Complications after angina in children and adults on the heart, joints, kidneys

Complications that can cause angina are extremely dangerous for children and adults. They arise mainly in self-medication, inappropriate diagnosis and in pathologies of immunity. During the period of therapy, there may be exacerbations of concomitant and chronic diseases, so it can be said that complications occur frequently.

Etiology of the disease

Microbial infection, leading to inflammation of a particular area of ​​the oropharynx, in some cases is considered an angina only conditionally.

Viruses are cell-free organisms, they penetrate healthy cells and multiply rapidly in them. There are no special medicines from the viruses, the treatment is focused on the removal of symptoms, but the viral forms proceed more easily than the bacterial ones.

Fungal infections also relate to atypical manifestations of the disease and are treated quite differently than bacterial infections. Therefore, when making a diagnosis, its accuracy is so important.

Causes and provoking factors

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Conditions favorable for the development of one or another angina are different, but there are also a number of factors leading to inflammation of the oral cavity and glands.


  • Burns and mucous injuries.
  • Smoking.
  • Dirty air.
  • Allergies.
  • Immune problems.
  • Relapses of ENT diseases.
  • Caries.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Production hazard.
  • Stress.

Typical reasons:

Bacterial infection Viral infection Fungal infection
Colds Colds Excess doses of antibiotics, hormonal drugs
Infection infection media Infection infection media Excessive use
sugar presence of ulcers and abscesses Seasonal epidemics Dystrophy
Bacterialdamage to various organs Complications of ARVI, rhinitis Reduction of competitive bacteria that can inhibit the development of gribbs

How to recognize angina is told by Dr. Komarovsky:

Complications after sore throat

Complications that have arisen against the background of a primary infection can be very dangerous. First of all, weakened organs and those systems of the organism that are subjected to the greatest stresses can suffer.

Ears and throat

Microbes that affect the tonsils in case of bacterial infection, without the necessary therapy, can spread to the entire area of ​​the oropharynx or provoke independent diseases in the oral cavity:

  • Paratonzillitis.
  • Hyphalic abscesses.
  • Scarlet fever.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Ulcerative necrotic angina can lead to necrosis of the sublingual muscles, partially destroy the bone system.
  • Accumulations of fungal attack are dangerous because they can kill the airways, provoking suffocation.
  • Bacterial and viral forms of the disease in the initial stages can also cause suffocation.
  • Bacteria from the throat are able to spread through the auditory tube into the internal auditory organs and lead to their severe inflammation. Against the background of weakened immunity, otitis of different severity often occurs.
  • Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve against a background of streptococcal infection is an extremely dangerous complication. It can manifest as intolerable earache, mimicry and decreased vision.


Kidney function in bacterial angina is impaired in almost all patients. Usually, after a couple of weeks of treatment, their work is normalized. Complications occur only in 6% of cases:

  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Glomerulonephritis( occurs with prolonged infection).

Causes of complications:

  • Kidneys are destroyed by their own immune cells, which take structural proteins of the organs beyond the streptococcus cells.
  • Exposure to bacterial toxins.

Kidney disease can develop for a very long time, because of which a person who has had a sore throat may not pay them timely attention.


Heart failure is often caused by rheumatic fever and rheumatic fever. Similar pathologies are observed both during the activation of the disease itself, and after the subsidence of acute symptoms.

In the second case, people rarely suspect that angina is responsible for cardiac failure.

Causes of complications:

  • The cardiac muscle is weakened by toxins that enter it through the blood.
  • Streptococci and other bacteria provoke attacks on the heart by immunity itself.

Myocardial infarction results in ischemia, fibrosis, and chronic inflammation. At this stage, there may be noise in the heart.

Dysfunction of the heart adversely affects the vascular system and increases the risk of developing heart defects. These pathologies in the future can provoke a heart attack or severe heart failure, which is deadly.


Complications of joints are also consequences of rheumatic fever. The joints suffer for the same basic reasons as the heart. Perhaps a single lesion of the joint and multiple tissues.

Rheumatoid polyarthritis often causes deformation of individual joints and partial impairment of their mobility.

Complication is documented in the following cases:

  • Pain in the joints of the legs and arms is increasing for a long time after the improvement of the condition.
  • Joints ache after complete therapy.
  • Joint joints are joined to the area of ​​the heart or kidney.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be a consequence of purulent or candidal sepsis.

Other complications

  • The development of sepsis occurs infrequently, pathology is more often caused by follicular, lacunar and ulcerative-necrotic forms of the disease, but in the absence of treatment, it may occur in any other form of bacterial sore throat.
  • Streptococcal shock caused by waste of life of bacteria - it's essentially a poisoning of the whole body. In 30% of his offensive, a lethal outcome is fixed.
  • Meningitis( inflammation of the brain) is a rare complication, occurring mainly in people with pathologies of immunity.
  • Staphylococcal pneumonia is a common complication in toddlers. If this ailment occurs, respiratory failure may develop. Two-sided inflammation of the lungs can result in the death of the patient.

How to avoid the effects of

Since the time antibiotics appeared in medicine, the treatment of bacterial sore throat has become much simpler, and the occurrence of complications has been reduced several times.

  • The main rule of successful therapy is the timeliness of the treatment.
  • Also important is the precise diagnosis that determines the type of infection, because antibiotics affect different microorganisms in different ways. Fungal flora with antibiotics can spread even more, and in viral forms, antibacterial drugs are ineffective.
  • To avoid complications, you should pay attention to the individual characteristics of your body, chronic ailments, predisposition to allergies, age criteria.
  • The disease must be treated to the end, guided by the prescriptions of physicians. Withdrawal of acute symptoms does not mean the final disposal of pathogens.

Complications after sore throat:

What to look for

Each form of angina has its own peculiarities of percolation. If the acute symptomatology does not go away after a certain time, this may already be a cause for concern. The doctor in such cases appoints additional examinations and, based on the results, changes the course of therapy.

After the disappearance of acute symptoms, complications may manifest painful sensations in the ears, in the heart. Increased puffiness indicates a malfunction in the kidneys.


To cure them is more difficult than the primary disease, but each case here is individual.
In general, modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of medications that can cope with most of the negative effects of angina, provided a competent approach to therapy.

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