Menu diet for acute gastritis of the stomach in the acute stage

The basis of treatment of patients with acute gastritis is a diet that takes into account both the general condition of the patient and the functionality of the stomach. If you follow a diet, remember that the food should be sufficient, it is necessary to maintain the supply of nutrients to the body. This applies to both adults and children.

Calculation of diet is necessary, because, during illness, the body requires a different set of nutrients. For example, during the exacerbation of gastritis, the patient must constantly maintain a high level of minerals, iron and other elements.

It is also necessary to take into account the temperature of the products during their use. In some stages of acute gastritis, if the temperature of food is less than 15 degrees Celsius, then it is considered an irritant for the gastrointestinal tract, regardless of its usefulness.

When preparing a diet, you need to take into account the necessary physiological parameters for exacerbation of gastritis. The amount of food taken in the daily diet should be about 3 kilograms. In this case, the distribution of calories should be done as follows: for the first breakfast should account for 25 to 30 percent of the total amount of calories consumed per day;the second breakfast should include from 10-15 percent;lunch - from 35 to 40 percent;dinner, is considered to be the most caloric - from 15 to 20 percent.

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In some cases, the diet should be divided into more meals. So, with strong lesions of the stomach or with a strong drop in the acid level, the entire diet is divided into 6-8 servings per day.

Particular attention is paid to the disease, which is accompanied by excessive secretion. In this case, the main value of the diet - as much as possible to reduce the effect of incoming substances on the mucous membrane of the stomach.

In the stage of exacerbation of gastritis, the patient is assigned a certain chain of diets. For example, with acute gastritis, first of all, prescribe diet 1a, then it is replaced by 1b, then 1 and 5.

It should be noted that the treatment of acute gastritis does not end on a diet. During the remission phase, the patient's stomach should be at rest, which means that it is absolutely necessary to exclude stimulants from the diet: organic acids, essential oils and others.

At the same time, naturally, the reception is excluded: alcoholic products, fatty foods, smoked products, canned food, marinated products - those products that exacerbate gastritis. For better functionality of the stomach during the diet, freshly prepared potato and cabbage juices are used. Juices are also used to treat gastritis in the acute stage.

Diet №1а with acute gastritis

This diet supposes the healing of ulcers and erosions. The diet menu helps to reduce the inflammatory processes that occur in the mucous membrane of the stomach, and also normalizes the secretion of gastric juice.

Diet is considered the initial stage of treatment, so the whole process with acute gastritis is carried out under strict bed rest. The menu is very limited. In the diet there are no products that contain ingredients that can harm the gastric mucosa. The list of restrictions also includes foods that are digested for a long time.

All the menu of diet No. 1a are products that have been cooked for steaming, as well as in liquid or mushy form.

Calculations also take into account the daily norm: 100 grams of protein, 90 to 100 grams of fat, carbohydrates - at least 200 grams, not more than 8 grams of table salt. The total daily caloric content leaves from 2000 to 2500 calories. The total weight of the daily menu for gastritis is only 2.5 kilograms. Eating is done in 6-8 sets in proportional proportions.

Often, to diversify the menu, the diet includes cereal soups: rice, pearl barley and others. Some butter is added to the soup. It is also possible to use a soufflé of fish or meat.

The menu excludes bakery products, as well as garnishes from vegetables, to avoid exacerbation of acute gastritis. In doing so, it is allowed to use mashed porridge. In some cases, if an acute gastritis slightly affects the digestive tract, it is allowed to consume: whole and condensed milk, cottage cheese puree, cottage cheese with sugar and milk.

In the menu it is forbidden to add spices, as well as butter. The oil is allowed to be consumed only in ready meals in small quantities.

Table No. 1b with exacerbation of gastritis

The diet menu 1b is designed to reduce the inflammatory processes that occur in the gastric mucosa due to exacerbated gastritis. The diet menu is intended not only for the healing of inflammation, but also for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

The ration brings the gastric mucosa to normal, and, therefore, speeds up the patient's recovery. Also, with the right selection, especially for children, irritation to the receptors of the stomach decreases, which also speeds up treatment. As in the case of diet 1a, bed rest is prescribed.

The diet is limited to both adults and children 110 grams of protein, 300 grams of carbohydrates, 110 grams of fat. At the same time, the daily caloric value rises from 2600 to 3000 calories. The daily weight also increases: it is in the range of 2.5 to 3 kilograms. The amount of table salt also increased from 8 to 10 grams per day. Applies to a partial meal: 6 to 8 times. Portionality is very important in acute gastritis. The rest of the menu is similar to 1a.

Diet № 1 with acute gastritis

As in the case of the previous variants, diet number 1 for gastritis is intended to accelerate the healing process: erosions, ulcers of the gastric mucosa arising from gastritis in the acute stage.

Diet No. 1 is considered better if you are trying to combine work with the treatment of acute gastritis. The amount of calories is sufficient for the normal functioning of the body during the whole working day, provided there is no physical activity.

The daily menu includes: 100-120 grams of protein, 450 grams of carbohydrates, 120 grams of fat, 10 grams of salt. The total daily weight of products is 3 kilograms. At the same time, the number of calories increased significantly, compared to No. 1a and No. 1b.

Throughout the period of application, the menu is broken into a large number of portions: from 5-7 times. The diet also provides for the temperature parameters of food. The maximum temperature of food should not exceed 62 degrees Celsius, and the minimum 15 degrees.

It is allowed to consume vegetables: potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage and others. Consumption of vegetables is allowed only in boiled form.

The diet provides a sweet non-nutritional menu. In particular, it is allowed to give: jelly, mousse, compote, jam. Jam is allowed if its contents are sweet varieties of berries and fruits.

It is allowed to consume butter, which, like in past diets, is allowed only in prepared dishes.

You can use as a drink a decoction of rose hips or loose tea.

Menu # 5

Diet # 5 is considered full, despite the fact that it is intended for treatment of exacerbated gastritis. The daily content of nutrients completely covers the physiological needs of the organism.

It is forbidden to include in the diet products that increase the activity of glands producing gastric juice. The products include: essential oils, fried foods, products containing cholesterol. It is allowed to eat vegetables and fruits.

Preparing dishes strictly for a couple, this applies to both adults and children's menus. In some cases, it is allowed to bake the vegetables in the oven. It is allowed to eat meat dishes in a baked form, however, before baking, meat must be boiled. If you do not boil meat in advance, then this dish can again sharpen acute gastritis and create new pain in the stomach.

The daily ration includes from 100 to 110 grams of proteins, about 100 grams of fat, not less than 400 grams of carbohydrates. As well as in other diets, there is still a restriction on table salt, its rate per day should not exceed 10 grams. The amount of daily calories, with the correct calculation, will be from 2,800 to 3,200 calories. The total weight of food per day will be from 3.3 to 3.5 kilograms. During the entire period of dieting, it is necessary to observe a portioned meal, 6 to 7 times a day.

It is allowed to use non-sharp spices in prepared dishes. You can also add dill, bay leaf, cinnamon.

Diet № 5 with acute gastritis differs in that there is no special load on the liver. The normal level of bile excretion is restored, protein metabolism is improved.

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