Ringworm: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Methods

Ringworm is a very contagious infectious skin lesion caused by the pathogenic fungus Microsporum and Trichophyton. From the name of the fungus the disease is known as Trichophytosis and Microsporia, Dermatomycosis, Dermatophytosis and Dermatophytosis. Nails and hair are also involved in the process. Microsporia is transmitted to humans from domestic animals, and trichophytosis is located only in humans. We deprive children and adolescents more often, and the problem itself appeared even in ancient times.

Species of fungi were isolated and classified only in the 30s of the 19th century, and a century later appeared effective drugs to combat them. Previously, the disease was subjected to poor people living in adverse conditions. And today let's deal with you, how dangerous and how ringworm in an adult and a child looks like, how to treat it on the head and body.

Features of the disease

Pathogenic fungus causes trichophytosis, extending to the nails, feet and palms. Adults are covered with red spots with scaly peels on the face and neck, hands and torso. Places with marks can cause severe itching.

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Ringworm( photo)


Ringworm happens:

  • superficial;
  • chronic;
  • is infiltrative-suppurating;
  • follicular( abscess of the scalp)


  • With , the
    • surface form on the head has round foci, where the hair grows. They have uneven edges and sharply separate from healthy skin. Foci cover scales in the form of gray or white bran. Bubbles and crusts appear outside such areas. Hair begins to break off a centimeter from the root. Hair looks caked and surrounded by a touch, there can be no sensations, but aesthetically affected areas look unattractive.
    • When the process occurs on smooth skin , it can flow independently or with the involvement of the scalp. The spots that appear on the skin may be pink or red, usually round in shape. Soon, the stain begins to resemble a ring.
  • In the chronic form of , lichen passes under an undiminished superficial.
    • More often this form is observed in adult women. It is characterized by weak manifestations and long-term development. Peeling is practically non-existent and there is no acute inflammatory process. In the basal area on the head there are black dots, indicating a disease. This is a sign of breaking off the hair due to a fungus attack. When there are places of peeling, they have a bluish tint and atrophied skin.
    • The process on smooth skin seizes the hair of the dog, and the foci can be covered with plates without certain edges. Their favorite places are the joints of the lower extremities, buttocks and lower legs. The body reacts poorly to the disease, because the process is sluggish. Patients note detachment and brittleness of the nail plate, tuberosity appears.
  • With , the infiltrative-suppurative form appears painful round nodes that appear after foci in different parts of the body. Inflammations are of an obvious nature, sometimes with suppuration.
  • Lesions of the scalp are called follicular abscess with single foci that hide behind purulent crusts. The follicles are affected and hair is easily loosened and falls out. Foci occur in the area of ​​the beard and mustache. Sites with a purulent lesion are painful. Plaques with crusts disappear after a few weeks, leaving pigmented areas.

If the fungus hits the nails, they become uneven and dull. Cross-section or longitudinal grooves may appear on the nail bed. Nails crumble, and at the edges of jagged. This form has frequent relapses.

The specialist in this video tells about the peculiarities of ringworm:

The causes of

The fungus Trichophyton tonsurans was first identified many decades ago. Its name is directly related to its ability to hit the hair. Mushrooms that parasitize a person, cause the appearance of superficial and chronic ringworm. And zoophilic forms cause infiltrative-suppuration lesions of the skin.

  • Infection occurs after contact with a sick person or hygiene items, with hay and soil, after contact with the animal.
  • More often the disease occurs against the background of reduced immunity and violation of personal hygiene, with long-term care for animals and damage to the body's outer covering( scratches, abrasions, burns).
  • Promote the appearance of depriving chronic diseases and beriberi.

About what ringworm in children and adults has symptoms and signs, we will tell further.

Symptoms of

Ringworms appear on the body of the diseased with ringworm. Elements become visible a few days after infection, their color is pink or red, they can itch and very much. Near the spots are formed bubbles, after which remains the crust and foci of peeling. If there is hair in the affected area, they break and fall out.

Symptoms depend on the form of the disease and pathogen, affects this and the general condition of the person. Doctors allocate localization of rashes:

  • skin of hands and feet, feet, palms and hands;
  • trunk;
  • fingernails and toenails;
  • axillary cavities;
  • inguinal folds;
  • skin of the face;
  • skin of the scalp.

Diagnosis of ringworm on the body, face and head of a child and an adult is discussed below.


To establish the diagnosis of ringworm, a primary examination of lesions by a specialist in the field of skin diseases is necessary.

  • For inspection, you can use a Wood lamp emitting ultraviolet light.
  • To clarify the diagnosis, it is possible using a bacteriological study of scraping. Take hemp hair and scales of the skin from the focus of inflammation for the presence of fungi. With ringworm, microbiological analysis reveals fungal spores.


  • When the disease is localized, the hairline is differentiated with alopecia and favus.
  • Cutaneous ringworm skin is to be distinguished from eczema and psoriasis.
  • Chronic form is differentiated with candidiasis, acne, exclude psoriasis and eczema nails, as well as red lichen planus.
  • Deep ringworm in humans can be like staphylococcal sycosis, iodine and bromoderm, ostiophalliculitis and phlegmon.

For ointments, pills and other remedies for ringworm, read below.

Diagnosis and treatment of ringworm are described in this video:

Treatment of ringworm

The main goal in the therapy of ringworm is to fight the causative agent of dermatomycosis - fungus. The treatment plan is made by a dermatologist. This may include ointments, gels and creams, shampoos and sprays, as well as antifungal drugs for oral administration.

The main active ingredients of creams and shampoos are:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Clothrimazole;
  • Mikokonazol;
  • Mikoseptin.


  • In the morning recommend treatment with a 5% solution of iodine, and in the evening preparations based on sulfur and tar, salicylic acid.
  • You can prepare Vidal's milk according to the prescription. It consists of alcohol and salicylic acid, camphor and glycerin, added boric acid and lotion with sulfur.
  • Simultaneously with antifungal agents, vitamin therapy and stimulation of the immune system are added.

However, the treatment of such a disease is possible and at home. Further rassomtrena prevention of ringworm.

Prevention of disease

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to identify foci of the disease in a timely manner and isolate the infected representatives.

  • Carry out disinfection of personal belongings, systematically examine children in children's institutions.
  • Warn that it is better to avoid contact with homeless animals and observe personal hygiene rules. It is necessary to take vitamin complexes in the autumn-winter period alone or after consulting a doctor.
  • Urban services should identify and treat sick animals.
  • Regular sanitary cleaning of premises with chlorine-containing disinfectants will be useful.
  • If domestic dogs and cats live in summer cottages, they must be inspected with a Wood lamp for trichophytosis.
  • And do not forget about proper nutrition.

Complications of

After ringworm, complications, both mild and severe, can occur. Everything depends on the pathogen and the degree of neglect of the skin lesion, on the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. If the treatment does not start immediately, or if the fungus is deeply affected by the hair follicles, there is a possibility that the hair may not appear more in these areas.

It does not harm health, but it brings considerable discomfort to a person in the aesthetic sense. Therefore, for any suspicions of lichen, start right treatment immediately and do not expect that the disease will pass by itself.


Usually, ringworm does not pose a danger to life and after complete cure, the skin and hair are restored. But with an inflammatory or purulent process that joins the infection, a person is threatened with permanent hair loss. Often this leads to bald spots and bald patches on the head.

On the features and manifestations of ringworm in children will tell the video below:

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