Whether it is possible to smoke cigarettes during a purulent sore throat: the pros and cons, the effect of smoke, the consequences

Usually heavy smokers do not make any exceptions for their bad habits. Even in the presence of fever and ill-health, they do not throw a cigarette, and some even claim that it helps to eliminate the "failure" in the body and, thus, faster recover. Of course, this is not so. Especially when it comes to a serious disease - purulent angina.


Acute tonsillitis, or tonsillitis, is an inflammatory process in the tonsils, in the people - glands. In addition to strong swelling, edema and redness of the tonsils themselves, inflammatory phenomena always spread to the palatine arch, and sometimes to the tongue, the posterior wall of the pharynx and, in general, the entire throat.

A person who has had acute tonsillitis, will never forget the sensations experienced. Especially intense pain in the throat when there is purulent angina, and the glands are covered with white dots, balls or a continuous yellowish-gray coating. In addition to acute pain, people suffer from severe intoxication, high fever, weakness, lack of appetite, and a number of other symptoms. With this disease, it is often impossible to swallow even saliva, and any attempt to eat provokes acute pain.

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Whether it is possible to smoke with angina, it should be decided on an individual basis. Based on the described symptoms, it is easy to understand that every puff of smoke will irritate an already inflamed, painful mucous membrane of the throat. Nevertheless, many smokers are not ready not to "sacrifice" in the form of abandonment of their predilection, because the duration of the sore throat, even with the timely administration of antibiotics is at least 5-7 days. But, perhaps, the following information will move the smoker to action in favor of his health.

How does smoking affect the development of sore throat?

In smoke, which smokes a smoker, more than 4000 different substances, many of which are poisonous, and more than 40 are carcinogens - provoke cancerous diseases. In addition to the known negative accumulative effect, all these components of the cigarette act short-term: they lead to the development of various instantaneous reactions in tissues. The throat, mouth and throat are most affected by this effect.

Angina causes a serious malfunction of local immunity, which is suppressed by toxins of bacteria. Cigarette smoke and nicotine are much easier to "work" against so weakened tissues, literally oppressing the normal processes of life. Inflamed parts of the mucous membrane and dilated vessels more intensively accumulate harmful substances of the cigarette, accumulate in the throat, further provoking a violation of the immune defense and the transition of the sore throat to a chronic condition.

It is impossible not to mention the pathogenic effect of smoking on the whole organism. During the angina, the heart, lungs, vessels, excretory systems work "to wear out", because the load on them is maximal. The poisoning of blood with nicotine and resins does not help a quick recovery.

For and against

It is impossible not to note the fact: acute tonsillitis is much more often activated in smokers because of the weakness of local immune defense and the presence of a huge number of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, teeth, tonsils. The disease almost always turns into a chronic form, which becomes aggravated by the slightest finding in a draft that smokers happen quite often.


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As for the immediate reasons for the need to refuse a cigarette during a sore throat, there are a lot of them.

Smoking with acute tonsillitis gives such effects:

  1. interferes with the regeneration of microcracks, wounds on the sore throat.
  2. Strongly irritates the throat, thereby making the symptoms even more pronounced.
  3. With mild catarrhal angina( illness without pus) contributes to the rapid development of purulent processes.
  4. Intensifies general intoxication and helps the infection to penetrate more quickly down the respiratory system.
  5. Makes local methods of treatment useless: rinsings, irrigation, resorption of tablets, changes the work of systemic drugs.
  6. Slows recovery.
  7. Provokes a buildup of carcinogens in inflamed tissues, speeds up the development of cancer in some people.

One result: smoking with angina is strictly forbidden to any person! Complications of the smoker - sinusitis, acute middle otitis, rheumatism, endocarditis and other diseases - are much more likely and very dangerous.

Danger of passive smoking

Passive smoking, or being in a smoke-filled room next to a "smoking" person, will not benefit anyone. Particularly harmful is the neighborhood for people when they have angina. Penetrating into the lungs of smoke is not the only danger: part of the constituents of the smoke, like ordinary smokers, settles on the affected throat, albeit to a lesser extent. The result is the development of the same effects as the active smoker.

How does passive smoking affect the angina? Inhaling cigarette smoke entails regular exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis in people who do not smoke by themselves. Their immunity is also weakened, and with a large, regularly received dose of carcinogens, it becomes sharply reduced, and a person may not even suspect why this happens. Thus, it is necessary to protect yourself from adherents of unhealthy habits - better forever, but at least for the time of development of angina and other acute diseases.

Opinion of smokers

The most inveterate "connoisseurs" of cigarettes usually find a lot of evidence in favor of not stopping smoking even during an acute illness. Therefore, some patients with angina say that the cigarette helps them relieve the sore throat from this unpleasant disease.

Naturally, the pain in the throat will return after a very short period of time after the end of smoking, and with a new force, because irritation of inflamed tissues increases. Then the smoker reaches for a new cigarette, causing a closure of the vicious circle. There is a prolongation of the course of the disease and, as a result, lengthening of the pain. Therefore, most doctors note that people smoke during a sore throat, not because it makes life easier for them, but because of their dependence, which they can not overcome.

Useful tips

Angina is a good reason to quit smoking. Not everyone has an anesthetic effect on cigarettes: in most people, the absorption of smoke causes an attack of cough and dryness in the pharynx, which gives way to pain. If you take into account the strict recommendations of the doctor about quitting smoking for the period of illness, and also add to your own painful sensations, you can still podnapryachsya and wrap the disease yourself for the good - give up cigarettes.

Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to take such an important step, as physically, morally weakened by their dependence. Therefore, to facilitate the "nicotine withdrawal" experts recommend more sleep, take a sufficient amount of fluid, as well as at least for the time of sore throat go to an e-cigarette, buy special plasters, chewing gum or tablets. Perhaps, after recovery, a person will have a chance to stay on these nicotine adaptations and not return to the "classical" cigarette: this will be the first step towards winning over smoking!

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