Whether it is possible in a bath, a sauna, a sun deck at hemorrhoids, whether it is possible to warm hemorrhoidal sites?

One of the most common proctologic problems is the inflammatory process affecting the hemorrhoids. Conservative treatment consists in normalizing acts of defecation, removing inflammation and eliminating pain syndrome. As you know, bath procedures are very effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes and the removal of pain. The tonic effect of the Russian bath on the cardiovascular system, which forces blood to move with redoubled energy through the vessels, is used to treat many diseases. Therefore, many are worried about the question of whether it is possible to visit a bath with hemorrhoids and to bathe in it, or it is better to refrain from these procedures. In general, proctologists for therapeutic purposes very often use cold, causing the narrowing of blood vessels and increasing their elasticity. Icy rectal suppositories cause outflow of blood from the pelvic organs and have analgesic effect.

Supporters of the popular method of treatment, believe that with hemorrhoids can be in the bathing motivating it by the fact that the organs of the small pelvis increases blood flow, healing from stagnation. The positive effect of the bath on the hemorrhoids is possible if the following rules are observed:

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  1. Before beginning the procedures, drink a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  2. The temperature in the therma should be gentle and the reception of hot tubs and the heating of the anus should last no more than ten minutes.
  3. Combine the bath with the implementation of medical procedures( therapeutic teas, curd-sweated applications on the inflamed nodes).

The condition of the nodes is positively affected by temperature changes, when after a bath you can take cool sessile baths. When added to the bath decoction of the mountaineer pochechuynogo increases the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects of the procedure. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease use therapeutic clay. A mixture of clay with yogurt lubricates the hemorrhoids, when the mixture dries, the circulation of blood increases. According to the supporters of folk methods of treating hemorrhoids, whether it is possible to enter the bath, and whether it is possible to go to the sauna with the disease, depends on the degree of the disease development. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Can I go to a sauna or sauna with hemorrhoids?

Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand how the heating affects hemorrhoids. The local effect of high temperature on the nodes affects the vessels, expanding them, which aggravates the condition of the patient. However, in folk medicine there are many recipes, when you can warm the hemorrhoids and get a good result. This can be hot water bottles, steam baths or preheated brick, which is poured from above with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

However, when the disease worsens or if there are many hemorrhoids, or the process of inflammation begins, or they do not enter the rectum by hand, there is no need to even heat the hemorrhoids in a bath and even dangerous. By receiving an increased amount of blood into the pelvic area, the rectal veins, which are already damaged, are not able to cope with such a quantity of blood, begin to expand even more. As a result, the disease is aggravated and begins to develop at an accelerated pace. Official medicine believes that high temperatures adversely affect the disease, exacerbating its course.

Is it possible to heat hemorrhoids?

Modern medicine believes that warming the hemorrhoids in a bath is inappropriate, since this can lead to rupture of the formed nodes. It should be noted that with varicose veins, the increase in blood flow to the small pelvis may contribute to their damage with increased pain and even the possibility of bleeding. Do not have a beneficial effect and contrast procedures conducted in the bath. A sharp change in the temperature regime, which causes the vessels to expand, contract, affect their elasticity and can lead to their damage. Regular heating in the bath helps to weaken the vessels. However, with internal hemorrhoids or in the stage of remission, it is possible to visit the bath, but only with the total elimination of the use of the therma.

Recently, a very popular is the solarium, where you can buy a beautiful even tan. Considering that heating is used in a solarium, many are interested in whether it is possible to go to a solarium with hemorrhoids. Here it is also necessary to approach individually and with exacerbations it is better to refuse such procedures. Whether it is necessary to heat a hemorrhoids or to refuse a bath is solved after consultation with a doctor. Independent decision-making can be fraught with very serious health consequences.

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