There are problems with ear health in adults and children. But not everyone encounters secretions of pus from the ear canal, which, moreover, can be accompanied by painful sensations and a rise in temperature.
The listed symptoms should not be left without attention, otherwise there is a huge risk of deterioration. What you need to know about purulent discharge, so as not to miss the very moment when you should immediately run to the doctor?
The discharge from the ear canal is characterized by the appearance of a liquid that can have a different consistency, color and odor. In medicine, this phenomenon has acquired the name of otorrhoea. Most often, this disease occurs when infection is damaged or if there is an inflammatory process. Less common cause is an allergic reaction and an airway injury.
When self-examination of their ears, many detect liquid brown discharge. Do not panic, since earwax with respect to the liquid consistency is the norm. However, if the liquid becomes too much and it does not disappear even after repeated cleaning, then it makes sense to undergo an examination in the clinic.
The sulfur acts as a protective function. It allows you to protect the ear canal from getting harmful bacteria and infections. Sulfur is produced, thanks to the work of the special glands located inside the ear, which increase their activity during physical exertion, for example, when playing sports.
Types of
Ears can have different colors, consistency, odor. Such signs may indicate the nature of the origin of the problem, which will allow to diagnose it in time and eliminate it.
- dark gray - dry or half-liquid discharge most often indicates that the ears are healthy and do not have pathologies.
- white - curdled discharge with an admixture of pus can indicate the loss of the protective microflora that is present inside the ear canal.
- black - indicate the fungus.
- yellow, green, gray - can talk about the presence of bacteria and infection.
- without color - most often indicate an allergic reaction.
- blood - speaks about a serious inflammation, traumatization, purulent otitis.
- supracycline - indicates the development of infection, indicates a problem associated with mechanical damage to tissues.
Types of discharge from the ear
Concomitant symptoms
Purulent discharge is always accompanied by additional symptoms. It is worth noting that even a liquid that does not have obvious impurities of pus and a bad smell can not guarantee the absence of a problem.
The general symptomatology is as follows:
- pain;
- hearing loss;
- itching;
- peeling of the ear;
- discomfort inside the ear;
- sensation of permanent congestion;
- runny nose;
- redness of the zone around the auditory canal;
- temperature increase;
- lymphadenitis.
When there are purulent discharge from the ears
Otorrhea does not necessarily indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. The form of this disease can arise for an incredibly many reasons. It makes sense to mention the most likely and common diseases characterized by purulent discharge from the ear:
- Otomycosis;
- Polyps;
- Bullous otitis media;
- Seborrheic dermatitis;
- Bacterial inflammation;
- Otitis media;
- Tear of the eardrum;
- Mastoiditis;
- Furunculosis;
- Bacterial dermatitis;
- Allergic otitis media;
- Pathology of the respiratory system;
- Serous haemorrhagic otorrhea.
In the absence of treatment, the patient may experience a period of dramatic deterioration. There is an intoxication of the body, during which there is an increase in pain inside the ear canal, the appearance of high temperature.
How is purulent otitis formed
Diagnosis and collection of analyzes
Diagnosis involves a number of standard procedures, including the collection of anamnesis, examination of the patient's ear, examination of the nature of pus and the nature of its occurrence. The diagnosis is made after finding out the time of occurrence of the problem, a factor that could provoke its appearance.
For the detection of the pathogen, a general blood test is mandatory. Then the patient is sent to a microbiological laboratory where the discharge from the ear is studied, and the degree of sensitivity of the microbe to certain drugs is determined.
Additional studies
Sometimes the patient is assigned additional tests if the type of pathogen and the nature of the disease can not be detected by standard methods. These procedures are made, rather, as an exception, to completely exclude the possibility of the presence of malignant cells and dangerous viruses.
- audiometry;
- tomography of the head;
- tomography of the temporal bone;
- histological examination.
After clarifying the patient's complaints and carefully examining the available data, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. Until the end of recovery, a person is under the supervision of a doctor, without departing from the recommendations and the course of therapy.
What to do if the baby flows from the ear:
Treatment of
Treatment of purulent discharge from the ears is prescribed exclusively by the doctor. In this case, the doctor relies on the results of diagnosis and diagnosed to the patient. An important role in the appointment is played by the form of the ailment, its neglect, stage.
Any of the prescribed treatments, regardless of the disease, is directed to the removal of the inflammatory process, the elimination of immediate foci of infection, and to the elimination of possible inflammation.
Often the cause of purulent discharge is otitis media. If the patient is diagnosed, doctors prescribe a number of drugs, among them:
Antibiotics. The main goal of these drugs is to stop inflammation and any infectious processes. Most often, one of these drugs is prescribed: Augmentin, Cefazolin or the usual penicillin.
Corticosteroids. They remove the swelling from the ear area. Their main goal is to establish a free outflow of pus, which is very important for recovery. Among the most commonly prescribed drugs are Dexazone, Dexamethasone, Solucourtef.
Painkillers. Prescribe these drugs to patients suffering from pain and spasms in the ear. Assign as completely harmless drugs such as Paracetamol, and more serious tablets, such as Ketanov, if the patient loses sleep and appetite from strong, persistent pain.
Antipyretic. The rise in temperature is also one of the most common symptoms of suppuration. Remove the temperature is usually recommended by the same Paracetamol or Coldrex.
Drugs for vasoconstriction. You need these drugs to significantly reduce the effusion of fluid in the middle ear cavity. Also these drugs of wide action relieve puffiness. Usually Naphthyzine, Otrivin or Halozaline are prescribed.
All of these preparations except tablets are injected through a special catheter directly into the ear cavity. Purulent otitis can be complicated by the following diseases:
- Sinusitis.
- Nasopharyngitis.
- Rhinitis and more.
In case of their presence in the patient, the doctor prescribes rinsing of the nasopharynx with special means of antiseptic nature and the introduction of an additional number of drugs into the nasopharynx.
The principle of shunting the eardrum
Folk remedies
Folk remedies in case of otitis should never be used without consulting a doctor. In addition, no folk remedies can help to eliminate suppuration without medication. Therefore, applying folk methods, you need to act cautiously and only guided by a doctor's consultation.
Broth from the bay leaf
Lavrushka contains many essential oils that have a therapeutic effect, strengthen immunity, remove waste products, and also fight against mycosis effectively. Preparing a decoction of only 5 leaves of laurel. They need to boil in 200 ml.water for 10 minutes. The broth is cooled and buried in the ear cavity for 4-5 drops.
You can get rid of acute or chronic otitis media with the help of green. Ordinary greens are applied to a cotton swab. After it is worth sparing the ear inside for 2-3 seconds. The procedure should be done 1-2 times a day. For recovery, 5-6 procedures are sufficient. Normally, light burning in the ear canal is considered, it speaks about the therapeutic effect of the remedy.
Decoction of chamomile has a good, soothing effect. It is believed that 2-3 drops of cooled decoction in the diseased ear can calm the tissues and even help get rid of itching in the auditory canal.
A popular video about purulent otitis with secretions from the ear:
How not to harm
Otitis is a very complicated disease and negligence in treating it can not only damage the patient's health, but also lead to hearing loss forever. Otitis almost never passes by itself, and to the doctor all the same it is necessary to address, as though the patient did not want it.
And here treatment by improvised means by "grandfather's way" can do much harm, so that the doctor will only have to save the remaining hearing by prescribing strong antibiotics and months of therapy.
With purulent otitis, it is by no means possible to open purulent abscesses on your own. This can infect the focus of inflammation, which will lead to severe pain and rapid deterioration.
Some try to cope with purulent otitis, and by applying moist warming compresses.
What is the danger of
Pus in the ears is dangerous because it can lead to many consequences, some of which can remain with a person on a chronic basis. The most terrible outcome of such a disease may be meningitis, or, more simply, getting pus in the cranial cavity, and as a consequence the development of an abscess.
This can lead to disability and even death of the patient. The patient can also suffer from an inflammation of the temporal bone and complete or partial hearing loss. That is why in no case can not be treated independently. Timely appeal to a doctor is the only option for saving health, and sometimes for life.