What to take from worms, what tablets, medicines, drugs can an adult be against helminths, how to drink properly?

In order to get rid of worms, you will definitely have to take special medications. Most tablets against worms have a wide range of action, that is, they are designed to "expel" round and tape worms of various types. But some types of helminthiasis can not be cured by a single intake of tablets from worms. To prevent relapse, before taking the medicine from the worms, you should identify the parasite and get a doctor's recommendation on the treatment.

Consultation of a specialist is just as important, as all worm tablets are toxic and can cause side effects in people with weakened immunity or at risk patients. Of course, you can resort to safe folk remedies, but be sure to consider that they are less effective in comparison with the worm tablets. If "herbs, berries and seeds" can not cope with the larvae of parasites, then the disease will definitely return. What for to risk, when it is possible to accept medicines from worms - the checked up products of domestic or import pharmacology?

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What are the medicines to take from worms?

Many people who have encountered such a problem are asking themselves about the choice of medication. Let's try to understand.

Antiparasitic drugs sold in pharmacies have different effects and are designed for a certain age category of people. Some are suitable only for adults, others - adults and children can take. Take the pill from the worms, strictly following the instructions. They are divided into narrow-spectrum and wide-spectrum drugs.

All narrow-spectrum drugs are divided into groups, depending on the effectiveness of the exposure to a particular type of parasite:

  • Anti-fungal. When intestinal helminthias take tablets Nichlosamide, and with worms of the extra-intestinal form, Albendazole is effective.
  • Antinematous. In intestinal nematode, it is recommended to take tablets with active substances Piperazine, Levamisole, Pirantela pamoat. In the extra-intestinal form of nematode, diethylcarbamazine citrate can be used.
  • Antitrematodoznye preparations should be taken with worm-flukes. When intestinal localization of parasites, perchlorethylene is effective. If the parasites live in other organs, it will be correct to administer the patient to the bitionol.

Tablets from parasites of a wide spectrum of action are used according to the scheme determined by the attending physician. Medicines "against all parasites" are available in the pharmaceutical market in a wide range. They struggle with the development of parasites, affecting their reproductive functions. Simply put, worms stop multiplying. The intake of such drugs, as a rule, is short-term and constitutes a course lasting not more than a week. Popular drugs of this group are pyrantel and mebendazole.

How to take pills against worms?

The effectiveness of treatment depends on choosing the right treatment regimen that the patient will apply. We have already described what active substances can help with various ailments. Popular agents with these active substances are:

  • Helmintox, the active ingredient is pyrantel embonate. These tablets are taken with ascarids, pinworms, ankylostomiasis. Adults take the medicine according to the scheme, calculated taking into account the body weight, it is recommended to take a laxative.
  • Albendazole, the active ingredient is a derivative of benzimidazole carbamate. The drug is claimed as a means of broad spectrum. It is effective in mixed helminthiases, when analyzes revealed the presence of ascarids, lamblia, cestod larval, with opisthorchiasis, enterobiosis. Apply the agent according to the scheme, with repeated administration three weeks later.
  • Pirantel, the active substance is pyrantel. Reception of the agent is indicated for kilostomiasis and ascaridosis. These pills are considered the safest, so they are prescribed not only to an adult, but also to a child. The daily( or single) dose depends on the body weight and age of the patient. In a number of cases, a three-day appointment with a repeat course in three weeks is necessary.
  • Decaris, the active ingredient is levamisole. These tablets are taken with such worms: ascarids, worms of the ankylostomids group. The medicine causes paralysis of parasites and their death within a day. The adult person takes it one-time. The use of funds for children is carried out only under the supervision of doctors.
  • Vermox, the active ingredient is mebendazole. It helps with ascarids and pinworms, enterobiasis, trichocephalosis and others. It is necessary to take the medicine with care to pregnant women, nursing mothers, small children. The treatment regimen depends on the type of parasites and rarely exceeds three days. You can repeat the course in three weeks to fix the positive result.
  • Wormil, the active ingredient is albendazole. Anthelminthic drugs are used in the treatment of intestinal and tissue helminths. Tablets are effective for enterobiosis, hymenolepidosis, trichinosis, ankylostomosis, giardiasis and other types of worms. The treatment plan is made up by a doctor. Usually, the drug is given a 5-day course.
  • Nemosol, the active ingredient is albendazole. This drug is effective in the detection of larvae of pork thistle, the usual echinococcus. The agent can be prescribed with such worms as ascarids, lamblia, with non-katorosis and toxocariasis. With care, the drug is prescribed for children and adults with chronic blood diseases.

As it was already written, all tablets against worms are toxic, therefore to accept them it is necessary with the big care and only under the control of the doctor.

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