How does sinusitis occur and by what symptoms can the disease be recognized?

1 Initial signs and manifestations of the acute form of the disease

Initial signs both in children and adults manifest the same. Among them note:

  • pain in the head;
  • reduced efficiency and fast fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • discomfort inside the nose;
  • difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion;
  • mucosal discharge from the nose.

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Gradually, these symptoms are more like a cold and a common cold, which makes it difficult to diagnose. In any case, timely access to a qualified specialist will be very useful, because, by examining the nasal cavity and taking a swab on the flora from the nose, the doctor will still be able to recognize the sinusitis in time. This is a very important fact, since it is at an early stage that sinusitis can be cured without piercing and surgical intervention.

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If the genyantritis has become acute, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • feeling of constant pressure in the nose;
  • temperature increase;
  • swelling of the nasal sinuses and adjacent parts of the face;
  • bad breath from the nose;
  • tear;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • soreness of the forehead when touched;
  • severity in the region of the nose and upper jaw.

At the acute stage, clear discharge from the nose can turn into purulent masses or get a greenish shade. At a time when the person has a stuffy nose with purulent masses, it can be noted that the patient completely changes his voice, he acquires a kind of nasal. Acute maxillary sinusitis in most cases causes a viral infection, so the symptoms develop at a rapid rate. After 8 weeks of acute sinusitis, it is commonly believed that the chronic course of the disease has begun. If you do not start medication in time, the disease can develop into a chronic form, which is fraught with unfavorable consequences for the patient.

A feature of the acute form of sinusitis is that all of the above symptoms disappear if a person assumes a prone position. In the case of common cold, the symptomatology will, on the contrary, become more acute in the horizontal position. Sometimes an exacerbation of a genyantritis passes so strongly, that to the person it is sick even to blink.

2 Pathology in children

When talking about the differences in the manifestation of this disease in adult patients and children, it should be noted that in the latter all of the above symptoms can be accompanied by painful sensations in the head during walking and sneezing. The kid can completely refuse to eat, as chewing will bring him additional pain.

Sometimes children can complain at a genyantritis on a tussis. This is due to the fact that due to the discharge that flows down the back wall of the pharynx, irritation of the respiratory tract will occur. During the illness, photophobia often develops in children, as the nasolacrimal canal is occluded.

To determine sinusitis it is possible and for a strong swelling of the cheeks, eyelids and sinuses of the nose.

The special feature of pediatric sinusitis is the fact that temperature fluctuations during the acute phase are very large and sometimes hospitalization can not be avoided, while adult patients can bring down the temperature at home. It is important that the symptoms of sinusitis in children develop much faster and proceed in a pronounced form, while the inflammatory process very soon goes beyond the maxillary sinuses, hitting the space under the eyes. In combination with the main signs of sinusitis, children lose appetite, sleep badly, babies and toddlers become very moody and constantly cry until 2 years old. Due to the fact that the child will try to permanently erase the discharge from the nose, the skin around the nostrils will be irritated and will turn red.


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3 Development of a malaise in pregnant women

There is a special form of sinusitis in pregnant women. This disease during pregnancy has mild symptoms, and very often recognize sinusitis when it is already passing into a purulent form. It is for this reason that all pregnant women are given a smear from the nose during registration and constantly talk about the advisability of timely treatment of the common cold.

In no case can you treat children and pregnant women yourself, even if you are 100% sure that it is a genyantritis, and not a common cold, and know what medicines you need to take. Without appropriate skills and knowledge, you can aggravate the condition of the baby and the pregnant woman, who may lose their sense of smell forever because of your thoughtless actions. Among the most severe complications in the absence of treatment of sinusitis, the following can be noted: meningitis, inflammation of the meninges, meningoencephalitis and pus flow into the brain.

With the timely treatment of sinusitis can get rid of a few weeks, so in no case do not delay the referral to the doctor.

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