser surgery is contraindicated.

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