Pink lichen or Zhibera's disease: diagnosis, treatment, symptoms, signs

Pink lichen or Zhibera disease refers to common skin diseases with characteristic flaky pink spots. Inclination to the disease is present in women and youth, but there is absolutely nothing to happen to pink lichen. Call the virus can be deprived of virus or it develops on the background of weakened immunity, with the adherence of the common cold.

And this article is designed to tell you about the causes of the appearance and treatment of pink Zhibera in a person, the symptoms and diagnosis of the disease, and give useful advice.

Features of

Disease Roseola scaly starts sharply with a rounded spot on the skin of the trunk or on the limbs, which appears sporadically. Has a diameter of 2 cm or more, pink in color. The main spot or maternal patch in the central part gradually turns yellow and cornified cells begin to peel off from it.

A few days after the first spot on the skin, along Langer's lines, there are multiple oval pink spots in the form of medallions of 0.5-1 cm with a red border. The lateral surfaces of the trunk, back and shoulders are more exposed to the rash. Spots are located apart and do not merge with each other.

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If you do not follow certain recommendations: frequent washing, use of skin irritants, as well as excessive sweating of the rash may not disappear after a month. The duration of itching and the plaques themselves depends on the patient's history of allergy.

Young people from 20 years are more often ill. Lishay can run chronically and become aggravated in different seasons. Spring and autumn have a negative effect on the condition of patients with pink lichen. It is at this time that they have a large number of lesions.

. How does Zhiber's pink diarrhea, infectious( contagious) or not and is treatable, will tell the video below:

Causes of

There are no exact causes of the disease. The main theories of the origin of pink lichen, referring to infectious erythema, are:

  • bacterial infection;
  • viruses.

To confirm the data, tests were performed and the patient was administered a vaccine with streptococcal antibodies. Developed allergic reaction indicates the presence of an agent in the body.

Frequent respiratory-viral diseases encourage the development of pink lichen. At the initial stage, the infection is important, and then it goes to the allergy.

Pink lichen in humans

Symptoms of pink depriving

Basically, 50-80% of patients diagnosed with Zhibera's lichen are found on the skin of 1 or 2-3 plaques of bright pink color. They have a flaking surface and a large size of up to 5 cm in diameter. Often, the mother plaque appears on the chest, and soon after 7 days of rash cover the abdomen, hips, groin area, shoulders, arms, legs and neck.

Spots grow in diameter, but are located separately from each other. The center turns yellow, and the stratum corneum begins to peel off with the formation of small scales.

Up to 50% of patients are noted for mild itching or do not complain at all about disturbing sensations. In a quarter of patients, the itch becomes obtrusive, the skin is significantly damaged. This occurs when allergic reactions and with neuro-emotional stress. Small increases in body temperature, weakness, increased submandibular and cervical lymph nodes are observed in some patients.


The main diagnostic measure is a thorough examination of the patient. Characteristic rashes do not give rise to doubt the statement of the correct diagnosis. In rare cases, differentiation is carried out with eczema and psoriasis, measles and rubella, trichophytosis and a secondary period of syphilis.

  • The examination is conducted by a dermatologist, the method of dermatoscopy is used.
  • For prolonged periods, a skin biopsy is used and a histological analysis of the material is carried out.
  • Soskob and bapsose are necessary for infectious complications.
  • Some patients are shown luminescent diagnostics with suspicion of pityriasis.

On how to treat and how to cure pink zigzira in an adult human or child, we will tell below.

Diagnosis of pink Zhiber's hair loss is discussed in this video:

Treatment of

Most doctors believe that a typical pink lichen does not need active therapy, since it can pass by itself.

  • It is recommended to diet with the exception of products that cause allergies.
  • It is necessary to limit the use of alcohol and smoked products, pickles and marinades, coffee and chocolate.
  • Water procedures are also recommended to be eliminated for the duration of treatment, they can lead to complications and the spread of the process.
  • Do not recommend using cloves and rubbing the skin with a towel.

Therapeutic way

  • The wearing of wool and synthetics should be avoided.
  • Do not use makeup for the body during an exacerbation.
  • Patients should limit their stay in direct sunlight.

For ointments and other drugs in the treatment of pink hair loss in humans, read below.

By medicamentous method

  • When spreading to a large area, patients are prescribed antibiotics for prophylaxis and antihistamines.
  • Locally apply suspensions based on water and oils and creams with hormones to relieve itching.
  • In the early days of the disease, acyclovir and erythromycin are used for the speedy recovery and elimination of complications.

Prevention of the disease

Preventive measures are to eliminate bacterial and viral infections in the body.

Complications of

Foci of lesions sometimes occur with the development of inflammation, which leads to pyoderma and folliculitis, a gradual transition to eczema may occur.


The prognosis of the disease is favorable, but with severe scratching and significant skin damage, bacterial infections can be attached and complications developed.

The pink lichen Zhibera during pregnancy is considered in this video:

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