Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children and adults: causes, treatment, diet, symptoms, form

What do you think when you see a rash on the site of a person? The first thought, most likely, is associated with an allergy. Patients with hemorrhagic vasculitis often think as long as the disease does not develop into a more serious form. To prevent this from happening, find out more about the disease.

Features of the disease

Hemorrhagic vasculitis of this type is also called purple Shenlaine-Genoch by the names of scientists who first described the disease. Because of the causes and symptoms, it is also called rheumatic and allergic, which can confuse the patient.

Vasculitis is characterized by inflammation of the vessel wall inflammatory nature, as well as microthrombogenesis, affecting the vessels of the skin and organs. It is characterized by a characteristic purpura, arthralgia, glomerulonephritis and gastrointestinal lesions.

The mechanism of vasculitis is the formation of an immune complex. Moving along the blood current, such complexes can be deposited inside, on the vessel wall, which damages it and starts the aseptic process. The process makes the walls of the vessels permeable, because in their lumens begin to be deposited thrombotic masses and fibrin.

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As statistics show, hemorrhagic vasculitis is the most common type( more than 50% of cases).Men, on average, get sick 1,5 times more often than women. The disease can affect people of all ages, but most often occurs in children 4-12 years of age. Vasculitis can manifest itself in infants( they are also susceptible to Kawasaki syndrome).

Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children( photo)

Classification of hemorrhagic vasculitis

There are several classifications of hemorrhagic vasculitis depending on its form, the course of the disease and the degree of activity.


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By forms I distinguish hemorrhagic vasculitis:

  • Skin and cutaneous-articular:
    1. simple;
    2. necrotic;
    3. with cold-type urticaria and swelling;
  • Abdominal.
  • Skin and abdominal.
  • Renal.
  • Skin and kidney.
  • Mixed.

The following video presents a story about the forms of hemorrhagic vasculitis in children:

The course of the disease

The course of the disease can be:

  • Lightning fast. More often than not, it occurs in children under the age of five.
  • Sharp. It takes 4 weeks.
  • Subacute. Passes within 3 months.
  • Chronic. Characterized by recurrence.
  • Prolonged. Passes for half a year.

Degrees of activity of the disease

There are also several degrees of activity of hemorrhagic vasculitis:

  • First. It is characterized by mild symptoms. The patient does not have elevated body temperature or pain symptoms, the rash itself is weak, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is slightly increased( up to 20 mm per hour).
  • Second. The patient's condition is estimated as an average. Purple is clearly visible, spreads further along the site of the body, there is an increase in body temperature, pain in the head, general weakness. When analyzing blood, there is an increase in leukocytes, neutrophils and eosinophil. The sedimentation rate of erythrocytes rises up to 40 mm per hour, disproteinemia and albumin are reduced.
  • Third. The condition worsens until severe, the fever worsens, a severe headache occurs. The central nervous system is affected. When analyzing the blood, there is a strong increase in white blood cells and erythrocyte sedimentation rate( above 40 mm per hour), in turn, platelets decrease.

Next we will talk about the causes of hemorrhagic vasculitis in adults and children.

Causes of

The most common causes of vasculitis are infectious diseases. These are both viral and bacterial, for example:

  1. herpes;
  2. influenza;
  3. ARVI;
  4. tuberculosis;
  5. mycoplasmosis;
  6. streptococci;

There are factors that can provoke hemorrhagic vasculitis. To those include:

  • Allergic reactions to medications or food.
  • Vaccination, including pediatric.
  • Overcooling or overheating of the body.

Scientists suggest that the above factors can lead to vasculitis, if the patient has a genetic predisposition to such immune responses. About the symptoms of hemorrhagic vasculitis in children and adults read on.

Symptoms of

Symptomatic of the disease is characterized by the syndromes:

  • Skin. It is present in every patient. It is characterized by spots, usually of small size, spotted-papular. The spots do not disappear when pressed, they are localized symmetrically, usually appear on the shins, hips, buttocks and skin of the trunk and arms. The abundance of the rash depends on the course of the disease and form, for example, in chronic GV skin can flake.
  • Articular. There are more than half of the patients. Most often manifested short arthralgia and severe joint pain. Basically, large joints are affected, for example, knee and ankle.
  • Abdominal. It manifests as pain in the abdominal region, passing without intervention through a short period of time. The pain is accompanied by disturbances in the stool, vomiting and nausea. Rarely, vasculitis can be accompanied by bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by vomiting and defecation with blood impurities.
  • Kidney. Approximately 25% of cases occur. It is expressed by the symptoms of glomerulonephritis and disorders of urination.

Also, other organs can be affected in HS, which is rare and manifests itself as a cough with bloody sputum, shortness of breath, myocarditis. Patients may have individual symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, irritability and epicas. Next, we will tell you more about the diagnosis of hemorrhagic vasculitis.


The disease is diagnosed by a rheumatologist who collects an anamnesis and analyzes symptoms. If the patient is questioning hemorrhagic vasculitis, he is assigned additional studies:

  1. clinical and biochemical blood test;
  2. urinalysis;
  3. coagulogram showing clotting disorders;
  4. skin biopsy( in severe cases).

If the patient develops a kidney syndrome, he is given a consultation of a nephrologist and a biochemical analysis of urine, a Zimnitsky Probe, ultrasound and a UZDG. Differential diagnostics makes it possible to distinguish vasculitis from other diseases with similar symptoms, for example, appendicitis, cholecystitis, ulcers and others.

In the next section we will tell you about the different methods of treating hemorrhagic vasculitis in adults and children.

Treatment of

Treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis combines therapeutic and medicamental techniques. If desired, the treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies. In rare cases, surgical intervention is required.


The main therapy is the observance of general health procedures. So, when hemorrhagic vasculitis in children and adults is important to observe a hypoallergenic diet, to limit physical activity, while doing exercise therapy.

Plasmapheresis is assigned from the hardware. The procedure helps to purify the blood of toxins, bacteria, etc. Therapeutic method must be combined with drug treatment.


When diagnosing vasculitis, the patient is prescribed the following:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help to relieve inflammation and lower the temperature.
  • Membrane stabilizing drugs that repair damaged tissue.
  • Cytotoxic drugs that restore the immune system.
  • Antacids to reduce the risk of damage to the stomach.
  • Antispasmodics that reduce pain.

The patient is also prescribed drugs from other groups, which depends on the concomitant diseases and the presence of foci of chronic infection.


Surgical treatment is used in rare cases, when the kidneys or intestines are severely affected. In this case, the patient is made:

  • Removal of the affected bowel area.
  • Kidney transplantation.

Next we will talk about the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis folk remedies.

Folk methods of treatment

As folk methods take decoctions, infusions and herbal packs that improve the immune system and restore blood circulation. These include:

  • field horsetail;
  • rue;
  • yarrow;
  • black elderberry;
  • sea buckthorn;
  • rose hips;

Please note! Take any folk remedy with the permission of the doctor.

In the next video you will find more information on the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis folk methods:

Prevention of the disease

To prevent the development of vasculitis, it is necessary: ​​

  • Strengthen immunity. This is facilitated by hardening with water or air, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, taking multivitamins.
  • Treat infectious inflammation and stop chronic.
  • Take only those medicines that the doctor advises.
  • Avoid overheating and overcooling.
  • Refuse from excessive physical exertion.
  • Refuse bad habits.

In general, there is no specific prophylaxis against vasculitis. However, observing general measures, it is possible to reduce the risk of the disease many times.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis in adults( photo)

Complications of

Most often it is possible to cure hemorrhagic vasculitis without complications. In rare cases, the disease can lead to:

  1. chronic renal failure;
  2. death of a specific area of ​​the intestine followed by peritonitis;
  3. of intestinal obstruction;
  4. pulmonary and gastrointestinal bleeding;
  5. anemia;

Complications can occur with timely treatment, depending on individual patient health indicators, concomitant diseases and the form of vasculitis.


The first stages of HS can take place independently. However, without proper treatment, the likelihood of a lethal outcome is high. So, fulminant vasculitis can lead to death due to the defeat of the central nervous system and intracerebral hemorrhage.

With competent treatment, more than 50% of patients recover completely. The remaining 50% of the disease can recur after a second collision with the cause of its formation.

More details on how to protect yourself from such ailment as hemorrhagic vasculitis, will tell the following video:

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