Removal of papillomas: celandine at home, laser, liquid nitrogen and electrocoagulation

Growing on the body of papillomas are considered a source of infection and can significantly spoil the appearance of a person. Removal of papillomas with the most modern methods allows you to often return to the body in one session the attractiveness and prevent the development of possible complications of HPV in the future.

Ways to remove papillomas

Treatment with papillomas should begin with a visit to the dermatologist.

The doctor will examine the skin, determine the location of the main papillomas and their appearance, and will assign a number of necessary tests. And on this basis, he will choose effective therapy.

The papillomas themselves on the body, including intimate spaces, are removed by various modern methods, characterized by the least pain and almost no side effects.

Some methods of removal are indicated for use only in those parts of the body where the skin is sufficiently dense. When choosing a method for getting rid of papillomatous sprouting, the cost of the procedure is taken into account.

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Laser beam

To use a laser beam to remove small virus outgrowths on the skin began quite a long time ago. Such a method is highly efficient, one session can be disposed of at once from several formations.

The papilloma is affected by a laser beam, under its influence, the altered cells evaporate, and simultaneously there is thrombosis of the nearby capillaries.

Modern instruments for laser treatment have a number of advantages, these are:

  • Painless procedure. In most cases, the patient feels only a slight tingling, if desired, the doctor can apply a local anesthetic to the skin.
  • Impossibility of wound infection. During the procedure, there is no contact between the skin and the instruments, and therefore the risk of penetration of pathogens is excluded.
  • Absence after healing of scars. At use of modern devices the risk of reception of a burn on a skin is excluded also.

The laser removal session with papillomas lasts only a few minutes, after which the patient can immediately go home.

The doctor should warn that on the site of the impact there will be a crust that does not need to be touched, moistened, greased with creams. She herself will disappear in a few days, under it will be a small pinkish spot. Complete healing of the tissues and comparing them in color with a healthy skin takes three to four weeks.

Laser destruction is performed if the size of the formations does not exceed 5 mm. It is necessary to take into account the contraindications to it when prescribing the procedure.

Laser removal of papillomas is not prescribed:

  • In case of exacerbation of any chronic diseases, during acute infections.
  • If there are signs of bacterial or fungal skin damage at the site of papilloma growth.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • Patients with diabetes, photodermatosis and oncological diseases.
  • With high fever and fever.
  • For diseases of the nervous system that show seizures( epilepsy and a number of others)

Before the procedure, the patient should be warned that during the two weeks before the session, the skin should be protected from ultraviolet light. This means that you do not need to visit the solarium and it is recommended to spend less time in direct sunlight.

Ordinary papilloma or a wart at any time can become a cancerous melanoma! If the papilloma is not treated, then further development of the disease and spread through the body, until the appearance of rashes on the mucous membranes. Learn how to quickly get rid of papillomas and warts ยป


Cryodestruction - this method implies the influence on the papilloma of a substance with a low temperature - liquid nitrogen. The technique provides a deep freezing of the formation, as a result of which cells die and are gradually rejected by healthy skin cells.

Cryodestruction is performed by a special apparatus, the time of action on the papilloma depends on the size of the build-up, the depth of its spread.

The photo shows the result, before and after removing the papilloma with liquid nitrogen on the skin of the face

After the session the papilloma becomes hard, cold, gets white. After a few hours, a blister forms at the site of the exposure, redness and a slight swelling may appear.

Then the blister is transformed into a scab, it can remain on the body for up to 6 weeks. The scab can not be touched, since under it there is healing of the wound and the formation of new epithelial cells.

The main advantages of cryodestruction are:

  • The minimum time required for a single session.
  • Slight soreness.
  • Good tolerability at any age.
  • Affordable price.
  • No need to use anesthetics.

The disadvantages of the procedure include the possible formation of scars. A similar complication is possible when the papillomatous growths of the deep layers of the skin are covered, when liquid nitrogen is applied to too sensitive and thin skin.

The method is not used if there are signs indicating the development of a malignant process at the place of education.

Also to the group of contraindications for this method are:

  • Presence of a patient with an anamnesis of oncological diseases.
  • Acute infectious processes.
  • Increased sensitivity to low temperatures.

If the body has a large wart, it may take two or three sessions of cryodestruction. Complete healing of the skin with restoration of its color occurs in most people in about three to four months, sometimes this period is extended to six months.


Electrocoagulation is the use of high-frequency current to remove viral formations. With the aid of a special apparatus with a loop at the end through which the current passes, the cutaneous formation is cut off.

Thermal radiation leads to the destruction of protein molecules in the treated tissues and necrosis of the skin.

The method is used when the papilloma protrudes over the body or has a thin stem. In the presence of a foot, the formation is removed almost instantaneously, and in order to remove the electrocautery protruding growth, several procedures are necessary during which the changed skin is removed gradually. Coagulation provides soldering of blood vessels, so there is no bleeding.

Electrocoagulation has several main advantages, which is sometimes especially important, include:

  • The possibility of histological examination of cut off papilloma. During laser treatment and when using liquid nitrogen, the destroyed tissues can not be sent to a histology, so if there is a suspicion of a malignant process, electrocoagulation can be prescribed.
  • Rapid recovery of the skin.
  • Low cost of the procedure.
  • Possibility of removing several threadlike papillomas in one procedure.

When carrying out electrocoagulation at the patient's request, local anesthesia can be used. In contrast to laser exposure and cryodestruction, the electrocoagulator touches the skin during the procedure, so the skin is treated with antiseptics until the session and for several days afterwards.

At the site of exposure, a small crust may remain for several days, which is gradually rejected.

Contraindications to the appointment of electrocoagulation are:

  • Exacerbations or acute phase of somatic diseases.
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes.
  • The patient's increased sensitivity to electrocautery and local anesthetics.
  • . Oncological diseases.

After electrocoagulation, as well as after other methods of removal of formations, it is necessary to follow all the skin care recommendations of the doctor and improve their immunity. If everything is done correctly, you can minimize the risk of a recurrence of a viral infection.

The radio wave method, with the help of the apparatus surgitron

The radio wave method( "radio knife") is one of the most modern ways of getting rid of papillomas.

Most often used is the latest device for radio wave surgery Surgitron.

The essence of the method is that a radio wave of a different range is fed to the end of the thinnest electrode.

The electrode is directed to the necessary place on the skin, where under the influence of the radio wave, energy in the intercellular spaces increases, and this leads to instantaneous heating and evaporation of the affected cells.

Depending on the size of the papilloma and their depth of penetration, different power and waveform parameters are set, this allows to remove the formation without affecting healthy tissues. The electrode itself during the session does not heat up and does not come into direct contact with the skin, therefore a number of possible complications are completely excluded.

The benefits of using a "radio knife" for the removal of papillomas include:

  • The ability to remove papillomas from the face, neck without the formation of visible spots and scars. If the papilloma is superficial, then a few days after the procedure, there is no trace of a cosmetic defect.
  • Minimal risk of possible infection and bleeding.
  • Fast recovery period.
  • Painless. Under the influence of radio waves, the nerve receptors are blocked for a while and therefore there is practically no pain. But for the patient's peace of mind, doctors offer local anesthesia.
  • Ability to remove formations in hard-to-reach areas of the body and on delicate skin. The radio wave method is suggested for the arrangement of outgrowths on the skin around the eyes and on the eyelids, on the genital organs.

After the procedure, a small crust remains on the body resembling a scar. This place should not be strongly watered, it is necessary to refrain from using cosmetics. For some patients, the doctor may recommend the use of a gel from scars.

The healing of the wound should occur naturally, after about a week the corpse will fall off, then the full restoration of the skin will take place within one to three months. After the radio wave method, one should refrain from natural and artificial sunburn for two weeks.

Contraindications to the radio wave method:

  • Presence of a pacemaker.
  • Decompensated stage of pulmonary-cardiac diseases.
  • Acute infectious processes.
  • Hepatitis and diabetes mellitus at the stage of exacerbation.

The radio wave method can not be used with too large papillomas.


Surgical clipping of papillomas is one of the oldest methods of removal.

This method has many drawbacks - the possibility of infection, the risk of bleeding, a high probability of scarring.

But, despite this, surgical intervention is necessary if the papilloma has reached enormous dimensions and needs a subsequent histological examination.

Surgical removal consists in cutting out the formation with a scalpel, the operation is performed after local anesthesia. To reduce the risk of possible complications, it is necessary that a highly skilled physician conduct the manipulation and only under sterile conditions.

After surgery, the skin heals for a long time, requires constant treatment with antiseptic solutions. The patient may have soreness for a while.

Contraindications for the procedure include:

  • Acute inflammatory processes throughout the body and on the skin.
  • Intolerance of local anesthetics.
  • Patient's poor state of health, fever.

Folk remedies at home

When deciding on the use of folk remedies for the removal of papilloma, one must be sure that this formation is not subjected to malignant degeneration and is not inflamed.

It should also be taken into account that the treatment of viral formations and their complete disappearance with the help of various recipes of traditional medicine can take weeks and months. The effectiveness of removal depends on the regular use of the prepared formulations.

To remove papilloma folk remedies at home:

  • Apply fresh celandine juice. Naturally, this method is suitable only for the summer period. It will only need a chopped stalk of celandine, it must squeeze out the juice and drip it right into the center of the papilloma. Preliminary, the skin around the formation should be lubricated with a baby cream or vegetable oil, and a band-aid is applied on top. With such a compress they go for two days, then it is changed to fresh. Removing small papillomas can take about one week, large formations disappear within two to three weeks.
  • Application of aloe. The virus perishes only from a plant that is at least five years old. Cut off the sheet to be freed from the film and put the flesh on the built-up edge, the plant is attached from above with a band-aid. This procedure I do at night for 10 days. Similarly, a Kalanchoe sheet can be used.
  • Inside it is recommended to take antiviral infusion. Prepare it from horsetail, lemon balm, dandelion root, plantain leaves, nettle. Plants are mixed in equal proportions, three spoons from the received dry collection pour a liter of water. Insists 40 minutes, take infusion recommended during meals for three spoons. The course of treatment ten days.
  • Antiviral properties have castor oil, dandelion juice and fresh potatoes. These means are recommended to rub the papilloma several times a day.

Consequences of

It is not necessary to consider that modern methods of removal by papillomas exclude occurrence of a number of complications.

Depending on the type of procedure after it is performed on the body, the edema and hyperemia may remain at the site of exposure to varying degrees.

But these phenomena, as a rule, after a few days pass. To the unpleasant consequences of the removal of papillomas can be attributed to the formation of scars or pigmented spots.

This happens in a few cases, this is:

  • With deep papillomas in the skin.
  • If you select the wrong method of removal when papillomas are on thin skin.
  • In patients with an individual predisposition of the skin to the formation of scars.
  • With insufficient professionalism of the doctor.

To reduce the likelihood of cosmetic defects on the skin, you can follow all the recommendations of the doctor. It is necessary to choose and that medical center, in the professionalism of whose employees you do not doubt.


Maria, 31 year:

A little education on the century I had a few months ago. It gradually began to increase in size and even prevented it from seeing properly. When I contacted a dermatologist, I was able to establish that it was a papilloma, I was offered a radio wave method to remove it. The procedure went quickly, only after it for several days there was a crust and some tightness of the skin. Now everything is fine. The place of the former papilloma is completely invisible.

Katya, 29 years old:

I was offered to remove the placer on the neck with laser destruction. The session did not take much time, but it was sensitive. The next day a few crusts appeared on the neck, they passed about a week later. Now there is nothing on the neck, and I can wear any clothes again.

How much does the procedure cost?

It is impossible to say exactly how much it will cost to remove a papilloma. The price consists of many components, this is the number of formations, their location on the body, and dimensions. Usually in clinics for the first session take a little more than the following.

  • The cryodestruction session costs from 250 to 800 rubles.
  • The removal of the papilloma with a laser will cost 200-500 rubles.
  • The removal of electrocoagulation, depending on the location and amount of papillomas, will cost between 150 and 450 rubles.
  • The removal of papillomas by radio wave method begins at a price of 1500 thousand rubles.

Surgical removal can be offered in a conventional clinic, for this procedure, indications and a policy are needed. In medical centers the price for surgical intervention starts from 500 rubles.

Where can I remove it?

You can remove papillomas with the most modern and safe methods in beauty clinics, medical centers.

When choosing an institution, it is always necessary to take into account the existence of a license for the activity.

Qualified physicians must find out all contraindications to the procedure, if necessary, they are sent for additional examination.

To avoid the appearance of unpleasant complications on the skin, one can not trust the removal of dubious clinics by papillomas.

How can I treat the skin after a session?

Almost after any method of removal on the body remains a crust that persists for several days. Before it is rejected by the body , the skin around it should be treated with an antiseptic - 5% iodine, alcohol solution, green. This will prevent the infection from getting inside.

After the scab disappears, it is necessary to use hydrocortisone or methyluracil ointment, which are applied a thin layer two or three times a day. In the medical center can offer and other ointments and gels that accelerate healing and promote rapid resorption of scars.

If there is an inflammatory reaction in the form of increased swelling or an increase in hyperemia, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

how to remove papillomas with an electrocoagulator:

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