Iodine assay of Balcer: price, diagnosis, decryption, photo

Skin lesions are accompanied by pronounced changes in the skin. And many of their dermatological problems, negatively affect the skin, have to some extent similar external manifestations, which do not allow an unambiguous diagnosis with the subsequent choice of the most appropriate treatment regimen. The Balzer test, which is a relatively inexpensive but easy-to-use and highly effective method that allows you to identify and place an accurate diagnosis of such skin lesions as pityriasis multicolored lichen.

Features of its implementation are expressed in the specificity of the preparation of the affected area of ​​the skin, as well as the further method of its diagnosis. In another way called iodine breakdown, this diagnostic manipulation can easily be performed even without sufficient practical experience in this direction.

What is a Balzer sample

This technique is based on the increased conductivity of iodine staining of affected skin areas, which, when a certain concentration of iodine solution is applied to them, acquires a more pronounced and intensive coloration.

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Since the cornea layer of the skin, exposed to the active effect of lichen, has an increased conductivity, the degree of penetration of the iodine solution is much higher. This quality of the affected skin can identify the presence of pathogenic microflora, determine a preliminary diagnosis and further clarify it.

It should be noted that in any skin lesions that may occur after complete cure of pityriasis, for example, leukoderma, which is especially often diagnosed in the area of ​​skin lesions with pityriasis, in the Balcer test, a pronounced negative result is obtained.

Balzzer's test for pityriasis( photo)

To whom it is prescribed

In connection with the absence of a pronounced negative impact on the patient's body of drugs used to perform the Balzer assay, this procedure can be assigned to almost any person for the purpose of diagnosing the current condition. Even the sensitive skin, pregnancy, lactation period and children's age are not considered to be a reason for refusing it.

The most often exposed to the fungus, which provokes the development of otaroid lichen, children, as well as adolescents. Manifestations of this skin lesion can be detected when visiting the hot southern countries, where it has the most fungus-friendly microflora. And in all cases, the diagnosis of the condition with the help of the Balcer sample should be considered the safest and easiest in the implementation of the method of detection and diagnosis of the disease.

Why do such an analysis of

? Most susceptible to the effect of fungus, which provokes the development of pityriasis, people with low immunity, children and adolescents. The frequency of this diagnostic procedure does not affect the health status, because even frequent diagnostics will not have a negative effect on a person.

It is recommended that the Balzer test be performed in the presence of severe skin lesions, in which areas with coarse, highly flaky skin are formed on the skin. In this case, dry particles can have a completely different configuration, merge into significant areas of the area, worsening the appearance of damaged skin.

Indications for

It is possible to prescribe this sample in the following situations:

  • in the presence of skin lesions, resulting in the appearance of dry particles on its surface;
  • with severe itching of the skin, its burning sensation;
  • when a white spot appears in place of the scaly particles;
  • if suspected of lichen of any nature of occurrence.

It is also recommended that the Balzer test be performed if the skin tends to develop any diseases that damage the upper layer of the epidermis and manifest in the skin's itching and burning. These situations require clarification of the preliminary diagnosis, and it will be the assistance of the Balzera trial that will provide the necessary information to clarify the diagnosis.


Since the Balcer's sample is absolutely harmless to health, it has no negative effect on the skin, it can be prescribed to anyone who can have this type of lichen. There are no restrictions to the appointment of this method of diagnosis to pregnant women, lactating mothers, or children( even in early childhood).

Some complications and a number of negative manifestations may occur in the presence of hypersensitivity to iodine, but this type of allergy is not common.

Preparing for the

procedure The Balzer test does not require special preparation of the patient.

  • It is sufficient to perform cleansing of the affected areas of the skin before applying a 5% iodine solution, removing excessive amounts of dried particles from its surface.
  • After the procedure, you should clean the surface of the skin, you can use for this purpose a slightly concentrated soap solution.

This video tells about the treatment and diagnosis of pityriasis, including with the help of Balcer's test:

Her conduction and sensation of the patient

When applied to the affected surfaces of the iodine solution, slight tingling can be felt due to the maintenance of a small amount of alcohol in the solution. However, in most cases, there are no uncomfortable sensations.

Pass the procedure as follows:

  1. First, the damaged areas of the skin are thoroughly cleaned from extraneous damage, the excess of dry particles is removed.
  2. Areas where small spots are small are treated with a pre-prepared 5% iodine solution.
  3. In the presence of pathogenic microflora( pityrious lichen), the affected areas are stained more intensively than areas with healthy skin. This is due to increased susceptibility to the action of iodine on the affected area of ​​the skin.

Decoding of the results

The final diagnosis is based on the results of the Balzer test: in the presence of heavily stained areas of the skin, with their peeling, significant formation of dry particles on the skin, it is possible to confirm the diagnosis "pityriasis".

Also, to further confirm the diagnosis, it is recommended to scrape dry skin areas and further study them using special laboratory tests. A Wood lamp can be used. An important moment in the diagnosis is the personal practical experience of a dermatologist, who will decipher the result.

The average price of the

procedure The cost of carrying out the Balzer test compared with other diagnostic procedures is reasonably available. On average, it ranges from 520 to 1130 rubles in various medical institutions.

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