Diarrhea with water( very loose stools), severe watery diarrhea with foam in an adult, during pregnancy, the third day

Any dysfunction of the digestive system, which occurs against a background of violations in the diet, inflammation or infection, is accompanied by stool disorders. Very often in these cases, patients develop diarrhea, which can be of 2 types: watery or bloody. Liquid and abundant bowel movements, which are from 3 to 10 times a day, is the main sign of diarrhea, usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Feces have no formation and they differ significantly in color from those that occur in a normal person;
  • When emptying the intestine in the abdominal cavity, severe discomfort occurs;
  • The total volume of feces is much higher than the daily norm, but they come out with water.
  • Very strong water diarrhea in an adult leads to a violation of electrolyte blood balance and dehydration, so it must be quenched as quickly as possible. In patients of different age groups, diarrhea can have different causes for the onset.

Causes of watery stools with water

In adults, a bowel movement with a lot of water is usually associated with a massive release of stagnant bile due to the use of foods that have choleretic effects. In this case, the watery diarrhea will have a characteristic dark brown color. Also one of the most common causes of very loose stools are mono-diets and constant starvation. This condition is mostly typical of women. There are a number of other prerequisites that cause diarrhea in water in adult patients:

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  • Emotional disorders that result from stressful conditions;
  • Allergic reaction to medications or food;
  • Parasitic, bacterial or viral infection;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome or metabolic disorders also cause prolonged diarrhea with foam, in which the fecal masses in an adult person are like water.

Repeatedly, patients were asked what to do if diarrhea with foamy water the third day? In this situation, an urgent appeal to a specialist is needed, since it can lead to the dehydration of the patient's body, especially the elderly. Watery diarrhea, which lasts for the third day or more, leads to the fact that a sick person, along with feces, loses a lot of useful vitamins and important salts, and this for frail patients can be fatal. To determine the beginning of the third day due to diarrhea, dehydration can be due to such indirect signs as rare urination, severe thirst, dryness of the mucous membranes and eyeballs, a decrease in skin turgor, constant fatigue.

Strong watery diarrhea

In early pregnancy many women experience diarrhea. Usually this is due to hormonal changes in the body, which contributes to the occurrence of such unpleasant "surprises" that bring future mothers some inconvenience and discomfort. But for a baby such a condition of a pregnant woman is even useful. In his body will act less toxins due to the fact that the intestines of the future mother, thanks to diarrhea gets additional cleansing. But this is only when the liquid stool like water lasts a short time, and in feces there are no admixtures of blood, mucus or pus.

If a woman in an interesting situation has diarrhea with water with pathological inclusions, which lasts for more than three days, immediate medical attention is required and, in most cases, urgent hospitalization. When pregnant very liquid stool, accompanied by frothy or spotting, is a threat not only to the life of a woman, but also to a child who is in her womb. Such watery diarrhea can result from any serious disease of the digestive organs or intestinal damage by pathogenic microorganisms. The "alarming bells" hinting at the earliest possible contact with a doctor will be as follows:

  • Watery diarrhea is black, and a very fetid odor and is accompanied by a general malaise, weakness, dizziness;
  • With diarrhea, a woman has a fever and vomiting;
  • In the feces there are blood and mucus.

If, during pregnancy, watery diarrhea is accompanied by similar symptoms, it requires an immediate visit to the hospital, since it may indicate that any digestive system has become aggravated, or internal bleeding has occurred. Also, to prevent possible in this state of dehydration, regular replenishment of the liquid lost by the body is required.

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