Desquamative erythroderma Leiner-Moussa: treatment, prognosis, symptoms, diagnosis, causes

This serious skin disorder, such as desquamative erythroderma Leiner-Mousse, which occurs exclusively in the first year of a newborn's life, may cause the child to lag behind the peers in gaining weight, reducing the degree of the immune system and multiple lesions of the upper layer of the epidermis. This disease by many doctors refers to the most severe manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis. The etiology of the disease is being studied at the present time, the reasons for its development can differ significantly depending on the overall health of the baby, the functioning of his body.

Being manifested as a kind of dermatological skin lesion, desquamative erythroderma of Leiner-Mousse causes significant negative changes in the skin of the child. This can even lead to death if there is no adequate therapeutic effect. Therefore, timely diagnosis will prevent the aggravation of the pathological process and reduce the negative impact of its manifestations on the health of the child.

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Features of the disease

Multiple negative changes in the state of the upper layer of the epidermis are accompanied by changes in the behavior of children. They become more whimsical, whiny. It is explained by soreness and itching of the skin in the affected areas, a frequent rise in body temperature. Their sleep becomes restless, the children sleep little and are not strong. The process of digestion also worsens, the urge to vomit and regurgitate becomes frequent, the stool becomes liquid and frequent.

The listed changes in the behavior of children are explained by unpleasant sensations, because with the disease under consideration there is a lesion of significant areas of the body, the impossibility of prolonged stay in one position. The clinical picture of the disease can be considered characteristic, with its development in different children, there may be insignificant differences in symptoms. In parallel with the main disease, such somatic lesions of bacterial origin as otitis, pyelonephritis, purulent otitis begin to manifest. This is due to the increased weakness of the child's body, its inability to resist the negative effects of bacterial infections.

The most typical manifestations are coarsening of the skin in the lesions, skin hyperemia, peeling in the form of plates and the appearance of cracks on the skin are detected already in the early stages of the disease. As it progresses, additional symptoms may occur, such as a rise in body temperature, swelling of the tissues, and the formation of a light yellow hue on the scalp that cause severe itching of the skin. With a worsening of appetite, the process of mass gathering is disrupted, which in some cases can even lead to severe dystrophy of the child.

Classification of desquamative erythroderma

Depending on the location of the affected skin areas, the following classification of the disease can be used:

  • development of skin lesions in deep folds of the skin - gluteal, inguinal, femoral, axillary hollows;
  • revealing manifestations of this type of erythroderma in the upper part of the trunk;
  • skin lesions of the scalp.

The presented classification is relative, as the treatment of all varieties of this skin lesion is similar in general outline, regardless of the location of the primary lesion.

Symptoms of

The manifestations of desquamative erythroderma of Leiner-Mousse can be considered characteristic, which makes it possible to put a preliminary diagnosis even at the first signs of the lesion of the baby's skin at the age of newborn and during the first months of life. The most specific manifestations of the disease include the following symptoms:

  • reddening of the skin, which primarily begins in the deep folds of the skin;
  • also redness spreads on the upper part of the trunk, lower limbs;
  • skin becomes wet, cracks appear on it, which bring soreness and open the "gate" for penetration into the body of bacteria and infections;
  • on the scalp begins to form fatty scales of skin, which have a yellow tint and come off the head in the form of large-sized plates;
  • on the affected skin areas begins peeling, which causes severe itching and burning of the skin.

The listed symptomatology is noted only in children in the first few months of their life. In adults, desquamative erythroderma Leiner-Moussa is not diagnosed.


Detection of the affected skin lesion is performed first by the method of external examination of the child's body. The characteristic symptomatology allows to reveal obvious violations in the state of the upper layer of the epidermis, to determine the localization of the lesion and its area. However, in order to confirm a pre-diagnosed diagnosis, a number of special tests are required, which include:

  1. A blood test that, in the presence of lesions, shows an increase in the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, an increase in leukocytosis, hypochromic anemia, and a significant amount of chlorides in the blood.
  2. Analysis of lipid metabolism - hypocholesterolemia, shortening of the length of Veltman's coagulation tape, triggers the level of triglycerides.
  3. Laboratory tests of skin particles from the sites of its destruction.

As a differential diagnosis, tests are performed to exclude symptoms of congenital ichthyosis, Ritter dermatitis, and Nikolsky's symptom in the child.

Treatment of erythroderma Leiner-Moussa

The treatment of children in the diagnosis of desquamative erythroderma Leiner-Moussa is expressed in an integrated approach: the use of therapeutic effects, medications stabilizing the skin, and immunocorrecting effects. This approach allows you to get the fastest positive results, even with advanced stages of the disease.

Therapeutic method

In the detection of the skin condition under consideration, treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting, the entire treatment process must be performed by a physician taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's organism and its susceptibility to the effect being performed. Treatment of this type of erythrodermia is long, requiring constant monitoring of the child's condition by the doctor.

The therapeutic effect should be attributed to the continuation of breastfeeding as long as possible, since breast milk is capable of several times increasing the level of immunity of the child, preventing the development of most comorbid diseases. And that breast milk has a high content of vitamins, a woman who is breastfeeding needs a high-quality and varied diet, to avoid stress, to take multivitamin complexes. However, it should be ensured that there is no overdose of vitamins, as this can cause allergic manifestations in the child.

Drug medication

Drugs used in the treatment of desquamative erythroderma of Leiner-Moussa include the following:

  • antibiotics used to perform antibiotic therapy for this disease - ampicillin, penicillin, gentamicin, lincomycin;
  • preparations for stimulation of the body and its protective forces - solutions of albumin, gamma globulin, plasma transfusion, polyoglobulin;
  • rehydration therapy in the septic process in the skin is carried out with the help of solutions that are administered by means of a dropper( glucose, haemodesum, albumin).

Inside for stabilization and normalization of microflora, preparations of vitamin B6, lactobacterin are taken.

Operation and other methods

Surgical intervention is not performed when Leucer-Moussa desquamative erythroderma is detected.

Prevention of disease

  • As the prevention of the affected skin lesion in newborns, the correct nutrition of the pregnant woman is used, including the intake of vitamin preparations, high-calorie food.
  • After birth, the child must be provided with competent and regular care, which excludes the possibility of skin lesions.

Complications of

The signs of psoriasis in children over the age of 1 year may become a possible complication in the insufficient treatment of desquamative erythroderma of Leiner-Moussa.


In most cases, the prognosis of the disease with its timely detection and the beginning of treatment immediately after diagnosis is positive.

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