Frequent urination with hemorrhoids, pressure on the bladder, does it affect the genitourinary system?

Many people who are faced with the problem of proliferation and inflammation of the hemorrhoids, are concerned about such a phenomenon as frequent urge to urinate. With hemorrhoids, this physiological factor is by no means a rarity, as experts comment. But it is not connected at all with the inflamed cones pressing on the bladder, since this is impossible due to the anatomical structure. The reason for this pathology is simple enough. Developed in inflamed nodes, pathogenic putrefactive bacteria enter with a blood flow into the prostate, provoking the development of prostatitis - a hemorrhoid-associated disease. Its main symptom is frequent urination.

There is a second reason for this phenomenon. It is that this pathology is always accompanied by constipation, and to eliminate them, doctors recommend increasing fluid intake. This leads to overflow of the bubble and frequent urge to visit the toilet. Once such a diet is over, permanent visits to the toilet will stop, but reduce the amount of liquid you drink only after consulting a specialist. If in the first case, only men suffer from such a problem accompanying inflammation of the nodes in the rectum, in the second case it is inherent in representatives of both sexes.

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Many are also interested in the question of the effect of hemorrhoids on the genitourinary system. It is the same as in the case of frequent urination, indirect. If a man, especially men, has cones full of blood in the anal canal, the muscles of the groin and perineum that stiffen during intercourse will press on them, causing strong painful sensations. This affects the emotional state, and as a consequence, the violation or complete disappearance of the potency. In addition, hemorrhoids contribute to the fact that in the genitourinary system, accompanying diseases develop that affect the potency in a direct way. So, against the background of hemorrhoids, as already mentioned, prostatitis often develops, which worsens the quality of sexual life and promotes the appearance of frequent urge to urinate.

Urination after hemorrhoid surgery

Based on medical practice, the frequency of urination after hemorrhoids in men and elderly people is dramatically reduced, and in some cases, a prolonged delay in the emptying of the bladder can occur. But this functional disorder should not be feared, since it does not carry a threat and is temporary. Most often on the second day a person releases the bladder on his own. Only in 2 out of 10 cases there is a need to install a catheter into its canal.

Due to the fact that hemorrhoids do not put pressure on the bladder, but have only an indirect effect on the frequency of urination, when these negative symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist. Only he can find out the true cause of the problem, and, accordingly, choose the most appropriate method for its elimination. This will help to avoid the development of more unpleasant pathologies. To identify the prerequisites that provoked a situation of increased frequency of urination with inflammation of hemorrhoids, patients are primarily assigned to a laboratory study. It will also be necessary to perform a sigmoidoscopy. It is this method of diagnosis that allows you to identify or exclude oncology of the rectum - a frequent complication of neglected internal hemorrhoids, in which urination can also become more frequent. The doctor will appoint the further treatment proceeding from the received results.

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