Cal( stool) with colitis and blood in it

Options, when there are coprological changes in colitis, a lot. When there is a dyspepsia of fermentation type, attention is drawn to the sharply sour smell of stool, as well as to a large number of starch type grains and fiber. The chair is preferably liquid, possibly with an admixture of foam. Chemical studies of feces in colitis are carried out only after a three-day diet with complete exclusion of meat was sustained. The reaction of the stool, which is determined with litmus paper, is predominantly acidic. If you stain the stool with Lugol's solution, the microscopy will reveal enough number of starch cells and a lush iodophilic flora that is dyed blue.

A stool with a colitis of a liquid or mush brown type with a fetid odor may indicate that there is putrefactive dyspepsia. In feces an alkaline reaction is observed. During the diagnosis, a 3-day diet is also maintained, after which, with microscopy, the remains of undigested striated muscle fiber will be found.

Coprolitous mucosal colic in colitis will manifest itself in the impurity to the mucus stool having a tube or tape shape, which causes its hypersecretion and spastic colon status. In mucus there is a sufficient number of eosinophils, Charcot-Leiden crystals, and in some cases a large number of crystals of calcium hydrogen phosphate.

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Fecal analysis for colitis

In the case of constipation, a colpic analysis in colitis will reflect the fact that motor intestinal activity has slowed down, and its digestive capacity has been increased. For constipation, it is typical that cellulose or starch disappears, and along with this, there is no iodophilic flora.

Coprological examinations in patients with colitis that suffer from false constipation give results that the feces dehydrate when observing an accelerated passage through the cavity of the large intestine. In this case, starch and fiber will not be digested and are in too large a quantity in the composition of the feces, where the mass of the stool can correspond to or exceed the norm. False diarrhea is completely opposite to this, and with it a coprological pattern is observed that is characteristic of constipation, but with a decrease in stool weight.

A liquid stool in colitis can reflect the condition in which hypersecretion is located in the colon cavity. In the case of functional diarrhea, the stool is watery or mushy, and at the same time symptoms of fermenting dyspepsia are manifested. If the inflammatory process in the cavity of the colon is attached, impurities of the puerid mucus, a coprogram, will be detected in the stool, which will be characterized by an increased content of leukocytes, mainly simultaneously with red blood cells. The reaction to the protein is positive, and is determined by the Guaffon method. If a rectal biopsy is performed, no pathological changes are detected.

Undoubtedly, blood in the stool with colitis is very common. Symptoms that can supplement the manifestation of blood in the secretions are expressed in false urges to defecate with the usual temperature regime of the body, and also the appearance of painful sensations. In this case, ulcerative colitis is suspected. But the chronic type of the disease is characterized by prolonged constipation with subsequent volume excretion of feces, with the appearance of blood and mucus.

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