Diseases transmitted by ticks and the main effects of tick-borne encephalitis

1 A favorable and unfavorable outcome of the disease

There are a large number of effects after the tick bite. It is necessary to say first about a favorable outcome. The easiest consequence is asthenic syndrome, that is, the appearance of chronic weakness, which lasts for several months, but later the functionality of the body is completely restored. However, an average and severe form of recovery is possible, but there are no paresis and paralysis.

With an unfavorable outcome, a fairly stable organic syndrome awaits you with a significant decrease in the quality of life, since there may be defects in motor functions with no progression of symptoms. It should be noted that in more severe cases, the symptomatology can continuously progress, especially due to the use of alcoholic beverages, against stress, fatigue. Perhaps a persistent change in the appearance of epilepsy, hyperkinesis, which is the reason for the disability, the group of which is determined according to the severity of the symptoms.

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2 Possible disability

Speaking of disability, it is worth starting with the III group. Perhaps the emergence of moderate paresis of limbs, epileptic seizures, reduced ability to work and, accordingly, professional qualifications.

II group of disability is characterized by the presence of pronounced paresis and hemiparesis with seizures of epilepsy. Mentally changing the psyche, perhaps the severe course of asthenia, greatly reduced labor activity and the ability to self-service.

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In the case of group I disabilities, there are significant violations of motor function, kozhevnikovsky epileptic syndrome develops, hyperkinesis spreads along with epilepsy, dementia may occur. In addition, a person can not care for himself, control his behavior, move without help.

3 Viral infection

Diseases that are transmitted by mites can have a viral, microbial, protozoal, rickettsial etiology. Diseases, in addition to its type, can be divided by prevalence on a certain continent.

Viral infection with tick-borne encephalitis is common in Austria, Russia, Finland, the Czech Republic, Japan, Hungary, Korea, Germany, Poland, Slovakia and so on. It should be noted that hemorrhagic fever due to tick infection is common in all countries where the blood-sucking insect is prevalent. However, hemorrhagic fever has a subspecies, called Congo-Crimean, which is common in southern Russia, in Bulgaria, Central Asia, Congo, China and Kenya. There is Omsk haemorrhagic fever spread on the territory of some Russian cities: Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Kurgan, Orenburg. Perhaps the emergence of a rare tick-born fever, Kemero fever( common in the Kemerovo region) and fever Lipovnik( common in European countries).

From microbial infection, which is transmitted by ticks, it is worth noting lime-borreliosis, common in Eastern Europe and Russia, erlichiosis( in Eastern and Western European countries, Japan and China, the USA), and anaplasmosis( North America, Russia, China and Europeancountries).


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In addition, microbial rickettsial infection of a person is shown, represented by:

  • Astrakhan spotted fever - it is most often diagnosed in the west of Kazakhstan, in the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions;
  • by Marseilles fever, which is common in southern European countries, Asia, South Africa and other countries with a hot climate;
  • by tick-borne typhus of northern Asia and Australia;
  • fever of tsutsugamushi - cases were recorded in the Kuriles, Kamchatka, Pakistan, Japan, Korea and China;
  • tick-borne paroxysmal rickettsiosis - at the moment there is no accurate data on prevalence.

In addition, the emergence of protozoal infection of a human, such as babesiosis, which is common in Poland, Yugoslavia, Germany and the eastern coast of the United States.

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