Why does the abdomen ache with hemorrhoids, can the lower back, the right side, what treatment of bloating?

When acute inflammatory processes in the rectum, such as hemorrhoids, patients can feel bloating and pain caused by a stool disorder, panic fear of the patient before defecation, reflex connections of nerve endings in the hemorrhoidal nodes that transmit anxious signals to the brain. Simply put, we are talking about the irradiation of hemorrhoidal symptoms.

The inflammation occurring in the rectum is capable of reflexively influencing the work of the whole gastrointestinal tract, causing such phenomena as diarrhea, constipation and the formation of gases. In many cases, these phenomena are accompanied by pain and cause some discomfort.

Does the abdomen hurt because of hemorrhoids?

Is it possible to treat the cramps and spasms in the abdominal cavity as manifestations of hemorrhoids?"Yes!", Proctologists say, "But not always."Such manifestations are typical for many diseases and pathologies. When the lower abdomen hurts in women, the symptoms can be caused by diseases of the genital area. In men, this symptomatology may indicate a tumor of the intestine. Even the presence of worms can cause discomfort in the area of ​​the intestines, which will cause unpleasant sensations, given in the lower back. To conduct effective therapy, professional diagnosis is necessary.

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Painful sensations from below the abdominal cavity occur at the second and even at the beginning of the third stage of inflammation of the rectum, which are characterized by an active course of the pathological process. They appear in the internal and external course of the disease:

  1. One of the most common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are lower abdominal pains, accompanied by a feeling of fullness of the intestine, bleeding from the anus. There may be stool disorders - diarrhea or constipation.
  2. With external hemorrhoids, pain in different parts of the body is often caused by psychosomatic problems or reflex connections affecting, among other things, the lower abdomen and the clamped hemorrhoids.

The location of pain in the abdominal cavity in this disease is the right side or the bottom.

How does the stomach ache with hemorrhoids?

The nature of the manifestations may be permanent, aching or cramping. Pain can be given in the lower back or side.

  1. Cramping attacks often appear when the intestine shrinks due to inflammation of the nodes.
  2. Aching persistent pain in the lower abdomen indicates a progressive inflammatory process, for example, adherence to the underlying disease of necrosis, peritonitis.
  3. With rectal fissures, often after defecation, patients find blood drops in feces or on toilet paper. Damage to the blood vessels by the solid calves can be accompanied by acute intolerable pain in the abdomen.
  4. Increased hemorrhoids can lead to intestinal obstruction, cause constipation, bloating. Often after therapy, the stool liquefies, the patient is better to empty the intestine in a natural way, but abdominal pain may persist, since some of the drugs for treating inflammation of the rectum can cause intestinal dysbiosis.

How to treat abdominal pain with hemorrhoids?

To get rid of discomfort, try to relax:

  1. The trunk should take a comfortable posture, this will help to eliminate pressure on the digestive tract. Free clothes will not "clamp" the intestines, which will allow the muscles to occupy the desired position and exclude spasms.
  2. With increasing symptoms, you can take a spasmodic drug, for example, Ibuprofen or Kombizpazm.
  3. Pain in the right side and lower abdomen with hemorrhoids can be removed by adjusting the processes of digestion and defecation. Follow the diet number 3, which will save you from exacerbations of the disease. You can drink herbal infusions with a mild laxative effect.
  4. Massage of the abdominal cavity helps to reduce discomfort. It is enough to do stroking clockwise, slightly pressing the hand on the area of ​​the intestine.
  5. To reduce the acute pain in the abdomen with hemorrhoids, you can perform a simple exercise: spread your legs widely, slowly sit down, stay in the bottom position for 5-6 seconds.

Take daily short walks. Such a measure helps normalize the work of the intestines, and therefore, help get rid of pain in the abdomen with hemorrhoids.

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