Of all pathologies of the oropharynx, angina is the most common ailment. The true( typical) angina is the bacterial damage of the glands caused by the focal cluster on these organs of streptococcal cells.
Immunity cells, dying in the fight against bacteria, provoke the development of purulent processes of different etiology and severity. Bacterial forms are one of the most dangerous and insidious manifestations of angina.
Candidiasis( fungal) lesions and sore throats caused by viruses are called quinsy. The causes and symptoms of these pathologies at the initial stages of the lesion may resemble a bacterial infection, but the therapy in these cases is shown quite differently.
Symptoms of viral and bacterial angina
Reasons for
The root cause of the reproduction of opportunistic pathogens in the oral cavity is the inability of immunity to control the number of harmful organisms. It occurs in the following cases:
- The critical amount of pathogens from the infected person gets into the body.
- Seasonal immunity weakening associated with avitaminosis and sudden changes in air temperature.
- Pathologies of the immune system.
- Low social standard of living.
- Non-observance of sanitary norms.
- Adverse environmental conditions.
- The presence in the mouth of extensive caries, parodontosis. Injuries of the oropharynx.
- Local and general hypothermia.
- Immunity of immunity in childhood.
- Exacerbation of chronic ailments.
The causes and symptoms of angina are told by the doctor:
Symptoms of
It is quite difficult to distinguish one form of angina from another on the first manifestations. Even experienced specialists without laboratory tests can only prescribe a diagnosis. However, it is necessary to know the characteristic signs for the disease, when it appears, people should be given first aid and seek medical help.
- The temperature in the case of bacterial infection is dramatically increased( within 1-2 hours) to critical levels. Attempts to knock it down, as a rule, do not bring results.
- The patient complains of increasing difficulties with swallowing saliva.
- In the area of the throat, there is edema that makes breathing difficult. At this stage, asphyxia( asphyxiation) may occur. If the swelling rapidly progresses, the patient should be immediately hospitalized.
- The catarrhal form is often the initial stage. With her reddening of the throat without purulent formations on the glands. At this stage, bacterial damage is easily confused with a viral infection.
- Follicular angina is a more complex form. It is characterized by the appearance on the glands of separate purulent points, not connected with each other. Cervical lymph nodes become inflamed and increase, causing painful sensations when they palpate and turn the head.
- The lacunar form of streptococcal infection is considered even more dangerous, since it affects the deeper layers of the tonsils. Their lacunas are filled with pus, forming a mesh pattern on the surface of these organs.
- With all forms of bacterial sore throat, extremely severe intoxication of the organism is observed.
- Intestinal disorders often occur, vomiting is possible.
- There are cardiac failures.
- Joints are aching.
- Depending on the type of microbes, the inflammation of the glands can be either unilateral or bilateral.
- Cough and runny nose for this infection are not typical, although chronic pathology of ENT may exacerbate existing pathologies.
On the photo throat for bacterial angina
- Unlike bacterial forms, the multiplication of viruses is less acute.
- The fever is preceded by chills, it rises gradually and reduces it much easier than with bacterial sore throat. Depending on the variety of the virus, the indication of the mercury column varies from 37 ° to 39 °
- . Sore throat may worsen by coughing.
- With rhinoviruses there is a strong stuffy nasal sinuses.
- The patient often suffers from thirst, appetite worsens.
- Moderate intoxication is observed.
- Voice hoarseness appears.
- The throat turns red, there is a white coating on the tongue.
- In herpetic sore throat, a small red rash appears on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, which in a few hours turns into vesicles filled with liquid. Further on the place of the bursted bubbles, ulcers are formed, similar to the manifestations of herpes.
- In monocytic angina, jaundiced skin color, rash, yellowish plaque on the tonsils are observed.
Throat in viral sore
In case of fungal infection, the symptomatology is not expressed in nature, so the disease is often found in advanced stages, thanks only to a visual examination of the mouth.
If the symptoms of candidal sore throat are acute, this indicates a mixed infection.
Characteristic features:
- Similar to cottage cheese, white thick plaque on mucous membranes. It can be easily removed with a spatula, without damaging the mucous membranes.
- Pain sensations are poorly expressed, usually the patient feels only discomfort in the throat.
- Cough absent.
- The temperature does not rise.
- The taste of food is poorly felt.
- Headaches, drowsiness are possible.
Symptoms of fungal angina
Chronic bacterial pathologies are characterized by the presence of hard purulent plugs on the glands. Their formation occurs at primary infection, and in case of an incompetence of an infection, there is a hardening of pus and its transformation into "stones".Such foci are able to intensify during exacerbations.
Characteristic features:
- For a long time, the throat hurts.
- A person suffers from chronic fatigue.
- Relapses are repeated 2 to 3 times a year.
- Ulcers on the tonsils are compacted.
- The temperature during exacerbations is increased.
- Spikes are possible between the glands and palatines.
- The looseness of the upper layers of the glands is observed.
- Increased drowsiness.
- Cervical lymph nodes are enlarged.
- On visual inspection, you can see scars on the glands.
- Pain in the heart.
With viral chronic infection:
- A persistent cough or runny nose is possible.
- May smell worsen.
- A person is prone to frequent colds.
- Skin covers have a pale appearance.
- Bowel disorders occur.