Is it possible after drinking from tick-borne encephalitis to drink alcohol, swim and go for fitness?

1 Manifestation and consequences of the disease

Tick-borne encephalitis is an acute infectious disease in which the central nervous system is damaged.

Most often, the prognosis of the disease is unfavorable. Many people die, and those who recover, experience negative consequences throughout their lives.

A person who has recovered from tick-borne encephalitis often suffers from such consequences as:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • mental disorders;
  • weakened coordination of movements;
  • disorders in the work of the senses;
  • pain in the legs;
  • partial or total loss of ability to move.

Vaccination is the best guarantee to avoid all these consequences.

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This disease was named after the main vector. The causative agents of encephalitis have chosen ticks as a vehicle that is guaranteed to take them inside their host. The wounds of ticks consist only of one thing: once a season they must drink the blood of warm-blooded animals. Only in this case the females can lay eggs, from which the larvae will appear. The virus of encephalitis has spoiled their reputation as an "honest" parasite, which does not bring much harm to a person.

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Tick-borne encephalitis is most common in the Far East, where people die each year after spring ticks.

2 Function of vaccines against the disease

The vaccine introduced into the human body is an attenuated causative agent with a preserved antigenic structure. Vaccination from tick-borne encephalitis serves as a starting mechanism that triggers the immune system. The body should not only learn to recognize the virus and fight it, but also to produce its antibodies.

Any vaccination performs 2 functions: protects the person to whom the vaccine is administered, and is also a condition for reducing the likelihood of epidemics. Making an inoculation to themselves, each person protects from infectious diseases hundreds, and even thousands of people.

Tick-borne encephalitis refers to those diseases that are not transmitted from person to person in any form of contact. His virus penetrates the human body only with the saliva of the tick. For this reason, vaccination against encephalitis is an action of personal protection. The epidemic of tick-borne encephalitis does not exist. Each year, this disease affects about the same number of people. Ill can and those who have vaccinated, but in this case the disease usually passes easily and without serious consequences.

Modern vaccinations against encephalitis are done 2 times a year if vaccination occurs for the first time. When revaccination, the vaccine is given every 3 years in the early spring period.

There are several types of reactions to the vaccine:

  • syncope immediately after administration followed by weakness and headache;
  • headache, weakness, fever;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pain in the injection site;
  • temporary enlargement of the lymph nodes;
  • unusual cheerfulness, mobility and efficiency on the day of vaccination, weakness and headache on the second day.

All these consequences are temporary and represent a natural reaction of the body to the introduction of the encephalitis virus. Of course, the most pleasant consequence is the vigor and efficiency that are associated with the activation of the immune system, but all other types of reactions are natural. Day after 3 these symptoms pass, and the person again feels healthy, but finally the immune reaction will be completed in 2 weeks. Fainting usually occurs in those who are vaccinated for the first time in their lives.

3 So, can you drink alcohol?

This question can be rephrased in a different way: is it possible to drink alcohol during infectious diseases, when the body fights not only with the pathogens of the disease, but also with the toxins formed during this fight, as well as the activity of pathogens?

Alcohol itself is a toxin. Some people do not quite correctly understand the positive effect of taking alcohol. First, when small doses are used, vessels expand and relax. On this, the useful properties of strong drinks end, and the harmful ones begin. The effect of intoxication with inappropriate behavior is the symptoms of poisoning the body. When people drink a lot, they poison their body, which generates a lot of diseases peculiar to alcoholics.


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To consume alcohol during illnesses and poisonings is not only not recommended, but also categorically contraindicated. You can not drink it after the vaccinations, because, as mentioned above, the body at this time is struggling with the disease. On the basis of the conditions in which he will do this, the effectiveness of the vaccination depends.

It is especially harmful to take alcohol in the first 3 days after vaccination, when the body experiences the greatest burden. Arguments like: "I drink a little and only in order to remove negative feelings," are not taken into account. First of all, it is unclear what is not enough. This is 100 g or 1 a glass of hot tea? Only the second variant can be acceptable, since in this case a vasodilating effect appears, but there is no intoxication. So you can remove the effect of a headache without harming the body.

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It is important not only the quantity of alcohol-containing beverages, but also what exactly they drink after vaccination. Strangely enough, but the most harmful is beer. First of all, it is a non-natural fortified beer, which is a diluted vodka with a taste of beer. Natural and expensive beer has several other properties. In another situation, it would be useful, but it contains substances that promote the deposition of kidney stones, as well as female sex hormones, which are in the cones of hops. In addition, beer is usually drunk more than other alcohol-containing beverages. As a result, it turns out that a person drinking 0.5 liters of beer consumes alcohol in amounts equal to 50-100 g of stronger liquors. So, in terms of its consequences, there is no difference between beer and, for example, vodka. Best of all 10 days to refrain from any use of alcohol-containing beverages.

Opinions on the admissibility of alcohol use differ not only among those who experienced this vaccination, but also for physicians. The range of statements is very wide: from complete prohibition to full resolution of everything and everyone. However, one always needs to understand that serious body tests fall to the body, and there are also new toxins from alcohol.

As for the current tendency to resolve everything, even smoking to pregnant women and nursing mothers, one should remember: every person has only one organism. Anybody else will not be given out in any clinic. Do not test it for strength: the more diseases, the more difficult it is to be treated.

4 What else can not be done after vaccination with

First of all, people are worried about the question of when it is possible to wash after vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis. The variety of answers in this case is also surprising. Many sites are full of information about personal experiences such as "washed, and nothing happened."So after all, not all bitten by the tick are affected by encephalitis. According to statistics, about 5% of those who get themselves out of this lover of someone else's blood become infected.

It is not recommended to swim in the first 3 days after vaccination. This is due to the fact that the space around the injection often not only hurts, but also inflames. Hot water can activate the inflammatory process, which leads to an increase in temperature, the appearance of edema and other unpleasant symptoms.

To be precise, the prohibition extends not so much to body washing as to the thermal and mechanical effect on the injection site. Until this place is still swelling and painful sensations, it is better to limit washing your body in parts. The ban on bathing is not that big. For 3 days of abstinence from full-fledged water procedures, nothing terrible will happen to you, but you can protect yourself from the consequences.

Encephalitis is a very dangerous disease, and the vaccine is the most painful. Observe all precautions, and your body will say "thank you" to you.

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