Diet for urticaria in adults, in children: menus, recipes, a list of products

Being one of the most common allergic diseases, urticaria can be caused by various causes, but the manifestations of this disease are very characteristic. Being manifested in the form of multiple or single eruptions on the surface of the skin with itching and burning, hives require the introduction of certain changes in the diet, since most often it is because of the presence in the diet of certain substances that cause this reaction, this reaction takes place.

Food for hives should remain as balanced as possible, containing the entire set of necessary elements. However, the exclusion of a number of products will allow as soon as possible to eliminate the symptoms of this allergic disease and improve the patient's well-being. So today let's find out which diet is used to treat hives allergy in adults and children.

Hypoallergenic diet for urticaria

Having an allergic origin, urticaria can occur when in contact with various substances, but the external manifestations of the disease in all variants are similar. Hives are therefore classified according to the type of allergen, and accordingly a certain diet is prescribed that excludes the provoking component.

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And the composition of a hypoallergenic diet directly depends on the variety of the disease and the cause that caused this pathological condition. Therefore, in order to properly draw up a menu for a patient with urticaria, you should first determine what type of illness the disease is and what became its root cause.

The importance of diet in the treatment of urticaria will be described by a specialist in this video:

Classification of the disease

The types of urticaria exist as follows:

  • food - external manifestations are caused by the intake of certain foods that cause symptoms of the disease;
  • chemical - when contacting any kind of chemical substances( household chemicals, chemicals, medicinal products), the above listed external appearances occur;
  • cold - this variety is provoked by lowering the ambient temperature. When exposed to cold, the patient's skin reacts with the appearance of blisters, burning and itching appear. Progression of this type of disease is noted at the onset of the cold season, when the temperature of the environment begins to drop;
  • thermal is the opposite of cold urticaria, this kind is provoked by temperature increase, and the degree of temperature rise at which external symptoms of the disease begin to be felt are individual for each patient: for someone there may be enough temperature rise by 1-2 degrees,the same manifestations begin to be detected at a temperature starting from 18-20 ° C.Most often, the disease progresses in the spring and summer, with the activity of sunlight. Symptoms are manifested in open areas of the body, which receive the rays of the sun;
  • cholinergic variety, according to medical statistics, is the most rare type of disease: it is noted in less than 8 percent of cases of urticaria. The main difference from the other varieties of the disease is the occurrence of allergic manifestations in stress. This is the only type of autoimmune variety of hives;
  • is an aquatic , also considered one of the infrequently occurring varieties of the disease. It is caused by the action of water in any form that falls on the surface of the skin. It can be absolutely any kind of water: drinking, rain, melted, well, chlorinated, tap. Sometimes there is a water allergy even on your own sweat. This urticaria is especially complicated in diagnosis, as many patients confuse its symptoms with other types of disease.

On what diet is needed for chronic and acute urticaria, we will tell below.

Nutrition rules

Since there are several varieties of this disease, each of which has its own reasons, the menu should be based on taking into account the degree of susceptibility to certain foods, so as not to aggravate the symptoms and course of the disease.

Since urticaria can occur in both acute and chronic form, the diet should also take into account the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. In fact, the acute stage is accompanied by the most severe manifestation of symptoms, therefore the diet should consist of those products that are most well perceived by the body without causing allergic manifestations when they are used.

With a chronic form of hives, the duration of the diet should be maximum - this is necessary to stabilize the condition, eliminate symptoms for a longer time. And hypoallergenic diet for this disease should be designed in such a way as to provide the patient's body with the necessary substances, energy and minerals for its normal functioning.

So, the basic rules for making a hypoallergenic diet should follow the following rules:

  1. The absence of products that caused allergic manifestations. With food allergies, the product that became the root cause of the disease is completely excluded. When allergic to chemicals, with cold and heat varieties of urticaria, it is sufficient to follow the rules of compiling a general diet for hives with the exception of extremely dangerous products in this case.
  2. Use a sufficient amount of purified, good quality water. This allows you to maximize the metabolic process, in a timely manner remove accumulated slag.
  3. The balance of the diet in the absence of substances that can trigger the occurrence of allergic manifestations. This means that in the chosen variant of nutrition all elements necessary for our organism must be present: vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, water and proteins.

The above tips will help to reduce the intensity of symptoms of hives, stabilize the patient's condition and quickly eliminate discomfort. However, the knowledge of what can be eaten with this disease, and what is strictly not recommended, will make it possible to compose such a diet, under which the improvement will occur most quickly.

Next, you will find a list of allowed products from the diet for hives.

On how to eat and what to do with food urticaria, this video will tell:

What you can eat

For active use with hives of any kind, perfectly match all kinds of vegetables and fruits that do not have a sharp( acidic, burning) taste. Preference should be given to fruits that have a light color, - apples, bananas, cherries yellow. Their large number in the diet of the patient will allow to fill his body with vitamins, add energy and soon lead to recovery. Also, the following products can be eaten with hives:

  • cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice( prefer brown and uncleaned), barley and corn;
  • dairy products - low-fat milk and kefir, low-fat sour cream, yogurts without fillers and preservatives;
  • biscuit biscuit type( without a lot of oil, sugar);
  • bread with bran;
  • tea is preferably green, not firmly brewed.

On what products the diet for allergic urticaria in adults and children excludes, read below.

What is not allowed

  • To forbid hives, products include fatty meat products, caviar of all sorts, brightly colored fruits and vegetables( especially citrus fruits, strawberries), drinking alcoholic beverages, sharp and fatty cheeses, as well as eggs, fatty cottage cheese, sour cream,products canned and fried.
  • It should also be largely limited to the reception of ready-made and hot sauces, seasonings in large quantities, seafood.

Next, we have prepared for you a menu with recipes for a week with a hypoallergenic diet for hives in adults and children.

Menu for the week

An exemplary menu for patients with hives may look like this:

  • Monday:
    • breakfast to choose from - oatmeal on water, vegetable salad, green tea;
    • lunch - vegetable broth or light soup, vegetable puree, chicken;
    • dinner - porridge from any acceptable cereal with low-fat milk, unsweetened fruit;
  • Tuesday:
    • breakfast - any porridge on the water with a slice of butter, half a banana, tea unsweetened;
    • lunch - pea soup on vegetable broth, steamed potatoes, lean fish;
    • dinner - mashed potatoes without oil, chicken fillet without sauce, vegetable salad;
  • Wednesday:
    • breakfast - oatmeal porridge on low-fat milk, tea;
    • lunch - vegetable soup, braised cabbage, kefir, biscuits;
    • dinner - low-fat cottage cheese, apple;
  • Thursday:
    • breakfast - any porridge on the water with a slice of butter, half apple, unsweetened tea;
    • lunch - bean soup on vegetable broth, chicken with vegetables for steamed, vegetable salad;
    • dinner - stewed vegetables, kefir;
  • Friday: is Tuesday's repeat all the way;
  • Saturday:
    • breakfast - unsweetened yogurt, two apples;
    • dinner - vegetable soup with croutons without butter, lettuce large portion;
    • dinner - kefir, two bananas;
  • Sunday:
    • breakfast repeats Monday,
    • and lunch and dinner are optional any day.

Compliance with the diet for urticaria and edema Quincke is able not only to alleviate the condition of the patient, but also to help him avoid a lethal outcome.

On what diet is better to observe when treating urticaria in a child, this video will tell:

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