Signs of a stroke in men and first aid at home

1 Species of the disease

According to medical qualifications, this disease is divided into two types. This division is based on the rate of the disease and the difference in symptoms.

Ischemic stroke is characterized by blockage or a strong constriction of cerebral vessels. Symptoms of the disease manifest gradually. Increasing their intensity occurs for a fairly long period of time, which is calculated by days and hours. When the supply of the brain with blood ceases, its functionality is violated. This leads to partial paralysis affecting the organs responsible for the affected hemisphere. Sometimes there are cases of temporary suspension of expansion of the affected area. But after a while everything resumes.

Hemorrhagic stroke manifests itself brightly and suddenly. As a rule, it ends with a fatal outcome. The most optimistic forecast is disability, which is caused by complete paralysis. The disease is associated with vascular rupture and cerebral hemorrhage. Patients feel a strong attack of a headache and lose consciousness. If the patient is provided with prompt and qualified medical care, then he has a small chance to survive. Of great importance is the first aid rendered by the passer-by, relatives and friends.

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The risk group includes people of senile age and workers, whose work is associated with severe nervous overloads. People who spend a lot of time behind a computer or driving a car are prone to this disease.

Obesity and malnutrition can be the immediate cause of a stroke.

Dangers are exposed to men in whose family were patients with this ailment. Stroke is inherited and can be manifested after several generations.

Such internal and external factors can trigger a stroke:

  • bad habits( alcohol, narcotic drugs, smoking);
  • chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes;
  • injuries and injuries, resulting in blockage of the carotid artery;
  • obesity, causing an increase in cholesterol in the blood and narrowing of the walls of blood vessels;
  • cancers that lead to a violation of the structure of blood vessels.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the

  • Methods for the treatment of migraine in men
  • What is and how a stroke is manifested
  • Caring for a bed-patient after a stroke at home
  • Modern drugs from Pressure!

Quite often, cerebral hemorrhage is caused by severe stress, when the pressure rises so much and sharply that the walls of the vessels can not stand it and burst.

2 Early harbingers of the disease

This ailment has been developing for many years. Predisposition to this disease can be identified even at the earliest stages.

The first signs of a stroke in men look like this:

  1. Headaches. At first they do not bring discomfort and suffering. Over time, their intensity and duration increases. It comes to the fact that a person loses the ability to normal thinking and behavior.
  2. The appearance of weakness. The patient gradually loses strength in the arms and legs. His endurance is gradually dwindling. A person feels tired even after a little effort.
  3. Vertigo. They arise without cause and suddenly. This unpleasant phenomenon can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The patient has a clouding of consciousness and a violation of coordination of movements.

Quite often patients with a tendency to stroke perform strange actions, which they themselves can not explain later. This is due to a lack of oxygen, which comes to the nerve cells responsible for the thinking ability.

3 Symptoms of the onset of an attack

A stroke can occur at the most inopportune moment. An attack can catch a person at work, in transport or at home. Nearby may be relatives or completely strangers. It is desirable that they know the main signs of the manifestation of this deadly disease.


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We urgently need to call an ambulance for symptoms such as:

  • sharp and sharp headache, which resembles a strong blow;
  • a fit of weakness when the arms and legs refuse to perform their functions;
  • speech impairment, resulting in loss of ability to talk;
  • loss of coordination of motion;
  • darkening in the eyes, accompanied by visual impairment;
  • ringing in the ears, distortion of sounds;
  • loss of ability to adequately think and evaluate their actions;
  • abundant salivation;
  • inability to do swallowing movements;
  • loss of sensation of the body part, leading to its complete numbness;
  • distorted perception of the surrounding reality;
  • shortness of breath and frequent breathing;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • sharp and significant amplitude fluctuations in blood pressure.

The intensity of these symptoms depends on the size of the affected area of ​​the brain. It is likely that the patient's condition may improve after a while. But it is necessary to realize that this is only the first attack. The further will pass more strongly, with a high probability of the patient falling into a coma. With a significant brain damage, death is possible because of cardiac arrest.

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4 How to recognize the pathology of

Quite often the patient does not seek help himself, believing that deterioration of well-being can be caused by fatigue or age. Many men mistakenly consider complaints of ill health as a manifestation of weakness and are tolerated to the last. If relatives or passers-by see strangeness in the behavior of a person, then they can conduct rapid testing to determine whether there is a stroke.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Tell the person that he needs to smile. In case of an attack, the smile will be on one side.
  2. Ask the patient to stretch his arms in front of him. If one hand immediately falls, then this indicates a stroke.
  3. To talk with a person. Ask him a few questions that require answers. An alarming sign is muffled speech and difficulty in pronouncing words.

Even one of these symptoms is the reason for an immediate call to the ambulance dispatcher. Before it arrives, it is necessary to take measures to support the life of the patient.

5 What you need to do

The speed of the reaction of others greatly depends on the life of a person who suffered from a stroke. The first minutes after the onset of an attack are decisive. It depends on them how far the pathological changes in the brain and internal organs will go. As a rule, a stroke is accompanied by a loss of consciousness or a strong retardation.

When diagnosing this disease, you need to do the following:

  1. Transfer the patient to a horizontal position. Put an object under his head. Turn your head to the side.
  2. Open the victim's mouth and check the position of the tongue so that it does not block the larynx. If there are vacuum dentures, then they need to be removed.
  3. Relieve neck and waist from necktie and belts. You can take off your shoes. Create all conditions for free breathing and unhindered blood circulation.
  4. Cool the victim's head. To the temples you can attach any item from the refrigerator - a pack of butter, a bottle of milk, a piece of meat in a bag.
  5. For vomiting and salivation, clean the mouth with a handkerchief.
  6. Rinse the hands of the patient to maintain normal blood circulation.
  7. Do not give the patient any medications that are offered by passers-by. This can seriously hurt him.

As a rule, an ambulance delivers a patient to the intensive care unit. Doctors have a few hours to save his life.

Under the conditions of the clinic, the patient is administered drugs that help reduce puffiness, strengthen blood vessels and stabilize blood pressure. The patient is prescribed complete rest. With timely treatment and properly selected medications, a person can recover within 2-3 weeks.

6 Prevention of the disease

If the patient survived the stroke and remained able to work, then he was very lucky. To prevent a second attack, which can be fatal, you need to radically change your life.

Prevention of stroke includes such activities:

  • regular( at least once a year) visits to the doctor;
  • moderate physical activities, which include swimming, light jogging and cycling;
  • refusal from smoking, drunkenness and use of narcotic drugs;
  • correct, rational nutrition with natural products;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • the constant use of a large amount of fluid to prevent the increase in blood density;
  • constant monitoring of blood pressure;
  • preservation of peace of mind, avoiding conflict situations and stress;
  • disposal of chronic ailments and foci of inflammation in the body;
  • to complete the treatment of all diseases to avoid serious complications.

As the medical practice shows, a healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of preventing stroke in all its manifestations.

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