Autophony: causes, symptoms, treatment of manual and physiotherapy

When we for some reason lays an ear, we begin to hear our own voice during the conversation. It would seem that nothing special, but this problem delivers a lot of inconvenience, it hinders, nerves and does not let it calmly do its own business. What then is to be said about when such a state does not pass for a long time? Definitely, in this case you need a trip to the doctor.


Audibility of your voice during the stuffing of the ears is called autophony. In medicine, this phenomenon is explained as over the perception of one's own voice in one ear. Often such a problem arises when there is a sudden obstruction, which passes relatively quickly.

However, there are cases when the occlusion of the ear does not recede and is accompanied by unpleasant pain, uncomfortable sensations. This directly indicates a pathology that develops within the auditory canal. The average otitis and inflammation of the tympanic membrane can also manifest themselves in this way.

Feeling of congestion occurs due to swelling of the auditory tube, which performs the basic sound-conducting role.

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There is a kind of blockage, a violation of ventilation and drainage function.

Bacteria begin to actively propagate and spread, leading to inflammation and a number of negative symptoms.

Ear structure


It is easy to determine autophony. This problem is so distinctive that even a child can notify it.

So, autophony manifests itself as follows:

  • feeling of stuffiness;
  • loud audibility of your voice;
  • pain in the ear;
  • discomfort inside.

It should be remembered that autophony can be an independent symptom obtained under certain circumstances. However, most often the problem occurs against the background of an already existing disease or heralds an imminent exacerbation.

Reasons for

As already mentioned, autophony is usually directly tied to infectious diseases. Most often, it manifests itself as the progression of a particular ailment. Thus, the autophony symptom is most likely in the following cases:

  • eardrum inflammation;
  • inflammation of the auditory tube;
  • presence of foreign objects inside the channel;
  • tubo-otitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media;
  • colds.

Less often, autophonia may occur in allergic reactions, which result in frequent sneezing and excessive discharge from the nose. A short stiffness appears also with a strong cough.

Why lays ears and there is an autophony, see in our video:

Diagnosis of autophony

At autophony even without sensations of pain and other unpleasant signs it is necessary to address to the doctor. In this case, a specialist, an otolaryngologist, can help.

He will conduct a detailed examination, examine the ear cavity and make an anamnesis collection, focusing on which can make initial conclusions about the problem.

So, after the initial examination, the doctor goes on to designate the studies. In this case, we are talking about otoscopy, bapsoseve and audiometry.

Otoscopy involves a thorough examination of the tympanic membrane, thereby revealing its integrity or the degree of damage.

Bakposev is a useful procedure that allows you to prescribe the necessary drugs for treatment. This study helps to identify the sensitivity of microflora to certain types of drugs and antibiotics.

Audiometry allows you to determine by the number of tests the degree of hearing loss, and also to understand how serious the problem presented to doctors is.

Treatment of

Treatment of autophony, if it has an infectious disease, is eliminated by treatment of the main disease. If the patient has time to apply to the clinic, the success in recovery is in fact guaranteed if all the necessary recommendations are followed.

In most cases, antibiotic therapy is carried out, which involves the restoration of all functions of the auditory canal, the Eustachian tube, and the tympanic membrane. Only after that, a full-fledged rumor returns and autophony disappears.


Drugs are prescribed by the doctor in a comprehensive manner. As with colds, the patient is prescribed:

  • vitamin preparations;
  • restorative;
  • is an anti-inflammatory;
  • pain relievers;
  • antipyretic;
  • antihistamines;
  • antibiotics( in difficult cases).

Medication is selected exclusively on an individual basis. Self-medication with autophony can cause complications. This will lead to the fact that over the audibility of the voice will be chronic and getting rid of it can only be done through surgical treatment.

Traditional medicine

After preliminary consultation of a doctor, additional use of folk remedies can be introduced into the treatment. This will help improve hearing and strengthen immunity.

  • Calendula. Fresh juice of calendula officinalis copes well with the stuffing and removes swelling. A small amount of juice should be absorbed into a sterile swab and put in a sore ear.
  • Chinese Schizandra. Excellent strengthens the immune properties of the body. It is enough to take it twice a day to make up for the strength. It is necessary to take a glass of water and add 20 drops of this product, then use inside.
  • Rosehip oil. Relieves inflammation and soothes. It is necessary to dig in every day in the ear 2-3 drops to complete recovery.
  • Chamomile. Infusion of chamomile flowers effectively removes inflammation and swelling in the ear. It is enough every day to brew a small amount of chamomile in boiling water, and after waiting for it to cool down, soak the cotton swab with liquid and pawn 3-4 times a day until it is completely absorbed.

ENT specialists recommend people suffering from autophony to resort to point massage. Activate active points on the body and perform smooth circular motions in a clockwise direction. It is desirable that this procedure is done by a specialist, since the exact location of miraculous points can be suggested only by him.

Folk recipes are a supportive and complementary therapy. Use them as an independent treatment is impossible, as this will not give proper and effective results.


No less important in the treatment of autophony, physiotherapy or manual therapy. They occupy second place in importance after treatment with medications. These procedures include:

  • galvanization;
  • iontophoresis;
  • actinotherapy:
  • electrotherapy;
  • Faradization.

It is necessary to resort to them only with the approval of the doctor and the absence of contraindications, which may consist of individual intolerance to pacemakers. It is undesirable to do the procedure for people who have had or have oncology, atherosclerosis.

What to do if the ear is planted and autophony arises:

Prevention, recommendations

Hardly the main problem of hearing loss has been defeated, the autophony disappears. It also normalizes the person's well-being, returns a good appetite and mood. However, in almost all cases of ear disease, accompanied by stuffiness in one ear, the hearing is much worse.

To restore it you can resort to some folk remedies, and you can go through a special medical course, which involves the use of drops and some restorative drugs.

As a preventive measure, remember the following:

  • timely access to the doctor with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease;
  • prophylaxis of viral and respiratory diseases;
  • hardening;
  • warm clothes as necessary;
  • strengthening of immunity;
  • proper nutrition.

To prevent the development of autophony, it is timely enough to eliminate the emerging signs of the common cold and prevent them from developing. Also, at least once a year, you should conduct a kind of vitamin therapy, which the doctor will select at your request.

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