Activated charcoal from helminths

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Glaive invasion is the most common disease that occurs in all countries of the world. When the first signs are manifested, it is necessary to proceed to therapy in the shortest possible time.

The pharmacies sell a huge number of drugs that can cope with helminths. It must be remembered that it is necessary to take care not only of eliminating parasites, but also of removing traces of their vital activity from the body. With a similar problem with worms, activated charcoal works fine. After consuming the medicine, for a short interval of time, toxic substances, and the products of the vital activity of worms, will be removed from the human body.

Activated charcoal from worms is better not to be used in the following situations:

  • There is a suspicion of intestinal or gastric bleeding;
  • Intolerance to activated carbon;
  • Peptic ulcer diseases;
  • If antitoxic substances were used.

When consuming coal, it is recommended to observe the dosage:

  • . Infants under 12 months of age are allowed to drink no more than 2 tablets per day, which should be added to the water, previously finely ground;
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  • Children from 1 to 3 years can consume 4 tablets per day;
  • Children from 3 to 6 years can consume 6 tablets per day;
  • A child over 6 years of age is allowed to use up to 12 tablets of activated carbon per day. A single dose depends on how much the baby weighs and what type of helminthiosis is found in it.

To eliminate the consequences of vital activity of parasites for an adult, one tablet per 10 kilograms of human weight should be consumed. Do not abuse the medicine. The medication is consumed 2-3 hours after a meal. At first glance it is safe, but excessive consumption will remove from the body not only the remains of worms, but also useful substances. Always follow the indicated dosage.

Side effects of activated charcoal in worms:

  • Excessive use of the drug causes defecation;
  • A gag reflex;
  • Hypovitaminosis. Out of the body are useful substances like vitamins.

Also, before using activated charcoal in order to eliminate worms, it is necessary to study the instruction of the antihelminthic substance with which it will be used. In most cases, there are no contraindications.

The maximum period of taking the drug is 72 hours. When fighting worms and traces of their life, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Especially it concerns young patients. Only the doctor will prescribe the right treatment.

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