Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids internal and external 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees - operation, folk remedies, Detralex, suppositories, Venarus

Every year a person spends more and more time at the wheel of his vehicle, and also works at a computer. This way of life can be a decisive factor for the emergence of chronic hemorrhoids. This ailment can affect the performance. The patient experiences unpleasant, and sometimes painful, sensations. In addition, more than half of people are embarrassed to talk about the problem.

Chronic hemorrhoids develops a long time, but sooner or later it will pass to the final phase, you should not bring it to a similar state, so it is better to start treatment. The hospital should be treated as soon as the patient observes the following symptoms:

  • A feeling of discomfort;
  • Pain during defecation;
  • Appearance of sensation of a foreign body in the rectum.

Afterwards, blood may also appear on the napkins, paper or clothing. If the chronic hemorrhoids go to the last stage, the patient will need surgery.

Acute symptomatology soon passes, the patient seems that the illness is eliminated. In fact, the disease turns into a chronic form. With a similar manifestation, hemorrhoids can be compared to a time bomb that can only be defused by surgery.

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Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids at the initial stage of

Most often, when chronic hemorrhoids develop 1 degree, patients feel that they do not need treatment. In fact, this is not so. If you start treatment in time, you can get rid of the disease in a short period of time. Unfortunately, most patients ignore the signs of the disease and are not treated.

Over time, chronic hemorrhoids pass into the 2nd degree, during this period, treatment can be performed with the help of medications. Physicians have been allocated several special drugs:

  • Detralex is recommended for acute and chronic hemorrhoids. The drug helps to increase the tone of blood vessels, and also contributes to the elasticity of the walls of the capillaries. In addition, Detralex eliminates the bleeding that has appeared. The dosage of the drug should be prescribed by the attending physician. Detralex must be combined with suppositories and ointments;
  • Venarus is also used for chronic hemorrhoids. This drug is an analogue of Detralex. The medication is a domestic preparation and is sold without a prescription. The medication increases the tone of the blood vessels and strengthens their walls. Venarus is also able to reduce the risk of bleeding;
  • Protonis is a candle that allows you to fight with cavernous formations. The drug contributes to the elimination of constipation, normalizing the work of the intestine. It should be noted that the candles from hemorrhoids are made from shark cartilage. Due to its composition, suppositories influence the circulatory system, eliminating bleeding. The drug has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

Taking Detralex with an internal chronic hemorrhoids is best after the appointment of a doctor. This is due to the possibility of side effects. Everything depends on the dosage and individuality of the body.

The course of Venarus treatment should be combined with ointments and suppositories. If side effects occur, you should seek professional help. Complex therapy will quickly get rid of chronic hemorrhoids.

Treatment of advanced chronic hemorrhoids

If the patient ignores all body signals about the appearance of the disease, shortly the internal chronic hemorrhoids will go to grade 3, and then the treatment with tablets will not give the desired result. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Depending on the form of the disease, external or internal, doctors prescribe the following methods to their patients:

  • Latex rings;
  • Photocoagulation;
  • Sclerotherapy.

Once the methods for treating chronic hemorrhoids have been selected, the patient will be relieved of hemorrhoids by a special operation. When the illness is over, the patient must undergo a course of recovery. Otherwise, a second operation may be required.

If the disease goes to grade 4, the treatment will be radical. The patient will have to undergo surgery. It should be noted that there is a possibility that hemorrhoidal nodes can return under the influence of factors.

Unfortunately, there is a possibility that there will be an exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids, then treatment should be under the supervision of specialists. When there is a thrombosis without surgery can not do. Recovery may take from 1 to 3 weeks.

Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids folk remedies

Most patients are interested in how to cope with chronic internal hemorrhoids of the 1st or 2nd degree at home? Patients are not willing to share their scrupulous problem even with doctors.

Folk treatment of cavernous nodules can be performed:

  • Sea-buckthorn oil;
  • Herbal preparations;
  • Product of the life of bees;
  • Vegetables and roots.

The patient himself is able to produce suppositories and ointments. To cure chronic hemorrhoids at home you can use:

  • Candles;
  • Ointments;
  • Trays.

In the event that a chronic hemorrhagic bleeding has occurred, exercise only under the supervision of a physician. Of course, you can use folk remedies, but it's best to combine them with medications.

Do not forget about the prevention of venous plexuses. This can be done with fruits, vegetables and herbs. It is also important to stick to the diet. At the same time the food should be balanced and five-time.

Prevention of chronic hemorrhoids

In our time it is not difficult to find remedies for the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids. Despite this, it is best to get rid of provoking factors in a timely manner. It is best to avoid:

  • Defecation disorders. This can be due to the use of unhealthy foods, as well as lack of fluid in the body;
  • Low physical activity. To avoid encountering such a problem, you should practice swimming, jogging for short distances. Thus, stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs will be prevented;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene. It is necessary for treatment and prevention of chronic internal hemorrhoids after visiting the toilet to wash with cool water;
  • Strongly avoid weight lifting;
  • Food should consist only of useful products. From acute, smoked food is better to refuse. Thus, it is possible not only to prevent the appearance of an ailment, but also to cure external chronic hemorrhoids.

Patients who find it difficult to allocate time for sports can be recommended to perform physical exercises in intervals between work. To do this, strain and relax the muscles of the anus.

Returning home in the evening, you should allocate a few minutes in order to take sedentary baths. For their preparation, you can use medicinal herbs, which are sold in any pharmacy.

Compliance with simple prevention rules, will avoid the emergence of exacerbations that can not be cured without surgery.

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