Formation of arthritis of the jaw joint, signs of ailment and therapeutic methods

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1 What you need to know about therapy

Treat the disease is prohibited by yourself. The patient can hurt himself by using inappropriate medications or unnecessary methods. It is also not recommended to administer medication alone, because only the doctor can prescribe the exact dosage of the drug after diagnosis.

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The duration of therapy will depend on many factors: the degree of pathology, joint condition and physiological characteristics of the patient. The doctor can prescribe the following techniques:

  • massage;
  • gymnastics;
  • folk remedies;
  • drug therapy.

The availability of the national funds in the presented list does not yet indicate the possibility of applying them independently. As in the case of drugs, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Folk recipes are aids, and they are used for prevention or in conjunction with basic treatment.

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As for surgical tactics, it is prescribed in severe cases. Examples of such situations are neglected forms of the disease, which require urgent rescue of the jaw. Therefore, it is not recommended to start a pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor.

2 Different Forms and Different Approaches

The presented principle operates for all pathologies, and arthritis of the jaw is no exception. Therefore, diagnostics is so important, which will allow to reveal the form and choose the necessary methods of eliminating the disease. Often there is an acute form. The patient needs to ensure complete rest of the joint. For this purpose, use a bandage for the face. On the patient side, place a plate, which is placed between the teeth. The presented disc will be there for about 2-3 days. During treatment, the patient should consume only liquid food, which reduces the burden on the jaw.

The traumatic type of the disease is treated with the help of analgesics. They are used until the edema and painful sensations disappear completely. The duration of therapy will depend on the stage of the disease and complexity. In most cases, treatment takes from 3 to 6 days.

Elimination of symptoms does not yet indicate the completion of procedures. With the goal of prevention, UHF and electrophoresis are prescribed. In the latter case, different components are used:

  • potassium iodide;
  • novocaine.

It is recommended that a patient take these measures one by one and every day during treatment. As an additional technique, paraffin therapy is used. If the pain syndrome lasts more than 3 days, and the procedures do not bring relief, then the currents of Bernard are used.

The chronic nature of inflammation requires a different approach. The specialist appoints ultrasound and massage. Electrophoresis with bee venom or paraffin can be used. Therapy is held in a special room. The entire period of treatment is recommended to be observed by a specialist.

There are 2 more forms that require physician intervention. Rheumatoid type is eliminated with the help of steroid preparations, antibacterial agents and non-steroidal medications. The situation with purulent arthritis is more complicated. In most cases, resort to surgery. During the operation, the cavity is opened and a drainage installation is performed. After such treatment, the patient takes antibiotics and analgesics. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to undergo a course of electrophoresis and UHF.

3 The use of traditional medicine

Folk remedies are an auxiliary element of therapy. It is mandatory to visit a doctor and consult him. A specialist can prescribe several methods for therapy:

  • rubbing the drug composition;
  • use of natural ointments;
  • application of baths and fees.

You can take several tools for rubbing. Recipe for the first composition is a mixture of 1 tsp.turpentine, 1 cider vinegar and 1 egg yolk. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the damaged area.

Another tool is represented by fir oil. This component is rubbed into the joint very carefully, without making strong or abrupt movements. From above it is necessary to put sea salt, which was previously wrapped in gauze cloth.


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Ointments are very effective. To prepare the birch composition, it is necessary to put a vessel of clay in a heated oven, in which there is a mixture of several layers:

  • 800 g of sunflower oil;
  • 400 g of birch leaves and kidneys.

Such a composition is necessarily passed through a sieve, since it is important that it is ground.6 g of camphor powder are added to the resulting substance. A similar remedy is used before bedtime, rubbing the mixture into the damaged joint.

Baths are useful for the patient. To prepare the procedure, you need to take 1.5 kg of bran and dissolve them in boiled water. The liquid is filtered and poured into a bath. The duration of the event is from 5 to 10 minutes. The resulting composition can simply be applied to a sore spot.

A beneficial effect is possessed by collections of herbs with different medicinal properties.

The following components are used for the preparation of the drug in the same quantities:

  • , a buffered color;
  • parsley root;
  • willow bark;
  • sheet of dioecious nettle.
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Elements are thoroughly crushed, after which the composition is taken in an amount of 1 tbsp.l.and pour boiling water. The agent is required to boil for 5 minutes on a small fire. The further actions are connected with cooling of a preparation and with its filtering. Daily it is necessary to drink 1 glass of the received medicine.

Therefore, to eliminate arthritis of the jaws must visit a doctor. Diagnostic measures will identify the causes of the disease and its features. All procedures aimed at treatment can be carried out only after consulting a specialist.

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