How to check for hemorrhoids, proctologists, how to touch the hemorrhoidal node, is it painful to check?

Faced with some disease, a person immediately applies for qualified help in the clinic. Unfortunately, there is such a common ailment as hemorrhoids, with which some patients do not dare turn to the doctor.

It should be noted that only a doctor can correctly diagnose. This is due to the fact that diseases can differ in their form and stages. Before contacting a doctor, you need to check for yourself whether there is hemorrhoids.

The patient should pay attention to the following changes in the body:

  • Deficiency of defecation;
  • Itching in the perianal region;
  • Burning in the rectum;
  • Blood clots in stool.

If such symptoms appear, it is best to go to a medical facility, as only experts check the hemorrhoids. Otherwise, serious complications will soon appear.

Check for hemorrhoids

Many patients do not know which doctor checks hemorrhoids. We can say about the delicate problem in the registry, and they will be sent to the right specialist. Such an ailment is a common disease, therefore the proctologist is engaged in its diagnosis and treatment.

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If a specialist for some reason does not exist, which doctor should he choose so that he can check hemorrhoids? With the diagnosis can handle a surgeon. Patients would like to know how the doctors check hemorrhoids. It's simple, the surgeon is mainly engaged in visual and rectal examination. As for the proctologist, he can resort to the following types of diagnosis:

  • Colonoscopy;
  • Irrigography;
  • ultrasound.

As a specialist checks the presence of the disease with special equipment, he will provide a more accurate analysis than the surgeon. Another diagnosis is a check of the hemorrhoids to the touch.

Patients are afraid to visit the department of proctology, because they do not know if it's painful to check hemorrhoids. It should be noted that everything depends on the method of diagnosis. In some cases, the examination is painless, in others, the patient experiences discomfort or pain. If during the diagnosis there were unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to tell about it to the doctor, and also to change a pose.

Study of hemorrhoids

To understand whether there is a violation, the patient should know what to touch the hemorrhoidal nodes. Having such information, you can understand whether it is worth going to a specialist.

So, cavernous sacs are enlarged, blood-filled blood vessels. Most often they are located around the anus. They can be easily noticed during a finger examination, especially if they go beyond the rectum.

Nodules covered with thin skin, as well as mucous membranes. Externally have a round shape, so visually resemble a small tumor. If you check the hemorrhoids for touch, you can see that it is soft and elastic. In the event that an inflammation of the nodule occurs, then it becomes dense to the touch.

Knowing how to touch the hemorrhoidal node, you can determine the neglect of the disease. Also pay attention to the color of the pouches. In the initial stage they have a pinkish-blue hue. With complications, cavernous formations become purple, and sometimes even black. In this condition, the patient may feel pain while touching.

If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, cavernous formations will fall out of the rectum. At first, after the end of defecation, they will return to their place, but eventually they will have to be inserted independently. It should be noted that at the last stage, cavernous education can be corrected only by a specialist, and the procedure will be rather painful.

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