What is chronic pulpitis, symptoms and treatment of exacerbations of the disease?

1 The main provoking factors of the disease

In order for the development of this disease to occur, there are only two factors, this is the presence:

  • in the tooth of the open cavity;
  • is not cured acute process.

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Often, chronic pulpitis occurs due to a tooth injury. The forms of this disease can cause pathogens and products of their life activity, as well as deep caries, its wrong treatment, namely:

  • poor cleaning of the cavity of caries;
  • violation of tooth processing technique;
  • poor-quality seal and other.

In some cases, pathology can develop as a result of blockage of channels by salt stoppers or penetration of microbes through the apex of the tooth with various jaw, facial and general diseases. In such a situation, the pulp inside gradually degenerates, namely:

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  • fibrous tissue is formed;
  • grows or the bundle of nerves and vessels dies down to the point where they filled the carious cavity.

Often with this type of disease, signs are not expressed at all, and in some cases the tooth does not hurt at all, so many do not ask for help in time. A limp or asymptomatic course of the ailment will eventually make itself felt and the best thing that can happen is an exacerbation of chronic pulpitis, when the pain becomes unbearable. The worst option is periodontitis, which, if you do not seek medical help, leads to cysts or complications:

  • flux;
  • abscess;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • sepsis.

Most people go to the hospital because of fear of losing their teeth.

2 Classification and symptoms of pulpitis

This disease has certain symptoms:

  • the presence of an inflammatory process affecting next to the aching tooth and gum;
  • sometimes pulp bleeding;
  • destruction of hard tissues of a diseased tooth;
  • occurrence of pain with some exposure, for example, when chewing food.

Chronic pulpitis is divided into:

  • fibrous;
  • is hypertrophic;
  • gangrenous.

Fibrous is the transition phase from acute to chronic. The fact is that this disease develops quite a long time. During this period, there is a significant growth of connective tissue and an increase in the response of a sick tooth with severe pain to all the irritants.

Symptoms of fibrous appearance, these are pains:

  • from hot, cold, sweet, frosty air, long not disappearing even after the irritating factor has been eliminated;
  • arising from the transition from frost to a warm room.

Chronic hypertrophic disease is common in people of young age. In this form, the crown is destroyed. Complaints of the patient are associated with bleeding, which occurs when chewing, pain, if solid food gets into it. In some cases, the appearance changes. Inspection confirms the filling of a full or partial carious cavity with an overgrown tissue.

Symptoms of this kind of illness are associated with this plus the presence of bleeding. Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis does not lead to the reaction of the aching tooth to changes in temperature.

Purulent is a precursor of chronic gangrenous. As a result of the presence of purulent formations, the tissues located side by side begin to die. This leads to the appearance of a hideous smell from the mouth. Unlike other species, in this case the cavity in the affected tooth is very large.

Symptoms are associated with a person's feeling of heaviness and a feeling of raspiraniya, accompanied by pain. In this case, the affected tooth is particularly sensitive to temperature changes. The doctor begins to treat chronic pulpitis after the exact establishment of its shape and degree of injury.

3 Causes and treatment of pathology in pregnant women

Pulpitis in pregnant women is often enough. This is due to the fact that pregnancy leads to a change in the hormonal background. Future moms have food preferences, immune system weakens, saliva reduces their protective properties.

And since pulpitis is a very neglected caries, it can well lead to the emergence of foci of infection. In inflammatory processes of pulp, pathogenic microbes and toxins are absorbed into the blood, which then spread throughout the body as a whole. The result of such a process will adversely affect the health of the future mother and child. The psychological and emotional state of the pregnant woman significantly affects the condition of the baby. There is evidence that toothache contributes to a change in the negative side in human systems and organs. For example, severe pain can lead to a huge release of some hormones that adversely affect the fetus.


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In the detection of chronic pulpitis, treatment in pregnant women is performed, taking into account the biological characteristics of her body. In these situations, there are some nuances that must be taken into account. So, the second trimester is the most safe and suitable time for visiting a dentist. However, in the presence of indications, therapeutic procedures can be fully implemented in other periods, because any inflammation can adversely affect a child's health. Before you visit a dentist, you need to go to a consultation with the leading pregnancy gynecologist. A prerequisite is to report to the dentist information about his situation.

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Chronic pulpitis in pregnant women is treated with safe materials and means without the use of anesthesia. If it is impossible, modern drugs are recommended - anesthetics, which do not contain adrenaline.

4 Methods of treatment of teeth

In dentistry there are two ways with which you can cure pulpitis. Biological treatment is carried out in those cases when:

  • there is a traumatic form of the disease;
  • in the treatment of caries accidentally opened the pulp cavity.

In this situation, the pulp retains its vital capacity. The doctor, after making local anesthesia, removes diseased, diseased tissue. Then he puts a medicinal paste and seals the carious cavity. The treatment procedure can be performed in one or two visits.

Surgical intervention will be necessary in case of irreversible damage to the pulp. In this case, the dentist removes the nerve under anesthesia, as well as the tissues that are affected. Then, the channels are preprocessed and sealed. After that the tooth cavity is sealed. For children and people who can not tolerate anesthesia, drugs that kill the nerve are used. Such remedies contribute to the fact that you can treat without anesthesia. In order not to wait for the development of chronic hypertrophic pulpitis and all other types of inflammation, so that all teeth are safe, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance, which includes proper nutrition and thorough hygiene. If you find the slightest suspicion of caries, you should visit the dentist as soon as possible.

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