Features of a headache with a brain tumor

1 Pathological manifestations in cancer

Migraines, neuralgia, poisoning, chronic trauma, cervical osteochondrosis and increased pressure respond in the head with pulsation, aching sensations or sharp flashes. Fortunately, the causes of the vast majority of headaches are not related to cancer. Immediate contact with a doctor is necessary even with one of the following special manifestations of pain:

  • regularity, especially in the morning;
  • weakening or disappearance upon awakening;
  • gain from nervous and physical stress, decrease at rest;
  • simultaneous rise in temperature( in the absence of diseases), decreasing with pain care;
  • accompanied by vomiting, often without prior nausea;
  • increased duration and frequency of attacks with time;
  • lack of relief after taking pain medication;
  • pulsation, pressing or bursting effect;
  • unexpected power and sharpness, as if an explosion occurred in the head.

Malignant cells in the brain area grow faster than normal, which increases intracranial pressure and causes malaise.

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With the growth of the neoplasm, the severity and pain intensifies, at serious stages not ceasing altogether.

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Toxins that are released during the development of cancer, disrupt blood flow and are especially dangerous when the person is lying down, as they provoke cerebral edema. A sharp increase in morning headaches is attributed to a night accumulation of fluid in the brain substance, the outflow of which after normalization is normalized, reducing the pain syndrome. Nervous shocks and any actions, even cough, with the development of the tumor, all the more affect the painful sensations in the head.

2 Dependence of pain from localization of cancer lesions

Malignant pathologies are divided into primary and secondary. The first grow directly from the brain tissue: cellular, vascular, neuronal, nervous, envelope, pituitary and epiphysis. The second hit the head with metastases from other parts of the body.

The brain itself is insensitive, the perceptibility appears due to the surrounding tissue medulla - for the primary neoplasm it is the only signal of the appearance of the tumor. After the onset of the neoplasm under the skull sheath, the following occurs:

  • elevation of intracranial pressure;
  • compression of the meninges;
  • stretching of ventricular walls;
  • constriction of the trunks of the main vessels;
  • appearance of pain.

The soreness of individual areas of the head occurs at the initial stages from the impact of the neoplasm on a number of lying nerves and vessels. Temporal tumors abruptly beat on both temples, intracranial pressure jumps. With cancer of the frontal lobes, a sharp sensitivity appears in the forehead area, and the appearance of the occipital formation can provoke pain in any part of the head( forehead, whiskey, crown), avoiding the nape of the head.

The location of the focus of cancer affects the accompanying symptoms, since each brain share is responsible for certain human actions. Some of them, accompanied by headaches, clearly indicate the possibility of malignant formation.

3 Associated Signals of the Disease

The defeat of the temporal lobe causes distortions in the perception of tastes and visual hallucinations, in children this is manifested by fear and dizziness. Cancer in these segments generates previously unseen epileptic seizures. With a deep localization of a clot of diseased cells, the optic nerve is contracted and a loss of vision in one eye( hemianopsia) is possible.

The frontal segment of the brain is responsible for behavioral functions, body retention in the vertical position and acquired motor reflexes. The defeat of this segment provokes the loss of all conditioned human skills: the diseased forgets what he knew, perceiving each of his new actions as perfect for the first time. Symptoms of the tumor of the frontal segments:


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  • epilepsy, absent earlier;
  • spasmodic mood;
  • coordination failure;
  • confusion or loss of taste;
  • spontaneous movement.

The localization of the tumor in the occipital part manifests itself in different ways: it depends on the specific zone. Malignant transformation of the postcentral gyrus of the vertex is accompanied by numbness of the side that is opposite the affected one. Initially, short-term and rare, loss of sensitivity over time becomes long and often recurring.

Cancer of the upper part of the crown causes pain, extending into the opposite part of the body from its location. The patient atrophies the muscles of the arm and the whole body, the muscles of the face begin to twitch from the opposite side of the tumor and then convulsive seizures arise.

The lower segment of the crown, affected by cancer, causes a loss of sensitivity of the skin layers. If the location of the malignant center is located next to the motor department, it develops a fall, beginning with a facial tic and twitching of the limbs. The development of the process on both hemispheres of the brain causes tactile agnosia: the diseased person is unable to recognize the object known to him only by touch, without opening his eyes.

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Any of the above symptoms, especially with obvious regularity of pain, is a serious reason for going to the medical center.

Given the difficulty of confirming the diagnosis in the early stages, the doctor will send for the necessary diagnosis. The identification of "young" cancer in time can actually save a life.

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