Melonosis of Dyubreil: photo, types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

This disease affects the scalp more often and occurs in people in old age. The peculiarity of the development of Dubreuil's melanosis is that it is an illicit skin disease, which can be light brown to black.

Most often it is located on the head, but the focus can also appear anywhere else.

Statistics of the disease

According to statistics, the disease occurs in 3 people per 1000. Almost all carriers differ in their advanced age.

The appearance of flat intradermal pigment spots, which tend to increase, is typical for the ailment.

Classification of the Dobrejl melanosis

There are two main types of disease:

  1. Evenly elevated. Virtually does not rise above the surface of the skin, does not undergo changes throughout the course of the lesion.
  2. Knot-lofty. Is a more obvious precursor of cancer. First, there are single knotty overgrowths that rise above the skin.

The photo shows melanosis of a Dyubrayel on a woman's face

This disease is divided due to the appearance of:

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  • The diffuse form of develops due to a biosynthetic bias in the human body. This leads to the appearance of pigmentation, not only on the skin, but also on the organs.
  • The focal form of is manifested by the accumulation of pigment in only one area.

Doctors say that the focal is divided into two types:

  • physiological ( typical for the inhabitants of the African race);
  • pathological ( associated with abnormal cell structure and their focusing on some organ).

There is melanosis of Dyubreil's congenital and acquired. The first type is formed because of an excess of intrauterine pigmentary compound. This form is very rare, so in most cases it is an acquired form.

Reasons for the emergence of

As with other precancerous formations, different factors can become the reasons for the appearance of education.

Studies confirm that a large role is given to genetic abnormalities. Their manifestation lies in the fact that the body cells eventually lose the ability to eliminate the damage caused by the sun.

If the reason lies in this, the ailment begins to develop even in childhood. When tanning, there are pigmented spots on which appears atrophy, dry skin.

Other factors can provoke the appearance of formation:

  • skin injury,
  • exposure to virus or fungi,
  • chemical and temperature damage.

We could not exclude scientists and the use of hormonal drugs, as well as the development of serious stressful situations.

Symptoms of

Precancerous formation itself is a pigmented spot, the edges of which do not differ in their evenness, but are more like a geographical map. The spot grows very slowly, gradually reaching a diameter of 2-3 cm.

The older the formation, the darker its color becomes. In some situations, the dimensions reach up to 20 cm. The shade can range from bluish to black. If the stain grows to large sizes, some areas may not have staining.

First, a seal is formed around the edges or in the center, around which erythema forms. The spot begins to increase rapidly in size.

At this point, the surface of melanosis begins to peel off, sores may appear. The general condition of a person also worsens: weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite.

Diagnosis of malignant lentigo

Biopsy in the case of melanosis Dyubrayley not applicable, as a violation of the structure of formation promotes the formation of the tumor and its faster transformation into melanoma.

Therefore, one of the most revealing methods of investigation is a cytological examination of a print-smear, which is taken from the surface without violating the integrity of the formation.

A smear does not always show a complete picture, which will be enough to make a diagnosis. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to remove the scraper. Then the main element for studying is the study of atypical melanocytes.

One of the main diagnostic tasks is differentiation of the disease from:

  • nevus Ota,
  • seborrheic keratoma,
  • pigment nevus,
  • melanoma.

At the doctor's appointment, bimanual palpation is mandatory. It makes it possible to determine the mobility, soreness and other characteristics of the lesion. To obtain a complete picture, a consultation of an oncologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist is required.

Treatment and prevention of melanosis of the Doucherail

As in most cases a harmless stain turns into skin cancer, when it is detected, radical excision of the entire site is mandatory. To prevent the growth of cells in the future, the healthy tissues that surround the Duobreille melanosis are also affected.

Because the stain more often focuses on the face, it makes it difficult to excise, so sometimes the doctor decides to apply it to X-rays.

If the first type is selected, the wound is subsequently closed and the primary plastic is carried out. Sometimes it is advisable to combine surgery and radiation.

After the treatment measures are carried out, the course of immunotherapy begins. Its duration depends on the degree, stage of the form of education and the peculiarities of the work of the patient's organism.

One of the most reliable methods of prevention is protecting the skin from sunlight. It is important not to overheat the body.

If there is a predisposition to melanoma or various forms of immunodeficiency, then it is necessary to stand on dispensary records and regularly conduct a screening examination.

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