A strong cough with phlegm from smoking: causes, symptoms, than to cure

It's no secret to anyone that smoking hellishly is not good for your health. The main impact is on the broncho-pulmonary system. Particles of tobacco and tar, getting into the bronchi, cause the strongest irritation, from which the smoker begins to pursue a strong cough.

Cough from smoking

Most malicious smokers perceive coughing as an unavoidable evil."I cough and it will all go away," - so most of the adherents of nicotine think. But not so simple with the specific cough of the smoker.

The cough reflex is a kind of symptom of the onset of a chronic illness, characteristic of smoking people - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This disease develops gradually, beginning with a dry nagging morning cough, gradually turning to expectoration by gray sputum.

Sometimes a symptom is so painful that a smoker decides to leave a bad habit, just to get rid of the disease. But here lies a treacherous surprise - a cough not only does not disappear, it intensifies. Such is the insidious action of nicotine - it does in some way alleviate the symptoms, removing morning glory. What causes this symptomatology?

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Causes of

If one looks more closely at the human respiratory system, one can see that the mucous membranes are lined with ciliate epithelium from the inside. When polluted air or dust gets into the airways, the cilia along with the bronchial secret pushes this dirt outward, preventing it from settling in the lungs. What happens as a result of smoking?

Particles of tobacco, tar and smoke settle on the cilia of the inner layer, so that they begin to work more actively, trying to clean up the accumulated soot. Daily smoking affects the epithelium so much that it can not cope with the body's defense, and then a cough begins. Smoking for a long time almost completely paralyzes the activity of cilia, they can not effectively clean the bronchi, it accumulates slime. This leads to the development of the same, non-infectious bronchitis. In this case, the usual morning cough turns into a stage of prolonged seizures with expectoration of phlegm. It can be brown or gray, viscous and with an unpleasant odor. With the help of a cough, the body tries to cope with the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi.

Why does smoking cessation stop when smoking cessation, but, on the contrary, intensifies? This is due to several reasons:

  • withdrawal syndrome, subside after a while;
  • cleansing the lungs of accumulated mucus.

The withdrawal syndrome of nicotine is very often based on a dry cough. Morning cough, in principle, tortures many smokers. Often it passes after the first cigarette. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to assume that smoking contributes to the cessation of cough, there is none at all - nicotine toxins depress the cough center, which is why the cough subsides for several hours. With the withdrawal of nicotine morning cough may last a little longer than usual. Do not take this symptom too seriously.


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Some smokers, on the other hand, are concerned about the lack of a strong cough as a result of giving up cigarettes. They believe that their lungs and bronchi are not sufficiently cleaned from accumulated sputum and begin to take expectorants. Doing this is not worth it - perhaps the pathological process in the bronchi has not gone so far as to cause such manifestations. In fact, this is a good sign - a smoker very timely abandoned his bad habit.

Symptoms of

To the usual morning cough in addicted to nicotine, other diseases can also join, and most of them have a symptom such as cough - infectious bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. So what kind of cough is from smoking and how to distinguish it from other types of cough?

There are a number of signs that the patient developed a smoker's cough:

Attacks morning cough. They are so strong that the patient can not breathe properly until he smokes a cigarette.
  • Seizures with dark phlegm.
  • The patient can not take a deep breath without coughing.
  • With increased physical activity, there is severe shortness of breath, sometimes ending in a bout of coughing.
  • To distinguish usual strong cough from smoking cigarettes or after refusal from it from serious lung diseases it is possible on absence of a fever and other signs of an infectious disease - strong pains in a breast and delicacy. Presence in the anamnesis of long-term smoking allows the doctor to assume that before him the patient is with a smoker's cough.

    How to get rid?

    To get rid of suffocating coughing attacks after smoking, the patient first of all needs to leave the attachment to cigarettes in the past, because otherwise it will not be possible to cure the terrible attacks. Regarding how long a strong cough lasts, as a rule, when giving up smoking, the situation will be normalized in about 2-3 months. Further we will understand what to treat this illness.


    If a bad habit is stronger, and you want to get rid of a cough as quickly as possible, the patient should first of all visit a pulmonologist, who, after examining the patient, prescribes him symptomatic treatment. It would be desirable to pay special attention to the fact that the treatment will be symptomatic, that is, aimed at eliminating the symptoms of an exhausting phenomenon, and in no way getting rid of the cause of the disease.

    Typically, in the treatment of cough from smoking, such drugs are used - mucolytics, expectorants that dilute sputum and allow it to be removed from the bronchi. These are tablets and syrups, like ACC, Libexin, Ambroxol.

    Well proven and medicines in the form of syrups. This form of release is easier to absorb by patients of any age, gently affects the bronchi and very effectively removes seizures.

    When attaching a secondary infection, antibacterial agents are prescribed. What exactly to treat - can only advise the attending physician. In this case, self-medication is simply dangerous for the patient's life.

    In case of changes in breathing or the presence of severe inflammation in the bronchi, the pulmonologist will write out glucocorticoids. Preparations are issued in the form of aerosols, which need to be inhaled every 4-6 hours or the patient can be advised to do inhalations with the prescribed drug.

    A dry nasal cough without phlegm is usually treated with drugs that suppress the cough center in the brain. These drugs include Kodelak and Sinekod. Taking antitussives without first consulting a doctor is very dangerous - suppressing the cough reflex will not allow the bronchi to clear from accumulated sputum, which can provoke the development of pneumonia.

    Popular methods of

    No less effective in the question of how to get rid of cough are folk methods. Infusions and decoctions of herbs dilute sputum and promote its separation. Herbs of herbs can be inhaled with steam inhalations, or taken internally.

    For the treatment of cough smokers phytotherapists use such medicinal plants as thyme, sage, fennel, calendula, plantain, coltsfoot. With a long protracted cough, the juice of black radish, mixed with honey or sugar, works well. This is an excellent expectorant.

    In the arsenal of traditional healers, heating procedures are not the last place. Cough can be treated with bath procedures with a broom. One hour before going to the steam room it is useful to drink herbal infusion from the branches of raspberry and mint leaves.

    A glass of fasted whey is very good at removing accumulated mucus from the bronchi, thereby helping to improve the performance of the respiratory system.

    In any case, treatment will be much more effective if we eradicate the very cause that causes the appearance of a cough - smoking. Without getting rid of this terrible habit, cough will return, bringing the patient another portion of suffering.

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