What a disease allergic vasculitis: symptoms, treatment, reasons, photo

What do we know about the treatment of allergies? That for its elimination is sufficient course of antihistamines. But what if there is an allergic reaction that can not be so easily cured? Such is the allergic vasculitis, delay in the treatment of which can threaten with serious consequences.

Features of the disease

Allergic vasculitis is a disease that affects the walls of the vessels due to an allergic reaction. Allergic vasculitis( hereinafter referred to as AL) combines several independent diseases, which, in fact, are its forms.

The disease can affect people of all ages and sexes, however, the signs of allergic vasculitis in children and adults may differ.

  • So, in childhood, spots have a hemorrhagic character and vague borders, a bright red hue. In some places, spots can merge.
  • Adult spots, on the contrary, are distinct.

Statistics show that different forms of the disease are more pronounced in certain groups. Thus, hemorrhagic vasculitis often affects children under 14 years old.

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More details on what kind of illness this, allergic vasculitis, will be told by a specialist in the following video:

Forms of allergic vasculitis

In medical practice, the surface and deep forms of AL are distinguished. Superficial vasculitis affects capillaries and small veins, and deep - deep veins and arteries.

The current classification divides vasculitis into 4 forms:


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • Hemorrhagic. Puffy swelling with possible peeling and hemorrhagic color.
  • Polymorphic-nodular. Allergic skin vasculitis, more precisely, its skin manifestations differ, can act as nodules, blemishes, hemorrhagic, urticarum and other characters( note that there is also skin vasculitis).The rash contains exudate, which when dried, forms peeling crusts. Under the crusts ulcerations are hidden, which can lead to tissue necrosis and the expansion of small vessels. The rash is located on the trunk, buttocks, hips, legs, symmetrical.
  • Nodal-necrotic. It is a rash of papular nature with a reddish-yellow or brown tinge. Papules are flaky, can necrotic in the center, while covering with crusts. After healing ulcers, scars remain.
  • Mixed or not classified. Characteristic symptomatology is absent, with this form of rash can be of any nature, have flaky and non-rooted areas.

Photo of symptoms of allergic vasculitis

Causes of

Allergic vasculitis is a disease that does not appear for any one reason, but because of a combination of factors. The most common factor is the reaction of the body to any infectious agent, for example, streptococcus and viruses that go against the background:

  • Chronic diseases, which may include tonsillitis, otitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis and others.
  • Frequent diseases of ARVI, influenza, herpes or hepatitis.

Another common factor is the effect on the body of strong medications and chemicals. The first include both antibiotics, and oral contraceptives and analgesics. The most negative impact from chemicals is caused by insecticides and oil products. Allergens can trigger an allergic reaction, especially if contact with them is accompanied by aggravating factors, for example:

  1. infectious diseases;
  2. pathological conditions like obesity or diabetes;
  3. disorders of the vascular system as in hypertension, varicose veins and similar diseases;
  4. diseases of the somatic plan organs, for example, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and the like;
  5. genetic abnormalities and mutations like Down's Syndrome;

Symptoms of

Symptoms may vary depending on the form of the disease. The main symptom of AL remains a rash of reddish hue, protruding above the skin. The patient also has:

  • headaches;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting, rarely with a trace of blood;
  • disorders of urination and defecation;
  • pain in the joints and bones;
  • swelling;

Symptomatology strongly depends on the form and degree of the disease, as well as on the patient's immune system.

More details about the symptoms and treatment of allergic vasculitis will tell the following video:


Vasculitis is diagnosed in a rheumatologist. Usually, it is not made up of labor due to a specific rash. After collecting anamnesis and analyzing the symptoms, the doctor will prescribe a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe additional studies to confirm it:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • biochemical liver test;
  • biopsy of the rash;
  • definition of ASL-O;
  • RIF;

For the differential diagnosis and detection of concomitant diseases, additional studies can be prescribed to the patient, for example: nasopharyngeal swab, bacussis, ECG and UZDG, angiography, as well as consultation with a vascular surgeon, cardiologist, phlebologist and other physicians.


The main treatment for allergic vasculitis is medication. To him can be added therapeutic methods and recommendations. In very rare cases, when a lesion attacks the intestine, an operation to remove its area may be necessary.

Reviews show the effectiveness of drug therapy and its combination with therapeutic methods:

  • After taking antibiotics from ARVI, I was showered with ulcers. As it turned out, vasculitis. The doctor appointed Verouton, Troxevasin, Claritin and new antibiotics, plus this diet. The effect of drugs, I noticed not immediately, but gradually vasculitis left, even the scars did not remain.
  • I advise everyone to go to the doctor right away! I started my vasculitis to such an extent that I prescribed cytotoxic drugs. They were very ill, nauseous, vomited, wildly ill head, but vasculitis was. Now I'm on a diet, do sports, and have not heard about vasculitis for 6 years!

Therapeutic method

The therapeutic method is to constantly monitor the patient's health. The doctor not only checks the tests, but also gives recommendations on the hypoallergenic diet.

Depending on the pain symptoms, the patient may be prescribed ultraphonophoresis and magnetotherapy. Blood purification by extracorporeal hemocorrection may also be required.


The main drugs used for the treatment of allergic vasculitis are desensitizing and antihistamines, as well as calcium preparations. The patient may also be prescribed:

  • Drugs that improve vascular tone and reduce permeability, for example, Verouton, Dicynon, Prodectin and others.
  • External ointments with troxevasin content.
  • Antibacterial agents if there are foci of infection.

Rarely, when vasculitis occurs in a neglected form or does not respond to drug treatment, it may be necessary to take glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics.

There is an opinion that allergic vasculitis can be affected by folk remedies, which the following video will tell:

Prevention of

The main preventative against allergic vasculitis is the exclusion of contacts with known allergens. Also, the development of the disease can be avoided if:

  • is timely diagnosed and treated for infectious diseases;
  • to reverse chronic diseases;
  • avoid overcooling and overheating;
  • only take the necessary drugs;

A noticeable reduction in the risk of developing vasculitis is helped by a healthy lifestyle. Due to optimal dietary nutrition and normal physical loads, immunity improves and prevents the growth of pathogenic infectious cells.


To prevent the emergence or development of vasculitis, you must observe a hypoallergenic diet. It should be noted that when the exacerbation of vasculitis passes, the diet can be expanded and supplemented, however, should not be completely removed from the life of the patient.

The main rule of the diet is to exclude highly allergenic products. Allergens can be used for food, but in small quantities. The list of allergenic products largely depends on the patient's allergic reactions, therefore it is selected together with the doctor.

It is important to properly prepare hypoallergenic food. Thus, it is necessary to exclude frying and smoking products, replacing them with cooking and quenching. It is desirable to reduce salt intake, which causes swelling. In day it is necessary to organize 4-5 meals so that there are small portions. Such a diet will help relieve the gastrointestinal tract.

Complications of

Allergic vasculitis rarely leads to any complications. In neglected form, it can lead to internal hemorrhages, as well as disruption of the internal organs, mainly the liver and kidneys.


Forecasting the favorable treatment of vasculitis can be based on a number of factors: the form and extent of the disease, the presence of complications, the age of the patient and the like. Thanks to modern medicine, allergic vasculitis can be cured in more than 80% with early diagnosis. The prognosis deteriorates noticeably if vasculitis is complicated.

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